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Everything posted by LittleHurt05

  1. Beckham reached on a double play, Podsednik out at third, Beckham out at second. What???????
  2. I cant believe college football is starting tonight already. Feels like it came out of nowhere. Think the Cutler trade & the interest in the Bears made me forget about it. Not sure what to expect from the Illini, think we can go 9-3 just as easily as we can go 3-9. Last year with Benn around, so hope Juice can figure out how to get em the ball a lot, and downfield too, not just screens and laterals.
  3. QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Sep 3, 2009 -> 11:28 AM) <!--quoteo(post=2004096:date=Sep 3, 2009 -> 11:12 AM:name=PeavyTime)-->QUOTE (PeavyTime @ Sep 3, 2009 -> 11:12 AM) <!--quotec-->Ozzie and Coop keep saying we are contenders, but when you run guys like Wise and Torres out there, you know it's BS. Wake me up when Flowers or Hudson get some PT so I can at least get a preview of the future. just for you Oh god, that song brings up memories of our late season swoon in 2005. My Cubs fan friends would always play it or bring it up when I was around. But thanks to Jose and the Rally Crede, we hung on and then won the WS!!!! WOOOOOO!!!!
  4. I just cant believe Peter King didnt pick the Vikings, the way he sucks up to Brett Favre every day and begs to bear his child
  5. QUOTE (JoeCredeYes @ Sep 3, 2009 -> 08:15 AM) 1. Hanley 2. Bartlett 3. Jeter 4. Asdrubal 5. Escobar 6. Aybar 7. Tejada 8. Tulowitski 9. Scutaro 10. Reyes when healthy 11. Rollins 12. Guzman 13. Theriot 14. Andrus doesn't have the numbers yet but he's 21 15. To make 15 I'll toss in Freddy Sanchez, who has played some SS. I'd only take 6 of those guys over Alexei without a second thought (Hanley, Bartlett, Jeter, Tulo, Reyes, & Rollins) You can have Theriot, Guzman, Sanchez, Scutaro, Tejada (5 years ago on the roids I'd take him) I'd could be convinced either way on the other ones
  6. QUOTE (Friend of Nordhagen @ Sep 2, 2009 -> 10:44 PM) I know it may surprise folks, but he felt apart in the 6th inning, in a game on the road that mattered. its probably cause his manager was mean to him
  7. QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Sep 2, 2009 -> 01:42 PM) THe problem i have is that NOTHING Daley ever does comes in at or under budget. So, a $4+ billion Olympic games will easily be $6-9 billion the way he and his cronies run things. So, in the end, the city of Chicago and of course Cook County will be left with a massive tax burden. That's my biggest issue. The city and county are run so well as it is, I see no way that the taxpayers dont end up footing the bill for a lot of it
  8. Adam Russell is 1-0 with 3 holds in 5 games with a 2.70 ERA and a WHIP of 2.40, batters hitting .333 against him
  9. QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Sep 2, 2009 -> 12:00 PM) I figured it was about to to reopen a 2016 Olympics thread as we draw close to the offical voting day. One month from today we will know who the host city will be: Chicago, Madrid, Rio de Janeiro or Tokyo Olympic Committee Report Finds No Clear Front Runner For 2016 Games I think it's a race between Rio and Chicago. My gut says Rio takes it in the end... and I am more than OK with that. Please Please Please Please Please give it to Rio, as far away from Chicago as possible
  10. Thanks for Game #163 Jim. Good luck in LA and hope you can get that ring that Joe Table blew for you in 97
  11. QUOTE (PeavyTime @ Sep 1, 2009 -> 09:57 AM) Slug-ball is when you sit back and wait for the 3 run homer. That is this team. In 2005, yeah we could mash, but we could also manufacture runs. Every year I can remember before and after 2005, he lived and died by the homer. Not in 2005 though, we won with pitching, defense, timely hitting etc. Thome is none of those things. ALDS Game 1 - we hit 5 homers, including two 3-run bombs ALDS Game 2 - we won on a 3-run homer ALCS Games 3 & 4 - 1st inning 3-run & 2-run homers gave us the lead we didnt give up and set the tone WS Game 1 - game winning run was on a homer WS Game 2 - the big hit was a grand slam, then a walk-off homer WS Game -3 - won on a 14th inning homer
  12. QUOTE (PeavyTime @ Sep 1, 2009 -> 09:26 AM) I know he had a high on-base. An I'm not making an argument. I didn't like him. We moved away from slug-ball in 2005 and we won it all. Then we moved back to it in 2006 and we went back to mediocrity. It's not a coincidence IMO. Give me guys who can run and play defense....not the complete opposite (Thome). In 2005 we still hit 200 home runs and were 5th in the leagues in HR. Around 9 of our 11 wins in the playoffs consisted of home runs being extremely important part of our offense. Just cause we had a fast leadoff hitter with 59 SBs, I wouldnt say we moved away from slug-ball. in 2006, we won 90 games, but just happened to be in the toughest divison in baseball that year, I wouldnt call that mediocrity.
  13. The last two months of 2005, it seemed like everyone was ready to give away our division to Cleveland, but every 5th day Jose went out there and refused to lose and carried us to the division and to the WS! I think it was like 20 straight starts without a loss or something. Thanks Jose, good luck in Colorado, and we'll try to not to remember your last two months in Chicago.
  14. Tampa puts up a six spot in the first against Detroit before Washburn could get a single batter out. That trade hasnt worked out that well for Detroit Go Sox!! End the Metrodome hell with a series win
  15. QUOTE (fathom @ Aug 30, 2009 -> 01:52 PM) This Mets team is so unbelievably bad. The Cubs have an extremely easy schedule the next two weeks, so look for them to get back into the mix for the Wild Card. And at the start of this extremely easy schedule, they went 3-3 at home against two bad teams, thats not gonna get er done.
  16. check out the 3B on the north side in between Santo & Aramis, they could only wish they had Herbert Perry at some point
  17. QUOTE (DBAHO @ Aug 30, 2009 -> 10:11 AM) San Diego ain't exactly charging towards the postseason themselves. or next year, or the year after
  18. wow, surprised he made it through waivers all the way to LA. due $8 mil in 2010, $12 mil in 2011, $13.5 mil club option in 2012 with 2.5 mil buyout. Contract is a bit pricey, but he can be pretty good
  19. I'm surprised a soxtalk member hasnt made a Gordon Beckham music video like this one...
  20. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Aug 27, 2009 -> 10:32 PM) Chris Young saids "hi!" ^^^^^^^^
  21. QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ Aug 27, 2009 -> 03:42 PM) Our old friend Mike MacDougal comes in to close out a 5-4 game with 1 out in the 8th... nationals win 5-4, macdougal is 14 of 15 in saves, ERA just under 2.00 for WAS. Why the hell couldnt he do that here???
  22. Our old friend Mike MacDougal comes in to close out a 5-4 game with 1 out in the 8th...
  23. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Aug 27, 2009 -> 02:35 PM) Heilman has been claimed off of waivers by an NL club, while Harden was claimed off of waivers by a mystery club. The Cubs have until Monday to work out trades. Heilman?? Wow, someone must be VERY desperate for a bullpen arm/depth. Harden could be intriguing, he could really help a contender needing a #3 or #4. Would the Cubs actually trade him away, telling their fans that they are officially giving up on the season?? Hes a free agent, so it would only save them a million or so, so it wont be for the money.
  24. QUOTE (sin city sox fan @ Aug 27, 2009 -> 11:29 AM) I really think the fault of the team playing "tight" is not on the manager....but rather the press and the fan base. When the city and the fan base is constantly saying "you suck" over and over, it puts a lot of pressure on the team and they tend to underperform. The greatest example of this is the St Louis Cardinals. Over the years, they've gone through a lot of personnel in the clubhouse. They've been managed by Tony LaRussa for many years (who is far being laid back and loose). However, their fan base has always supported them, always been behind them, and (for the most part) not been critical. This results in players being loose and creating a a good environment (that may players really enjoy playing in). If this team is ever to win another world series, it has to have a "loose" attitude again and become a clubhouse that players enjoy being a part of......however, I don't believe that atmosphere stems from the manager.....I believe it is created more by the fan base and the support (or lack of support) that it shows. If that was the case, then the Yankees would have never ever won a world series, cause that fan base is as critical as can be. The reason the fans are saying "you suck" is cause they are underperforming. No one was calling out JD in the first half, cause he was playing like an All-Star. But he has hit under .200 since the break, and that was not caused by the fan base. His underperformance has caused the fans to be critical of him. If a player cant handle the press/fans talking about how bad he is playing, then he needs to switch jobs or go sign with the Nationals where it doesnt matter anyway.
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