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Everything posted by LittleHurt05

  1. can't believe i'm the last person to post in 3 different forums
  2. and Brad Lidge is 3 for 3 in postseason saves...hope the Dodgers can stop giving up so many runs and take this series
  3. Sean Connery SNL skits are the best... this is turning into a good game, we will see if Lidge comes out for the bottom of the ninth for the Phils...anyways, Broxton is a beast
  4. I dont want to see Buehrle traded at all, but I havent even seen discussed which teams would even want to trade for him. He's a #2/#3 pitcher with 2 years/$28 mil left which is lot, especially in todays times. I dont think he really is trade bait now anyway, so lets enjoy the fact that we have Peavy/Danks/Floyd in front of him and lets win another WS.
  5. Like everyone has said, Nashville is bad, and we have two more games vs. them in the next two weeks, which is nice Hjalmarsson is an underrated key to the team, and I think he has helped Campbell play better Our offense has looked awesome, have been outshooting everybody, and Hossa gets added to the lineup in a month...wow
  6. for all the differing Huet/Campbell sucks factions, being at the UC the last week, I think there is one player all Hawks fans love to yell at/laugh at.........Brent Sopel
  7. QUOTE (smalls2598 @ Oct 15, 2009 -> 08:06 AM) The Score mentioned that the Hawks last Penalty Shot goal was in 1987. Does anyone know if that is the longest current drought? i heard that on the way to work this morning too and thought it couldnt be right. A quick Yahoo search turned up that April 11, 2009, Dusty Buffs made a penalty shot against the Red Wings in Detroit. Actually won the game with 28 seconds left in the 3rd. That same article says that last penalty shot before that was Alexei Zhamnov vs. Buffalo on 12/13/02. Maybe it is supposed to be penalty shot goal at home??? actually, just found this link with all of their penalty shots. Troy Murray in 1987 was the last made penalty shot at home http://www.blackhawkzone.com/history/penaltyshots.php
  8. Heading to south bend this weekend, should be an interesting game. First time all season Clausen has faced a real defense, and Weis probably needs a win to save his job. ND's defense is pretty sub par, but Barkley is still a freshman and Johnson is out. Although, with all the 5-star talent USC has at RB, that shouldnt hurt them too much. Going with the wife and some of her family and friends, mostly all USC fans, which works well with my ND sentiment. Fight On!
  9. QUOTE (Jimbo's Drinker @ Oct 12, 2009 -> 09:58 PM) KU is bringing in a monster group of players for Late Night in the phog Harrison Barnes (#2 2010) Josh Selby (#4 20101) Doron Lamb (#21 2010) Beal, Josian Turner (#56 2011) JP Tokoto (#4 2012) Beal's not going to KU anymore, going to Alabama State instead. That would be a huge recruiting upset! actually, his brother plays football at Alabama St., just going to watch him play
  10. one of the SI writers at the start of the season picked the Hawks to win it all, solely based on the fact that he expects them to make a trade for a #1 goaltender during the season...
  11. Last day of UEFA qualfying today. Not too many races left, and looks like most of the teams that have to win have easy matchups against last place teams, like Portugal vs. Malta, so shouldnt be too many surprises. The Argentina vs. Uruguay matchup tonight should be a good one, both teams trying to qualify and avoid the playoff vs. Honduras/Costa Rica Poland is solidly in 5th place in their group, but thankfully they already qualified for Euro 2012
  12. Thats awesome, congrats. The wife is trying to get me to run a half marathon next year with her in Vegas. Right now, running 3 or 4 miles on the treadmill is enough, so we will see what happens with that...
  13. Two summers ago, I lost my cell phone on a drunken stumble home from a local watering hole. The next day my buddy received a call from the guy who found it and I met up with him. I dont remember the exact quote, but when I meet him, first thing he says is something like, "I'm not trying to be greedy, but I'm using my free time to bring this to you, and I didn't have to give it back." I was gonna offer the guy $20 anyway, but I was like wow, he didnt give it to me until I gave him the money. Once I have my phone, I look up my old calls, and turns out the guy had spent like over 4 hours calling an adult chat/dating line. I had free weekends so it didnt cost me anything, but an interesting move on his part
  14. so basically these Tribune creditors get screwed out of their money, so the sale can be made easier and be more convenient???
  15. with Rivers on a bye, I had picked up NeckBeard to start this week. Just before noon, yahoo's front page had a headline that inferred it was snowing in Denver and it would make it hard for the QBs. Seeing this, I picked up Derek Anderson instead. Yes, the Derek Anderson that went 2-17 for 23 yards. I was happy to later see the weather in Denver was snow/rain free. Luckily, my opponent is up like 70, so I wouldnt have had a chance with Orton anyway
  16. QUOTE (daa84 @ Oct 12, 2009 -> 05:26 AM) i'm going to pull a dennis green here ....i know it was preseason (but who treats the 3rd preseason game like its bulls***? bulls***!?!) but the bears handled the broncos on the road in the 3rd game, and destroyed the giants in the somewhat less important second game....i know preseason is preseason, but given the fact that those teams are a combined 10-0, and it was in the 2 most important preseason games, and that the 1st team crushed their first teams....i at least think its noteworthy the lions were 4-0 in the 2008 preseason
  17. like I said in the Dodgers/Cards thread.. I like Matt Kemp baseball
  18. glad we got the two points, at the game it feels like Huet will be the scapegoat Campbell was last year, just constant booing... but when Hjarlmsson(?) is on the ice is when our defense looks good
  19. QUOTE (zenryan @ Oct 11, 2009 -> 02:20 AM) lol@ Iowa fans for rushing the field after they beat Michigan. Come on fans, your team is ranked in the top 15 and you were 8 point favorites. Plus Michigan isnt even ranked! What a joke. they are iowa fans, you expected better???
  20. the worst thing about the call is that they have LF/RF umps in the playoffs just for that type of call. It wasnt a 3B ump like over 100/150 feet away. It was the LF ump who had the ball bounce like 25 feet in front of him. The ball was a foot fair, dont know how he missed it Either way, glad to see the Twins getting beat, especially Mr. Gomez and Cabrera
  21. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Oct 9, 2009 -> 09:52 AM) It's one game, on the road, against a damn good team. This will be a nice little jolt for the Hawks to realize that even though ESPN and SI pick them to win the Cup, they have to do the work. a damn good team that just lost a key player for at least four months...Franzen tore his ACL in the game last night
  22. QUOTE (Brian @ Oct 8, 2009 -> 11:59 AM) RR/RW: Ruins has been phenominal...in the trashy sort of way. i love that show....pure entertainment in Bill Simmons newest column he debates why october is the best sports month and adds the Ruins to the list of sports, hilarious http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/page2/story...=simmons/091009
  23. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Oct 8, 2009 -> 03:14 PM) This article and accompanying photo made me giggle http://www.sportsbybrooks.com/the-hangover...wins-alds-26394 I'm sure they said, we are throwing Brian Duensing (who?) out there vs. CC in Yankee Stadium...hungover or not we are gonna lose....lets get wasted like we're Miggy Cabrera
  24. I'm not sure how much LT has left, but with the way McGahee is stealing TDs and carries from Rice, the move might be worth the risk
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