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Everything posted by LittleHurt05

  1. and can a good team please trade for Stephen Jackson and save him from STL? Watched some of that game today and he has to be the 2nd best running back in the league, just too bad hes stuck on that suckfest of a team, would love to watch him on a good squad
  2. look on the bright side...Browns come to town next week, 4-3 here we come! and disregard that they still have @Balt, @Min, @Sf, GB, Phil, Min, Ari on the schedule
  3. benched the Steelers D since they were playing the Viqueens and started Carolina facing Buffalo and Patrick Fitzryan, probably gonna cost me the week
  4. what about Randy Williams? he got Mauer & Morneau out, if you dont believe me, just ask Hawk
  5. QUOTE (SockMe @ Oct 25, 2009 -> 10:57 AM) Illinois continues to disappoint week in a week out, im cheering for Iowa to win the B10 now! thats disgusting. i'll root for the big 10, but never ever will I root for the Idiots Out Walking Around read at your own discretion Illini fans, makes me even happier b-ball starts soon... http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2009/writ...zook/index.html
  6. QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ Oct 23, 2009 -> 03:12 PM) He sucked at baseball for the Chicago White Sox. Also, why did Girardi let Swisher bat there? He's been terrible this series, especially with RISP. I'm not sure what their bench was like at the time, but you have to do something there. Girardi's a terrible manager. Swisher does suck, but his only other two options were Jerry Hairston and 3rd catcher Cervelli. Maybe you roll the dice with Hairston, Jr, but I dont know
  7. i think this deal with adidas actually provides all athletic apparel for every sport at the university, not just basketball & football.
  8. QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Oct 23, 2009 -> 01:28 PM) On a a side note, is Marcus any good? think hes supposed to a little better than Jeff, so to answer your question, no
  9. Sports Guy Bill Simmons came out with his NBA preview today, picks the Spurs over the Celtics in the Finals. Seems a lot of people dont like him, partly cause of his pro-Bostonness, but his NBA analysis is pretty damn good and hilarious. His book all about the NBA comes out Tuesday, thinking bout buying it, should be good. http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/page2/story...mp;sportCat=nba
  10. you are attending a university that is paying for your education for you to play basketball and represent the school. put on the damn adidas and shut up. Its supposed to be about the school & university, not about what logo you are wearing or who is paying you to wear what
  11. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Oct 22, 2009 -> 02:13 PM) Thanks Mr Obvious, you're a lifesaver! ouch, tough crowd...
  12. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Oct 22, 2009 -> 11:49 AM) Tinoisamoa is done for the year. He was good for the 15 or so plays he was on the field for this year. he did look good the few minutes he was out there. Would be way more confident in the Bears with a Urlacher/Briggs/Tinoisamoa LB core, instead of the Briggs/Roach/Hillenmeyer group playing now..
  13. QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Oct 21, 2009 -> 11:02 AM) Everytime I watch Swisher, I think about all the tools on this site (yes, I said it) that still back his play. The guy is a f***ing loser, cokehead and I'm so glad he's the f*** out of Chicago. I remember talking to an A's fan, when the Sox traded for Swisher. I was excited, but he was just as excited to see him out of Oakland. I didnt get why he wanted him gone, but he told me, just wait til he starts playing for your team. Now I know why he hated him so much, i agree with you 100%
  14. QUOTE (G&T @ Oct 21, 2009 -> 09:14 AM) That's what Meg Griffin would look like if Family Guy weren't animated.
  15. http://theproducers.weei.com/sports/boston...ple-ever-learn/
  16. QUOTE (DrunkBomber @ Oct 20, 2009 -> 09:32 PM) I 100% legitimately have my roommate convinced that there was a specific reason for choosing the teams for the game in London and it was to showcase to the rest of the world what the US (Patriots) will do if threatened by Pirates (Buccs) in real life because they knew the Patriots are going to kick the s*** out of the Buccs in the game. He is currently searching online to see if its true. I wish I had been recording this because it was gold. does your roomate have a smoking problem?
  17. QUOTE (G&T @ Oct 20, 2009 -> 08:25 PM) Another missed call by the umps on Swish at 2nd. and a missed call gets Swisher out for tagging up too early from 3rd...which he clearly didnt. umpiring has been unbelievable this postseason
  18. QUOTE (whitesoxfan101 @ Oct 19, 2009 -> 10:44 PM) You know people are going to be saying they wouldn't be 6-0 with Cutler since he turns the ball over and all of that other BS. Kyle Orton has clearly found the absolute perfect situation to be in. Despite that, the Orton meatheads are going to be UNBEARABLE here tomorrow, which sucks. I think Dan Bernstein's head might actually explode today on the radio from the Orton meatheadness....
  19. Why does Hamilton really have no chance to get an NHL team? Cause if they get one, then Toronto is gonna want one too
  20. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Oct 16, 2009 -> 12:30 PM) Easily, he's the most dominant force on that team right now. as a Bears fan, I am not looking forward to the Jared Allen/Orlando Pace matchups coming later in the year
  21. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Oct 16, 2009 -> 10:44 AM) Really, Pedro in game 2 for the Phitins'? I figured they'd throw out Lee, he's on normal rest. I guess putting him in game 3 lines him up to pitch game 7 also. Lee pitched on Monday, so he'd only be on 3 days rest if he pitched today
  22. if anybody from the Vikings deserves an MVP vote, I think I might go with Jared Allen so far this year
  23. QUOTE (rangercal @ Oct 16, 2009 -> 08:07 AM) espn mvp watch http://espn.go.com/blog/nfcwest/post/_/id/...dos-mvp-watch-4 Cutler 5th Orton 7th Ced Benson 9th i barely recognize Orton in that pic without the neck beard Favre 2nd and AP 10th??? i already take no stock in this list cause its football retarded
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