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Everything posted by LittleHurt05

  1. Big game tonight, super pumped for it, only 10 more hours til the anthem starts. Definitely dont wanna go back to Canada for game 7. Looking more and more like its gonna be the Red Wings, they have dominated the last few games vs. the Ducks, although the non-call on the goaline interference on the 3rd goal yesterday smelled like a make-up call to me.
  2. QUOTE (Kalapse @ May 7, 2009 -> 10:28 AM) As of RIGHT NOW. I'd say Pujols, Vlad and Chipper are getting in. Pujols has never been directly accused, but he definitely seems like he was on it
  3. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ May 7, 2009 -> 10:08 AM) So which position players from the last 20 years are still going to make the HOF? Griffey, Jr. Thomas Thome Biggio Bagwell??? (there have to be some questions about him too) Piazza will, although I am positive he was just as roided up as the rest of them. You mention position players, with what happened with Clemens/Pettite, how many pitchers of the last 20 years can you really trust, other than Maddux?
  4. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ May 5, 2009 -> 08:28 AM) It is finally a day for another hockey game. 7pm cannot get here quick enough. Totally, cant wait to hear the anthem start...
  5. John Wall charged with breaking and entering.... http://rivals.yahoo.com/ncaa/basketball/bl...rn=ncaab,160959
  6. QUOTE (smalls2598 @ Apr 29, 2009 -> 10:17 AM) Central Times added That game 5 start time is brutal On a Saturday night, I love that late starting time, and all the weekday games at Vancouver start at 8 PM, which is nice as well
  7. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Apr 27, 2009 -> 06:01 PM) Today's Red Eye had Flight of the Conchords listed as a show that might not come back. Total Bummer, but as much time as they needed to write the new songs/shows for the second season, I figure if they were to come back for a 3rd season, it would take a couple years anyway. Luckily, I'm going to see them concert tonight, so I can catch them one last time
  8. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Apr 24, 2009 -> 12:31 PM) The Canucks would have home-ice. The re-seeding is based on original playoff seed. HOPEFULLY we win, and then it will be. 2. Wings 8. Ducks 3. Canucks 4. Hawks The Canucks seem to be in charge of their series, the Wings are in for sure. IF the Sharks come back, and the Hawks win, it'd be. 1. Sharks 4. Hawks 2. Wings 3. Canucks Thanks. Its hard to be confident from the last two games, but having two of the last three on the West Side makes me think its still in the Hawks favor.
  9. Obviously the Hawks have to win 2 of the next 3 or this will be a moot point, but doesn't the NHL reseed in the 2nd round? If the Ducks beat the Sharks, and the Hawks end up playing the Canucks, who has home-ice advantage? They are the 3 seed cause they won the division, but the Hawks had a better record?
  10. I dont know what to take from those comments. but just make sure your arm doesnt fall off in the next 3 years til your contract runs out.
  11. QUOTE (danman31 @ Mar 28, 2009 -> 10:09 PM) Man the US played like garbage for 70+ minutes in San Salvador tonight, but pulled off a 2 goal comeback and had some awesome chances for a 3-2 winner. I wanted fan shots after Hejduk tied it. Those fans were insane all game, I wanted to see their reactions to blowing what they thought was a sure fire win. Totally, when El Salvador went up 2-0, all they were showing was how crazy the fans were and ridiculous the atomsphere at the game was. I would have loved to see the looks just ten minutes later, when their dream victory went up in smoke.
  12. i've seen a big cloud of black smoke at o'hare driving home from the work the last two days around 4:30ish. The situation seemed to be pretty calm, so I didnt think too much of it.
  13. He got set back by injury, but I think once Jayson Nix gets back, he is gonna take the 2nd base job away from Getz and never look back...
  14. Only 216 wins hurts, over 3,000 K's definitely helps, the 3.46 ERA is kind of on the border. I agree his postseason success probably puts him over the top. Personally, I would love to see him get denied simply because of how big of a Dbag he is.
  15. was it last year that he broke his hand in spring training and was supposed to be out a month or two??? then it was fine and he ended up missing no time at all...
  16. good, i hope the cheating bastard's done and the media can finally stop kissing his ass 24-7 In the words of the late great George Carlin, "F*** LANCE ARMSTRONG!"
  17. QUOTE (Jimbo's Drinker @ Mar 23, 2009 -> 12:37 AM) LOL at Ben Howland complaining about his location for his games. UCLA has not left the state of California for 4 years it seems(outside of final four). How bout dem apples, whiner Um, Ben, you were a six seed. If you wanted to play close to home, your teams should have manned up, won the pac-10, and earned a top four seed...
  18. The WBC was much more enjoyable than meaningless spring training games, but it was hard for me to really get into it, seeing that in the most important game of the tourney, Team USA started Mark DeRosa at 1st base, not to mention that their #3 & #4 starters were Ted Lilly & Jeremy Guthrie. I think the US might have been able to make a better team just with the guys that declined to play.
  19. Sharpie is finally back today, scored the first goal, assisted on the second one, 2-0 hawks halfway through
  20. Of course Obama cant make the opener. Hes too damn busy filling out a bracket with Andy Katz and ESPN
  21. QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Mar 20, 2009 -> 12:36 AM) Oh, well. You know what they say: No expectations=no disappointment. This team was severely flawed even with Chet. Without him? We really had no chance. The comeback at the end was nice. Of course, the terrible play before that was brutal. Good season overall. Talent wise, I'd rank us below MSU, Purdue, OSU, PSU and UM from our conference. That alone should tell you how much we overachieved this year. Can't wait until Brandon Paul and the boys get here. +1 In November, I thought we maybe had a chance to sneak into the tourney, never thought we would manage a 5 seed. Definitely overacheived. Very enjoyable season. And with Davis, Tisdale, & McCamey improving and the recruits coming in, the future looks bright! Way to play your hearts out in your final game Meachem & Brock. They almost carried the team to victory on their own. Only thing I am mad about this year is Alex Legion. Guy was talked up so much, and he was just a huge suckfest. If you are gonna shoot everytime you touch the ball, you gotta at least make it once in a while.
  22. QUOTE (ZoomSlowik @ Mar 19, 2009 -> 11:57 AM) Memphis looks awful, if it weren't for Sallie hitting 5 3's they'd be down about 10 to a CS-Northridge team that isn't really playing that well. wow, Sallie only averages 4.5 points/game on the season as it is...
  23. QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Mar 18, 2009 -> 11:03 PM) Rumblings that Billy Clyde is gone. The watering holes in Lexington are shaking in their boots...
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