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Everything posted by LittleHurt05

  1. QUOTE (Brian @ Nov 17, 2009 -> 10:37 AM) The fight is between
  2. If these deals do go down, thats great news!!! There obviously wont be money for everyone now, but I agree 100% that the Swedish Hammer needs to stay. I dont care where Barker was drafted, I'd choose Hjalmarsson over him easily.
  3. QUOTE (lostfan @ Nov 17, 2009 -> 09:11 AM) Ravens D isn't that good this year to be honest. They have the same misconception about themselves that the Bears have, that is, people outside of the fanbase assume they're good because they've been over the past several years, when there's actually been a steep dropoff this year. They looked good because they were playing the Browns. I was thinking the same thing, people still give them credit for what they were in the past. Looking at the stats though, they are 5th in the NFL in pts allowed/game and 7th in yards/game. Despite the CIN/ARI debacles, the Bears are somehow 10th in the league in points allowed/game. But they are 19th in yards.
  4. didnt get to watch HIMYM last night, but sounds like its gonna be a damn good one... finally caught last week's Ruins episode, it was entertaining, nothing special. But looks like tommorrow's should be good, and that someone who just earned a free trip to the finals is about to earn himself a free trip home instead...
  5. QUOTE (kev211 @ Nov 17, 2009 -> 02:24 AM) A little something to add to the ISU-Illini debate. SIUE coach after playing ISU two days after they played Illinois. "“We fouled their bigs because we couldn’t contain them a lot. We got outmuscled inside,” said SIUE coach Lennox Forrester, a former Bradley and Evansville assistant. “I know Illinois is long and athletic (inside), but I thought Illinois State’s big guys were just as physical or even more physical than Illinois.” Yep 1% chance of ISU beating Illinois sounds about right. I concur
  6. its crazy to think, they are playing very well, they are in first place, and they still get to add Marian Hossa to the lineup in a week or two...
  7. QUOTE (ZoomSlowik @ Nov 11, 2009 -> 11:36 PM) Well, NU's tournament chances just took a big hit. Kevin Coble injured his foot. No diagnosis yet, but early reports range from several weeks to the whole season if he needs surgery. Carmoday said yesterday Coble is out for the year, gonna try to convince him to redshirt so he can play next year. They also lost senior Jeff Ryan with a torn ACL. So much for NW's first NCAA bid ever. There are now three bad teams in the Big Ten
  8. After the Jazz were in town a few years ago, he also said "Forget that Lebron James guy, I'd rather have Deron Williams any day of the week". So lets not take anything that he says as a valild sports opinion.
  9. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Nov 11, 2009 -> 10:15 AM) Big signing day for Illinois. Can't wait to get Richmond, Leonard and Head on campus. Lots and lots of talent coming to Champaign. Definitely. Congrats to Weber, way to haul in the big recruits in and hold on to them come signing day, b-ball future is looking promising. Hopefully now we can end all the "Weber can't recruit" talk and get back to the "Zook can't coach" talk.
  10. QUOTE (SoxAce @ Nov 12, 2009 -> 11:18 PM) Trading that second rounder for Gaines Adams might really be a make or break for Jerry Angelo. I'd feel alot better with this team and it's holes from the draft, if we actually had a second round pick. Not saying Jerry won't be trading to possibly obtain something.. but as of right now picking in the third round still isn't quite the same. Has Gaines Adams even played yet?? I havent heard his name once during the last two games
  11. QUOTE (Sonik22 @ Nov 13, 2009 -> 01:33 AM) I don't even want to go to the game next week against the Eagles. McNabb and his receivers are gonna light our secondary up all day. I can't support this team. I hear ya on that. Just thinking about the blitz packages the Eagles love to bring too, that game could get ugly on both sides of the ball
  12. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Nov 12, 2009 -> 09:04 AM) I must be in the minority here. I can't stand the magazine. Besides the occasional story (once, maybe twice a year), the rest of the magazine is worthless. Why do I care about bmx racing, surfing, x games, the bodies of unattractive women that look like men? I hate "Stu" Scott and the majority of their writers. And just in general the tone of the magazine sucks. It's the same tone they have on E:60 - some sort of pompous arrogance where they think whatever they say is the greatest thing ever written/said (E:60 is worse because of that stupid camera work and the black/white washouts they do inbetween segments). The only thing worth checking out is their league previews and fantasy coverage. I agree completely. I got the magazine off old airline miles and keep it now for ESPN Insider, but I usually dont even read it. I dont care what Mike & Mike predict for the season or who Kenny Mayne hangs out with. Not the biggest fan of SI magazine either, but I think SI.com is the best website for articles/analysis. They might not have as much as espn.com, but its way better, as long as you can get past Peter King's ass licking of Brett Favre.
  13. Larry Johnsons not gonna help the Bears win any games, but I just wonder why they keep going with two active RBs. When the other AP got hurt, they went with only Forte & Wolfe for a few games. Now with Wolfe hurt, I am sure they go Forte/AP and no other RBs for a few games. Think it would be a better idea to have a third RB dressed.
  14. "Even though we're similar academically, we're in a little different boat as Stanford and Notre Dame. We've been consistently winning since 1995. They're still saying they can do it, but we're doing it." --- Northwestern coach Pat Fitzgerald
  15. QUOTE (balfanman @ Nov 11, 2009 -> 07:43 AM) So why couldn't we do this? I brought this up a week or so ago. We have been dreaming up scenarios for Gonzales for a couple of weeks now and if we could get Gonzales then we could get Votto. We have a G. M. who thinks big and knows how to get things done. It would depend, as always, of what the other team thinks of our available players. If we take back one of their big contract pitchers would something like Hudson, Flowers, Nunez, AA prospect, A prospect for Votto, Hurang/Arroyo work? with the Rios/Peavy trades, KW has already said that we dont have money for a big FA signing this winter. How would we be able to take on a big (and bad) contract like Harang/Arroyo??? Our #5 spot in the rotation is already taken care of cheap with Garcia/Hudson, why would you pay your fifth starter $7-8 million for the same production?
  16. Doesn't like KW's recent moves to the line-up, and isnt scared to mention it. His FA targets are all too pricey or old DH's, none of which I expect the Sox to look at. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2009/writ....central/1.html
  17. QUOTE (MHizzle85 @ Nov 10, 2009 -> 12:16 AM) My Power Rankings halfway through the season. 1.Saints 2.Colts 3.Vikings 4.Patriots 5.Cowboys 6.Steelers 7.Bengals 8.Broncos 9.Eagles 10.Falcons I like your top picks, I think I would definitely include the Ravens in there (all 4 losses are against teams in the top 7), and probably lower the NFC east teams 1. Saints 2. Colts 3. Vikings 4. Patriots 5. Steelers 6. Bengals 7. Cowboys 8. Ravens 9. Falcons 10. Broncos I think the Chargers end up passing up the Broncos, but they already lost to them at home, so cant put them higher on the list
  18. Dear Rashard Mendenhall: As a fellow Illini, I greatly appreciate you carrying the football team to a Rose Bowl a few years ago, so this is hard for me to say...but f*** you for not getting in the end zone on any of those last three runs. My fantasy team lost by 3 points. LittleHurt05
  19. anybody watch that Seth & Alex's comedy hour show in between the two family guys episodes last night?? what a piece of garbage that was. i love watching family guy but like none of those skits they did were really that funny at all
  20. QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Nov 8, 2009 -> 07:01 PM) 959 rushing yards, 6 touchdowns, 6.7 YPC, and 162 receiving yards and a receiving touchdown too. There are running backs I would take before Chris Johnson, such as Adrian Peterson, DeAngelo Williams, and maybe Steven Jackson (though he missed 8 games between 2007 and 2008), along with a few others. But going into the game today, Chris Johnson was leading the NFL in rushing with 824 yards, and he just put up 135 more while getting in the endzone a couple more times. This season, Chris Johnson is better than your running back. i can agree with that, i'd rather have other running backs but yes, this season Chris Johnson has been better than your running back my personal top five: 1. Adrian Peterson 2. Steven Jackson 3. Frank Gore 4. Chris Johnson 5. MJD
  21. QUOTE (SoxAce @ Nov 8, 2009 -> 05:48 PM) Hell of a long shot regardless.. but just to have everyone's pants creamed alittle.. From Vercey and the NY Post. this whole Lebron thing might be the most interesting part of the 09-10 season, especially if the Cavs struggle. I think the whole living up to MJ's legacy thing would keep Lebron from Chicago. The one thing that would get him here is Derrick Rose going crazy this year and showing him that he can help him win multiple rings
  22. QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Nov 8, 2009 -> 06:22 PM) At the end of the day, the Sox traded a bust of a prospect, a solid but limited 2Bman for ~$2 mill 3Bman who is a slight upgrade, moves Beckham over to a slightly more natural position at 2B, and opens up a 40-man roster spot. I don't understand why anybody is really making a big deal out of this either way. And even more so, if the Sox find any type of outfielder capable of starting - because Quentin can move to RF and it'll be an upgrade defensively, and if Rios moves to RF because the Sox got an even better defensive CFer, even better - or find a 3Bman, and they'll be fine. I know Williams said that Teahen is set to play 3B, but that probably just means he has his sights set on a certain player, and if he doesn't acquire said player, they'll look at other options. You know we are bored when a small trade like this gets almost 1000 posts. so true...in the end, this trade will probably have no effect on whether or not the white sox win the world series
  23. QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Nov 8, 2009 -> 12:09 PM) I'm so glad ND lost. I want him fired. i am so glad ND lost as well, but I dont want him fired...if he is fired then ND might have a chance of becoming relevant again
  24. QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Nov 8, 2009 -> 05:50 PM) Chris Johnson is better than your team's running back. Rams fans disagree as well
  25. QUOTE (whitesoxfan99 @ Nov 7, 2009 -> 12:39 PM) Where the hell has this Illinois team been all year? I realize Michigan and Minny are bad teams but still. Watching Charest throw instead of Juice makes me feel the same way when I saw Cutler in a Bears jersey...its nice to have a real QB
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