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Everything posted by LittleHurt05

  1. just wait til this afternoon when our Aussie friend Ryan Rowland-Smith (who?) shuts the Tigers down while Washburn gets a rude greeting from his old team, and the lead gets chopped down to 1.5
  2. If Jose can beat Greinke, maybe Snell can beat Verlander???? Go Mariners!
  3. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Aug 19, 2009 -> 03:17 PM) Ozzie playing matchups against DeJesus. gotcha. come on Bobby, making it easy for ya, only two outs
  4. QUOTE (knightni @ Aug 19, 2009 -> 03:08 PM) Pitchers are starting to figure him out a little more. yeah, Bannister definitely had something figured out, cause he made him look bad on monday
  5. Good work Thornton!! 3 more outs Bobby, and we'll be 3-2 vs. Greinke this year
  6. QUOTE (HeGone33 @ Aug 19, 2009 -> 02:09 PM) Does anyone else get these Joe Cowley twitter updates? This guy is a douch, mr. negative who thinks he's a comedian........ Totally. he is on B & B a lot, and most of the time he seems more concerned with being funny or showing off who he talked to instead of just reporting on the sox like he supposed to
  7. QUOTE (elrockinMT @ Aug 19, 2009 -> 01:44 PM) Dadgummit all when PK's shot off Soria got caught at the wall last night, Hawk was about to say it but just stopped himself and all we got was a "Dab.."
  8. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Aug 19, 2009 -> 01:36 PM) I'll guess 4th inning before he has a meltdown. All this talk reminds me of the Javy Vazquez era, where he would be cruising, and you would just know the meltdown was coming soon, just waiting for it...
  9. QUOTE (Thunderbolt @ Aug 19, 2009 -> 11:21 AM) I also give him credit for handling the Wise sitiuation like a pro. He did handle it like a pro, although he did hurt the team by trotting out a AAA player out there way too often
  10. QUOTE (2OutRally @ Aug 19, 2009 -> 09:53 AM) The lineup... pods 8 beckham 5 jd dh pk 3 aj 2 q 7 rios 9 ram 6 nix 4 Can Podesednik not play right field??? Rios should be in center everyday, hes so much better at it than anyone else
  11. The last two times we faced him we scored four runs each and won the game. Unfortunately, we had Danks pitching both of those games, not Jose.
  12. QUOTE (BaseballNick @ Aug 19, 2009 -> 08:09 AM) Cesar and I were the left side of the infield for two years at Mt. Carmel It was great to see him get his first win in the bigs. Congratulations Ceaz! Congrats to him. Was he a sox or cubs fan growing up???
  13. 75 pitches thru 4, i'd be surprised if he makes it through the 5th the way he is laboring
  14. how many more times this series is hawk gonna mention 1/30th of a second??? stone wont even respond to him
  15. QUOTE (SoxFan1 @ Aug 18, 2009 -> 08:20 PM) I'm going to set the over/under on Nix giving Hawk blue-balls at 10. What ya got? lol its almost as bad as when williams get morneau and mauer out the first time he pitched
  16. nix crushes one foul...seems like we have hit a lot of foul home run balls the past week
  17. and seattles got 2nd 3rd no one out, heart of the order coming up...
  18. good to see PK & JD starting to hit again at the same time, especially with the tough road trip looming
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