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Everything posted by LittleHurt05

  1. When Uribe got to first, I'm sure he just said "Never Forget Paulie, never Forget'
  2. Sit down Gwynn. Way to embarass your Pops some more
  3. QUOTE (fathom @ Jun 15, 2012 -> 09:21 PM) Of course...you just can't walk someone as bad as Gordon to start the inning. A guy with a .279 OBP
  4. QUOTE (iamshack @ Jun 15, 2012 -> 09:20 PM) Listening to Scully call our game is pretty great. Jealous.
  5. QUOTE (iamshack @ Jun 15, 2012 -> 09:17 PM) Their manager is a doucher How dare you!
  6. wow, 8 for 12 with 4 career HRs against Kershaw for #32
  7. Ouch. Kershaw just destroyed ADA in that at-bat
  8. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Jun 15, 2012 -> 08:53 PM) Indians beat the Pirates, 2-0, behind Masterson. 1 GB. Tigers/Rockies tied in the bottom of the 7th in DET. Rockies with 8 game losing streak. Giambi's hit into 3 DP's, that's not easy to do, with two of them going to Cabrera playing SS essentially with the overshift. This time he led off the inning and got a single. Good for him.
  9. QUOTE (flavum @ Jun 15, 2012 -> 08:52 PM) Indians win 2-0. Pirates offense is not good to say the least. Lowest scoring offense in baseball. And that's with McCutchen in the middle of the lineup.
  10. Gordon SS Herrera lf Rivera 1b Ethier RF Hairston Jr. 2b Ellis C Uribe 3b Gwynn cf Kershaw p
  11. QUOTE (chw42 @ Jun 15, 2012 -> 12:08 PM) Well, he did sit the second game out. I'm hoping Robin looks at those splits and starts him. It's your lucky day: ADA cf Beckham 2b Dunn lf PK14 1b Rios RF AJP c Alexei ss O-Dawg 3b Sale p
  12. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Jun 15, 2012 -> 01:20 PM) try the claritin. If it works, great. if it doesnt, it could become an issue like it was with my lab. The weird thing with her is that it didnt start until she got older, about 5 or 6. But once it started, it was awful He's like 11 now, it just got bad the past month. Just got home from work, and he had bitten through a sock & a plastic medical bag wrapped around the paw. All that with a cone on. When we are home, he is so well behaved and doesn't touch it. As soon as we go to sleep or leave the house, then BAM! Think the allergy medicine will be the next step.
  13. QUOTE (pittshoganerkoff @ Jun 15, 2012 -> 02:39 PM) *Scene: Kenny Williams' office* Robin: But I thought we were doing well. We're in first place... KW: But you've got no spunk, no wow factor. Robin: Do I have to? Doesn't the team's performance speak for itself? KW: *shakes head* You don't get it, kid, we're irrelevant. You are irrelevant. Robin: We could win the division; we could-- KW: *slams fist on desk* YOU ARE BORING! I don't care about winning! There's a team north of here that gets all the attention. I want that! Robin: But they suck. KW: You suck!! Robin: Calm down, man. KW: I'll calm down when you get suspended. I'll calm down when your kids Tweet something bad about me. Robin: I don't think my kids would-- KW: What kind of dad are you? Huh? Sissy. A+
  14. If Tony Campana can get on base somehwat conistently, dude can steal 100+ bases in a season easy. What a fast little f***er.
  15. QUOTE (Harry Chappas @ Jun 15, 2012 -> 12:39 PM) This weekend will be 90% Boston fans, the media will not talk about that. With the cops detailed to the Valerie Jarrod wedding in Kenwood, Wrigley could be a zoo this weekend. The Tribune has and will proudly talk about it. On the front page of the sports section today, a caption mentions the pro-Detroit crowd and half the game recap discusses it as well.
  16. QUOTE (Quinarvy @ Jun 15, 2012 -> 11:37 AM) George Bush Approval Ratings George W. Bush's High Point: 90%, 2001 George W. Bush's Low Point: 25%, 2008 THINGS CHANGE IN A SPAN OF SEVEN YEARS GREG. But George Bush never won the World Series in Chicago.
  17. The series vs. Detroit broke the record for highest attendance for a 3-game series. Never mind that like 75% of the fans were rooting for the Tigers.
  18. Alexander Salak = he gone. In Corey we trust!
  19. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Jun 15, 2012 -> 10:32 AM) My deceased lab had that chewing problem on her back leg, and we did everything to stop it but nothing worked until she was put on steroids for her cancer surgery(prednisone). The steroids healed it so fast that she stopped paying attention to it. The doctor explained to me that what happens is bacteria gets between layers of skin, and the spots never fully heal. so even when it looks healed, the dogs can feel it and they will open it back up. It really sucks, it is more of a mental condition than anything. Interesting. I had originally thought it was mental, but since it happened again I started thinking about the allergies. Hopefully, there is a way to stop it, because the constant cones & wrapping suck for him & for us.
  20. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Jun 15, 2012 -> 11:49 AM) Yeah I wondered that as well, but perhaps it's going from a one bedroom to a two type valuation. I think out of that 235k, only 70k was for housing. That's only an extra $4,117 per year. My wife is due tomorrow, so our first will be here any day now. The costs are freakin' me out. Awesome man. Congrats & good luck. Don't worry about the costs, your kid will pay you back eventually when he helps with your retirement home bill.
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