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Everything posted by LittleHurt05

  1. QUOTE (greg775 @ Aug 2, 2009 -> 11:17 PM) That really puts the Cubs in good position. It's worrysome to me also that Detroit has played three fewer games than us. They have nothing to lose in those games. I wonder how important that cubs-sox makeup game will be in September? Could be an emotional game. I would think they have everything to lose in those games, since the sox wont be playing, they have to win or they will lose ground in the race. People talk about games back in the loss column, but you cant just assume that a team is going to win those extra games. The Cubs have those 5 extra, but going 3-2 in those games only gains half a game in the standings. If both teams are in heated races in September, that makeup game could definitely be the most intense sox-cubs game since interleague play started.
  2. QUOTE (BearSox @ Jul 31, 2009 -> 08:35 AM) He loves to drive the ball the other way. Most of his home runs are left of centerfield. And if pulls the ball, well, Fenway park is probably the worst place to be for a left handed home run hitter. Why is that? Isnt the right field corner super close with like a 4-foot tall wall? Wouldnt that make it easier?
  3. QUOTE (SoxFan1 @ Jul 30, 2009 -> 03:37 PM) We should have traded them Randy Williams. If you would have asked Hawk last night during the game, I dont think he would have given up Williams straight up for Halladay
  4. I would prefer Getz in there, but after the offensive display we have shown in the past 7 games, I guess we might as well try anything
  5. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jul 30, 2009 -> 03:11 PM) Sox vs. NYY: Kotsay 8, Beckham 5, JD 9, Thome dh, PK 3, AJ 2, Q 7, Getz 4, Nix 6. Floyd pitching. I agree that Podsednik could use the day off, but Kotsay leading off??? Really????I hope Posada's ready for some speed on the bases today!
  6. QUOTE (ChiSox_Sonix @ Jul 30, 2009 -> 12:02 PM) And the list is now at 4... Doesn't surprise me. Somewhat disappointing just cuz now I have to deal with all of my Yankee$ friends talking about this non-stop for the next month and upping their obnoxious levels by a few notches. Considering their 04 team had A-Rod, Giambi and Sheffield on it, and the teams that won WS in the previous years had Clemens & Pettite, I dont know how much talking they should be doing either
  7. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/07/31/sports/b...tml?_r=1&hp This is just funny how they keep leaking one or two names at a time. We all know most sluggers at the time were on the juice, just release the list already and get it over with...
  8. QUOTE (chw42 @ Jul 29, 2009 -> 05:37 PM) I thought it was Mark DeRosa that was their version of Rowand? Mark DeRosa didnt dive all over the place and constantly crash into walls to make the fans think he was better at defense than he actually was. I guess Johnson & Rowand work out together in the off-season so I guess it would make sense why they are both like that. Although you are right, when DeRosa & Rowand got traded, the fans thought they were the sole reason the teams struggled, which was obviously wrong.
  9. Reed Johnson, Cubs fans version of Aaron Rowand, breaks his foot, out for a month
  10. Its one thing to trade for a Happ, who has proven he can pitch in the majors, or even Drabek, who is at AAA and so close. Knapp is 18 years old, and I dont care how highly touted he is, he is still a LONG way from the majors, and a lot of weird stuff can happen, like injuries, or it can just turn out he was overrated the whole time.
  11. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Jul 29, 2009 -> 12:49 PM) Right now the Phillies have to be favorites to win it all. I still have issues with their pitching. Cole Hamels is not even close to pitching as well as last year. Joe Blanton has been pretty good, but can you trust him in the playoffs? Jamie Moyer is real old, Happ is real young, and Brad Lidge has made Bobby Jenks look lights out this season. Their lineup is high powered without a doubt, but I still think that pitching keeps them from being overwhelming favorites, even with Cliff Lee.
  12. Wilson has a mutual option for next year at 8.4 mil which I assume the Mariners will pick up, seems a bit high for a player as mediocre as him. Not sure what Snell's contract situation is, I assume hes under their control for a few years. Intersting deal for the Mariners, I think the Pirates are doing a good job of stockpiling talent for the future.
  13. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Jul 29, 2009 -> 10:55 AM) The amount of people saying the overlooking of Hossa's injury is "no big deal" is shocking to me. There's no way the front office knew about this injury at the time of the signing, despite what they say. True that. And how do you sign a guy to a 12 year deal and not even make him take a physical before???
  14. QUOTE (IowaSoxFan @ Jul 28, 2009 -> 03:40 PM) He is better at the plate, he has lost a step defensively but can play both corner OF spots and 1B. If Fields goes back to AAA he shouldnt need to an option as he has already used one this season I think. It gives the Sox a solid LH bat off the bench that they have been lacking. But we already have DeWayne Wise on the bench???
  15. The Geoff Blum deal in 05 seemed pretty insignificant at the time as well and look how well that worked out...
  16. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Jul 28, 2009 -> 09:26 AM) If Halladay stays, I think Ricciardi has totally failed Since he signed Wells to that monster contract, I think he already had failed. But I agree, you are not gonna make the playoffs next year with Halladay, trade him away, save the money and get some good young players. With the youngsters they already have, they can set themselves up nicely for the future.
  17. QUOTE (qwerty @ Jul 27, 2009 -> 05:42 AM) The following have not been inducted into the hall of fame while throwing a perfect game. Charlie robertson, don larsen, len barker, mike witt, tom browning, dennis martinez, kenny rogers, david wells, david cone, randy johnson, and of course buehrle. Wow, I hear so much about Larsen and his world series perfect game, I always assumed he had a great career and was a hall of famer. Actually, his career record was 81-91, and he even went 3-21 in his second season with Baltimore. His career ERA was 3.78, but ERA+ was 99. he played for 8 different teams, including the White Sox.
  18. QUOTE (santo=dorf @ Jul 25, 2009 -> 04:54 PM) Is there a bigger sissy in the league than Erik Bedard? Today he gave up 2 ER but only went 3 innings throwing 81 pitches. and Bedard was just placed on the DL today...
  19. If you would have told me before the game Colon would go 7 inning and give up 3 runs, I would be excited and would figure we would beat a rookie and win. Our offense failed us, not our starters. A bigger concern to me is that Scott Linebrink cant get anyone out anymore and he keeps get thrown out there in the 8th inning.
  20. Per Yahoo, lineup for game 2...good to see D-Wise is getting more playing time because of one catch S-Pod cf Alexei ss Dye rf Thome dh PK 1b Getz 2b beckham 3b Wise cf Castro C
  21. That sucked, but at least we dont have to face him anymore this series. Shake it off and lets beat this rookie down tonight and get back into 1st
  22. Bases are Loaded....This is it Beckham, heres your moment right here
  23. I kinda wish fatboy would have been pitching this game, so that we can get blown out while Verlander dominates us, and then tonight Contreras could contain them to a couple runs while we tee off on the rookie.
  24. 2nd & 3rd, no one out, Getzy & Beckham have to get these guys in, cant waste these chances anymore...
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