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Everything posted by LittleHurt05

  1. JD!!!!! too bad Alexei cost him an RBI or two with that DP...
  2. QUOTE (kane0730 @ Jun 26, 2009 -> 03:12 PM) Great start Jose! Lay down a bunt Pods. Seriously, they better drop some bunts Fox's way. The guy can hit, but hes got DH written all over him, or at least 1B.
  3. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Jun 26, 2009 -> 11:50 AM) Yeah its: JOSIE's on a vacation far away. Which is why some one may think "Jesse's Girl", but its The Outfield "Your Love". Wow, I'm an idiot, its totally "Your Love". Oops.
  4. We need innings out of you Jose, bullpen has been used a lot the past few days and Carrasco probably isnt available to save you if you get in trouble early.
  5. Sorry if this has been discussed before, but I was at the game Wed. night, and when Gordon came up to bat, they played the 80s classic Jessie's Girl. Does he always come out to that song? Is there a reason why or did AJ force it on him? Most people pick something to hype them up like hip hop, metal, or a Latin beat, not 80s hair rock.
  6. QUOTE (chw42 @ Jun 19, 2009 -> 03:37 PM) Looks like that win yesterday didn't turn the Cubs around. And I thought the Indians would be the team that would make the Cubs hit again. Guess not, for now. They are facing the best Cleveland has in C. Lee. The next two days they face the immortal Tomo Ohka & Jeremy Sowers, not to mention their putrid bullpen, so if theres gonna be a time to start hitting, it would be this weekend.
  7. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Jun 19, 2009 -> 06:56 AM) Hmmm, how about a few divey restaurants somewhat off the beaten path Tufanos on Vernon Park over ner UIC. Probably some of the better home cooked italian in Chicago. Cash only Half Shell on Diversey has some of the best crab legs around Twin Anchors on Sedgwick for ribs, really nothing else I can say there. One of my favorite spots, crab legs are great, cash only as well
  8. i wish they had a lefty coming up, so we can guarantee thronton coming in...
  9. QUOTE (Heads22 @ Jun 18, 2009 -> 03:20 PM) Gun just had Liney at 96. May not be accurate. MLB.com gameday has him at 94
  10. I'll take our future soriano over their present soriano any day...
  11. QUOTE (Heads22 @ Jun 18, 2009 -> 10:25 AM) We're somehow only 3 back. Gotta love the powerful AL Central this season. Any other division we are 5.5 back minimum
  12. QUOTE (chw42 @ Jun 18, 2009 -> 10:21 AM) Javy probably lost the game he pitched. Amazingly, he went 7 whole innings, only giving up one run. Lost in the 9th on a squeeze. http://www.baseball-reference.com/boxes/CH...200706230.shtml
  13. QUOTE (kyyle23 @ Jun 18, 2009 -> 10:06 AM) LOL, beat me to it. The elephant in the room is Soriano at the top, if they dont change that soon(at least until his bat comes around) they will be in trouble I know that he hasnt hit as well in the middle of the lineup in the past, but its amazing how much Lou caters to him and keeps him in the leadoff spot game after game, even in the past couple years when he struggled as well.
  14. Raul Ibanez placed on the 15-day DL with a groin strain...
  15. Double Play!! There ya go Gordon!! Way to make up for the error!
  16. Come on Beckham, at least a fly ball to knock him in
  17. I remember when Nocioni had plantar fascitis on the Bulls. There was always talk that one day he would feel fine, then for several straight days it would be hard for him to even walk. Sounds like CQ just needs to give it up and have the surgery. Even if he can come back and play this year, doesnt seem like he will be able to hit up to his full ability with the foot bothering him all season
  18. Last week, Sammy "retired" from the game and said that now he was just gonna sit back and wait to get elected to the Hall in 2013... Now all of a sudden, his positive drug test gets "leaked" to the media and made public... Coincidence?????
  19. QUOTE (Tony82087 @ Jun 16, 2009 -> 03:15 PM) OOPS! http://www.nytimes.com/2009/06/17/sports/b...&ref=sports This story just broke. Good. I have been amazed by the amount of ignorant people out there who would say, "There is no actual proof Sammy did steroids, so he has to be considered clean" He has to be one of the most obvious cases, so hopefully this can shut all those people up.
  20. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jun 16, 2009 -> 10:55 AM) With some attitude problems. and some women-beating problems...
  21. QUOTE (danman31 @ Jun 10, 2009 -> 03:16 AM) Get out, there's no way Honduras had 40k there. guess that number could be a bit high, but it definitely looked/sounded like they had that many
  22. Saturday's game wasn't sold out, there were open areas in the corners of the upper deck, announced attendance was 55k, which is about 6k less than capacity, so tickets were available to anyone who wanted to go. With the crowd being at least 75% pro-Honduras, that means there were less than 15,000 USA fans, which is pretty low for a city the size of Chicago.
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