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Everything posted by LittleHurt05

  1. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Sep 24, 2009 -> 02:18 PM) And BTW you're in the minority. Most Chicagoans don't want the Olympics here. I want them as far away from Chicago as possible, but it seems like everyone I talk to thinks I'm an idiot and says how awesome it would be if the Olympics were in Chicago
  2. QUOTE (striker62704 @ Sep 24, 2009 -> 12:26 PM) Contrera, Linebrink and Colon combined for 26 losses or just under 1/3. Just by having quality 4/5 starters should help some. But then you have to look at how we sucked with RISP Those 3 guys didnt really underachieve, they are just old and bad. KW took a chance that they would still have something left and be good and it didnt happen, and thats on him. The only players that I think truly underacheived by a large amount this year were Dye after the All-Star Break & Rios for the month or so we have had him. Also, Quentin underacheived from last year, but he has always had a problem with staying hurt, thats why Zona gave him to us. Maybe 08 was a fluke, and this is the real CQ? I'll add Jenks in that too, he definitely should have been better
  3. QUOTE (TitoMB345 @ Sep 24, 2009 -> 08:55 AM) Buehrle kind of exploded after his perfect game. I don't recall many (if any) dominating games since then. What the hell happened? His career ERA & WHIP are 3.81 & 1.27 This season he is at 3.95 & 1.27. I would say he just regressed back to his career norms, although his ERA is just a bit higher than normal
  4. QUOTE (Lemon_44 @ Sep 24, 2009 -> 06:23 AM) I think KW will dangle Mark Buehrle this off season and see if he can net a big time player in a deal for him. The rotation could still be pretty nice with Peavy, Danks, Floyd, Garcia, and Hudson. There are alot of NL teams(i don't think KW would deal him to an AL team) that seem to be perfect fits for MB and the Sox could land a key everyday player in return. The teams that jump out to me that would covet a guy like MB and could afford him are the Dodgers, Cardinals, Mets, Braves,Astros,and Brewers. I'm not saying MB could net any of these guys straight up but he could definitely make them more attainable in a mutli-player trade.They all have young players that are extremely productive: Dodgers-Kemp Mets-David Wright,Felix Martinez(KW seems to covet him). A sick stat:the Mets HR leader,Murphy, this year has 11. Cardinals-Rasmus, Ludwick Braves-Escobar Astros-Pence Brewers-Fielder, Braun,Hart, Hardy I'm not up on other teams farm systems so i don't know what kind of prospects they have. The one AL team that i could see KW dealing with is Tampa. Could MB and Jenks get a Carl Crawford/Upton? I think you are greatly overrating MB, especially since hes a 30-something pitcher making $12 million. The Mets are not trading David Wright. The Brewers want to trade Fielder cause he will cost too much, why would they add the $12 milion contract for an older pitcher. Ryan Braun??? Trading him would get a GM fired immediately, his contract extension was like 8 years, 45 mil. Doesn't MB have a no-trade clause as it is???
  5. From the Trib, good to see Flowers isnt playing again... Podsednik, CF Beckham, 3B Pierzynski, C Konerko, 1B Kotsay, DH Ramirez, SS Quentin, LF Getz, 2B Rios, RF Danks, P
  6. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Sep 22, 2009 -> 12:49 PM) Booo at the injury, Burrish had that Badger intensity you just cant teach. Is that anything like the fire and passion that Aaron Rowand has??
  7. just found out it on espn, out six months with a torn ACL http://sports.espn.go.com/chicago/nhl/news/story?id=4494469 Jack Skille, your table is ready
  8. QUOTE (whitesoxbrian @ Sep 21, 2009 -> 04:03 PM) Same here. I can't wait to hear the artificial sound...I mean 12th Man...live. I want to see if Qwest is louder than Lucas Oil; that place was rocking last year when I saw the Bears play in Indy. Had some friends go when the Bears were there a couple years ago. They said they were impressed with how loud it was, but they also said it seemed like many fans were more interested in being the 12th man and yelling as loud and as much as they can, then actually caring about the Seahawks and the football game. We will see, definitely excited to head out there
  9. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Sep 22, 2009 -> 11:06 AM) Adam Burrish is probably out for the year after having knee surgery today. Whoa. Hadnt heard anything about that. Did he just get hurt or is it from an old recurring injury??
  10. With the injuries, this is definitely a very winnable road game for the Bears, and with Detroit coming to Soldier Field the next week, they should be looking at 3-1 headed into the bye week. I'm making the trip out to Seattle for the game this weekend, see what the whole 12th man BS is truly about, hopefully watch the Bears bring home a victory, should be a good time.
  11. QUOTE (kitekrazy @ Sep 21, 2009 -> 12:46 PM) Hendry needs to go. He's made a lot of bad contracts. from SI.com, he has two of the five worst FA signings last offseason http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2009/writ....html?eref=sihp
  12. Whats the deal with this world cup tournament? Is there an age limit? If Wasserman is there, I guess its not amateur only. Its during the MLB season, so it cant be taken too seriously, since so many teams are missing their best players.
  13. QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Sep 18, 2009 -> 12:56 PM) 3-run homers to be exact defense, pitching, and the 3-run homer. Earl Weaver was a pretty smart guy that may be true, but how did they win game 1 & 2 of the ALDS, and games 2 & 3 of the world series???
  14. QUOTE (Jenksy Cat @ Sep 18, 2009 -> 02:34 PM) Have you not seen the schedule after these 3 games? Its possible to win 6 in a row after Seattle. Another win against Det, split GB and Minn. 10 wins should be doable. God what is with the f***ing fans here, we're gonna boo our franchise QB on his first incompletion Sunday and give up on the season after 2 weeks. I love it Det Atl Cin Cle Ari Sf Phi Min Stl The most popular athlete in Chicago has been and always will be the Bears backup quarterback
  15. QUOTE (greg775 @ Sep 18, 2009 -> 03:18 PM) How's big Jim Thome been doing in LA? Anybody have his exact stats? How can he be happy pinch hitting? 1-6, 3 K, 0 BB got a single in his first at bat, nothing since He can be happy pinch hitting, cause every night he has a nightmare of Joe Table costing him a ring in 1997, and the only way to stop it is to win one now and the Dodgers are a tad bit closer to doing that than the Sox are
  16. QUOTE (ChiSox_Sonix @ Sep 18, 2009 -> 02:41 PM) Pods - LF Beckham - 3B AJ - DH PK - 1B Kotsay - RF Alexei - SS Getz - 2B Wise - CF Castro - C I really have no problem with Q/Rios/Dye sitting. They've been s***. It is disappointing that we're running Castro out there still instead of giving Flowers a shot though These are the big freaking changes Ozzie was talking about, inserting Wise & Castro, wow, Detroit & Minnesota must be so scared of the run we are about to go on!!! Flowers better get at least one start this weekend...
  17. QUOTE (nitetrain8601 @ Sep 18, 2009 -> 01:09 PM) Briggs named a captain, yet he doesn't get to call plays for the defense. It goes to a backup. NFL is weird like that. Sapp was on the NFL network yesterday I think stating that Urlacher's position is not really important in the Cover 2. It's Tommie, Lance, and Aflalava's positions. He basically said, what you got from the MLB, as long as not out of position, is icing on the top, and Urlacher made a ton of cakes(that's my paraphrase). Anyway, what happened to Jamar Williams? yesterday on the score they said that Nick Roach would be the 3rd starting LB, but that Jamar Williams would get in on some plays as well. Williams plays all 4 phases of special teams, so that might limit how many plays he is in as linebacker
  18. Pods LF Slayer 3b AJP C Paulie DH Kotsay 1b Dye RF Alexei SS Getz 2b Rios cf
  19. Anderson 3-run bomb, 8-0 Royals Are we gonna be able to win a game this weekend?
  20. Harden done for the year Sounds like it might just be a case of being bad, not hurt
  21. Found this cool website that shows how tough it would be to take the division now, we have to go 13-3 just to have a 50-50 chance of winning it If we finish: % chance of playoffs 16-0 99.7% 15-1 95.4% 14-2 79.1% 13-3 49.5% 12-4 18.1% 11-5 2.8% 10-6 0.1% 9-7 or worse 0 http://www.sportsclubstats.com/MLB/America...l/WhiteSox.html
  22. QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Sep 17, 2009 -> 06:46 AM) Hard to come up with many teams in more need of starting pitching than the Brewers. If I'm Doug Melvin and Kenny comes to me about the availability of PF, I demand John Danks. So in other words, ain't nothing happening here, IMO. Yup, I think a deal with Fielder would start & end with Johnny Danks. They would want quality young pitching, that they could throw in the rotation today, cause they want to win now. All the trade talk with the Giants seems to center around Matt Cain.
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