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Everything posted by LittleHurt05

  1. Erik Bedard = Javy Vazquez with injury trouble
  2. looks like they have put a curse on themselves with the Washburn trade, pulled after one inning, four runs vs. KC today
  3. QUOTE (kev211 @ Sep 15, 2009 -> 01:02 PM) And remind me again why we're mad about facing Pittsburgh? The more games vs them the better. Totally, I'd much rather play @ Pittsburgh & Washington then @ Philly & NYM, that could be a two or three game swing in our record easy
  4. Good to see our two NL road series are against the two worst teams in the league. The Cubs series are both back on the weekend. 7 of the last 10 games of the year vs. LAA & Boston means we have to clinch the division early next year
  5. QUOTE (Wise Master Buehrle @ Sep 14, 2009 -> 04:55 PM) Well that was a fast football season. Call me crazy, but I'm not particularly a big fan of a sport that has such a high probability of injury. If I wanted to watch all my favorite athletes get hurt, I'd just watch the MMA or UFC. I watch football for football, but the game is just too flawed in it's design. Nothing good is ever going to come from a bunch of 250+ lb guys running into each other, jumping into each other, and piling up on top of each other. That's not football, that's how gorilla armies would fight each other. Anybody here follow rugby? Thats the most similar game to football and I wonder if they have anywhere near the same amount of injuries football does? And they dont wear pads either.
  6. He texted the Trib beat writer. Great news... http://blogs.chicagosports.chicagotribune....ist-injury.html
  7. Losing Urlacher is definitely gonna hurt, but their two deepest positions are LB & TE, so I think it could be OK with losing Tinasoma & Dez Clark. They lost the TO battle 4-0, gave 3 free points on Mannelly's audible, and yet still had the lead with 90 seconds left, so thats a positive from the game. The secondary looked a bit weak, but if they can get the pressure on the QB they did yesterday, I think the defense can be good. Cutler had some bad throws, his receivers didnt know how to finish routes, but he also made some throws that Orton could never dream of making. It would have been nice to win, especially with two tough games looming the next two weeks, cant afford an 0-3 start
  8. Pods DH Beckham 3b Konerko 1b Dye rf Alexei ss Quentin lf Nix 2b Rios cf Castro c With Castro catching MB again, how about another 27 up, 27 down outing
  9. About the time of the perfectly mediocre homestand vs. KC/BAL, then the giveaways in Boston, I figured this team was done. But I dont what it is, but the last week has given me renewed optimism. Lets keep it up Sox, get the deficit down to 2 or 3 when Detroit comes to town, and then take care of business!
  10. Thought it was a cool idea for an article and was interested until I saw the name Gene Wojciechowski and immediately pressed the X in my browser window.
  11. Fisk played much longer, 13 seasons and was a catcher, but Dye was the World Series MVP for a franchise that hadnt won it all in 88 years...
  12. NBC Sports restocked every teams rosters by placing every player with the team they originally signed with. White Sox are #25, and I think it shows how bad we have drafted but how good of a job KW has done at getting rid of our bad talent and getting the top talent from other teams. Seattle is ranked #1. White Sox: http://bases.nbcsports.com/2009/08/restori...te-sox.html.php Rankings: http://bases.nbcsports.com/2009/09/restori...eattle.html.php
  13. Thinking about all the close games we lost in the 2nd half, all the times we had trouble scoring, if Dye had hit just in between his 1st half and 2nd half numbers for the last two months, I think we would could be only like 2 games back now, not 6.5, especially with all the time he spent in the 3-hole
  14. Joe McKnight could be a dark horse, especially since USC figures to run a lot since they are so good at it and they start a freshman QB
  15. I hate ND with a passion and have since I was a little child. I cant stand the way the Chicago media is all over the team like its Chicago's only college team. Also, growing up on the NW side, there were all these Irish Catholics that were barely smart enough to get a high school diploma, that claim that Notre Dame is their university, although their only affiliation is their nationality/religion. Luckily, I married into a USC family, so my ND hatred goes well with them.
  16. Good for Jose, wish him the best, looking good, only gave up one homer to Ryan Howard, aka Brandon Allen
  17. wow, costa rica goes from 1st to 4th after a home game, good for Mexico. group is looking very interesting...a win over T&T on wed. would be nice, make it much easier
  18. LSU/Washington is a great game so far, and with the new coach and Lockler healthy, UW looking way better than the winless team they were
  19. QUOTE (BigEdWalsh @ Sep 5, 2009 -> 02:30 PM) Thome with a pinch-hit single in his Dodger debut last night. I miss that guy. I saw that highlight. Seeing the entire crowd give him a standing ovation was awesome, gotta be the best guy in baseball. Hope they make the world series so he can be DH and hit a WS winning homer over the BoSox or Yankees
  20. good win for the US, especially being down one and getting a goal called back, but they definitely outplayed them Mexico up 3 in Costa Rica, gonna make these last 3 rounds interesting, Costa Rica was looking like a lock, now they might have to worry bout facing Argentina to get in
  21. QUOTE (bmags @ Sep 5, 2009 -> 06:48 PM) you knew he wasn't a good football coach, he's just a hell of a recruiter. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  22. Its official, the season has barely started and I am already so sick of Tim Tebow and ESPN's slobbering all over him...
  23. Friday - FF Draft then a BBQ Saturday - Illini, College FB & US Soccer Sunday - Arlington Park Monday - Recover while watching the White Sox finish the sweep of Boston
  24. Alex Rios = Brian Anderson Tony Pena = Ryan Bukvich Brandon Allen = Ryan Howard Mike MacDougal = Jon Papelbon Clayton Richard = Andy Pettite Wow, what a horrible job by our GM this year
  25. There ya go Torres! 7 scoreless!! Come on Matt & Bobby, lets shut these scrubs out!!!
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