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Everything posted by LittleHurt05

  1. Oh no!!!!!!!!!!!!! http://www.dailyherald.com/story/?id=327788
  2. nominations were due Feb 1, 2009, so he was in office for around 10 days when people nominated him for the award....
  3. QUOTE (whitesoxfan101 @ Oct 8, 2009 -> 11:26 PM) 12-0 Mizzou going to the 4th, Nebraska outscores them 27-0 in the 4th. It's been a while since i've seen a game take such an incredibly drastic turn in the final stanza. it was 12-0 when I went to take the dog for a walk, I come back and Nebraskas up 8... so much for my solid pick of Mizzou +3.5
  4. at least Jose finished the inning with the lead... blanton & happ pitched today, happ got hit with a line drive, looks like its Pedro in game 3
  5. Brian Anderson made the BoSox's ALDS roster...BA and Joey Gathright are the 4th & 5th OFs
  6. Mizzou is a 3.5 point dog tonight home vs. Nebraska....considering the success home teams usually have on these Thursday ESPN games, I'm thinking the Tigers are a good bet
  7. QUOTE (Sonik22 @ Oct 7, 2009 -> 10:16 PM) Hawks just traded Johnson to the Flames for LW Kyle Greentree...I guess that solves it haha good, not gonna miss him one bit. bad, slow defenseman have no place on the blackhawks
  8. QUOTE (iamshack @ Oct 8, 2009 -> 02:50 AM) Where is the $10 million to sign Abreu going to come from? My guess is we are already starting off 2010 about $5-8 million in the red... after how much hes helped the Halos this year, hes not gonna come cheap, and I think chances the Sox can spend the $$$ to sign him are slim to none
  9. Craig Sager's suits are just ridiculous....
  10. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Oct 7, 2009 -> 12:56 PM) On the other hand, DET's bullpen isn't exactly loaded with solid arms, and if you take our Rodney, you go to some scrub who will probably fail. My point isn't necessarily that it was the right call - it was that this idea that it was CLEARLY the wrong one is ignoring the full picture of the situation. very true, the question came down to who is better, Rodney at 80% left or whatever other scrub was in the bullpen (did they use Perry or Seay?), either call could have lost them the game look at the Twins, they were forced to throw Keppel out there, who got as close to giving up runs as possible, I'm sure gardy wasnt confident with him out there, but it worked out
  11. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Oct 7, 2009 -> 12:26 PM) Not sure if you noticed, but DET was nearly out of pitchers, and this was a truly do or die game. So, if Rodney still has his stuff, then you definitely keep him in there until he shows signs that he is running out of gas. the problem is, in a tie game in extra innings, by the time you might notice he is running out of gas, the Twins will already be on a plane to New York
  12. our 163 was a better played game as there were some big mental gaffes last night that could have cost each team the game - Raburn turning Cuddyer's blooper into a triple - Granderson getting caught off 1st in the 9th - Casilla not being ready at 3rd as soon as Raburn caught the fly ball
  13. QUOTE (G&T @ Oct 7, 2009 -> 11:46 AM) The jersey is part of the player's body. So it is a HBP if it hits the jersey. The problem is that Inge wears a huge jersey so the ball wasn't really that close to him as compared to other players. Since it barely grazed the jersey, I can understand not seeing it hit. Remember, the ball is going 90mph and the batter is turning. It's not an easy call unless you can hear it hit the jersey, which would be difficult in the dome with all the people. thanks
  14. couldnt find it in the thread, does anybody know what the actual MLB rule is regarding HBP??? Does it actually have to hit the player? Or can it hit the jersey and not the player and still be a called HBP?? Maybe Marsh saw it graze the jersey but knew it didnt actually touch Inge and so he didnt call it...
  15. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Oct 7, 2009 -> 09:30 AM) Wow, they were giving Brendan a lot of snaps on defense. The Bears wanted no part of that yeah, thats why he left, they only wanted him as a special teams player and were only willing to pay him as one, albeit as the best on in the league. I think the Ravens offered more opportunities ($$$$$$$$)
  16. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Oct 6, 2009 -> 04:06 PM) Kotsay If we had Konerko, Nick Johnson, & Kotsay to fill our 1b/dh spots next year, I'd be all for it, as long Johnson didnt cost too much
  17. whos gonna play 1b/dh during the 30-60 games he misses due to injury?
  18. and Juice is benched, Eddie McGee to start this weekend vs. MSU
  19. QUOTE (bigruss22 @ Oct 3, 2009 -> 05:44 PM) Im done with Zook. Get a new coach in after the season. you think Benn is still happy about choosing UI over ND & USC, especially after watching Golden Tate go for 200+?? i'm starting to realize why Florida was so quick to dump Zooker, i think he gets at least another year cause of the Rose Bowl season, but I dont see any light at the end of the tunnel...thankfully Bruce Weber figured out how to recruit, so we can look forward to bball season
  20. QUOTE (greg775 @ Oct 4, 2009 -> 12:03 AM) Even if the Tigers survive this, no Verlander for Game One. That is something the Tigers will regret. I still think they win the division; but no Verlander in Game One. Not good. game 2 is gonna be Friday, so they can have Verlander for a game 2 & a possible game 5....obviously games 1 & 4 would be better for them, but its not as bad as it seems, they have to win at least one without him pitching either way
  21. it turns out that finale in the Metrodome where Becks & Paulie hit 2-out homers off Nathan is looming large...the Twins should have a one game lead
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