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Everything posted by LittleHurt05

  1. QUOTE (Marty34 @ Feb 8, 2012 -> 05:57 PM) Gonzalez, Hudson on the minus side, not to mention the $4M for a month of Manny. It was so worth it for comedic reasons, plus it was deferred. MANNY-PA-LOOZA!!!!!!!
  2. I'm not really sure what they were even arguing about?
  3. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Feb 8, 2012 -> 12:06 PM) No Steve, lets set the record straight. While you were busy believing that Paterno was the most powerful man in Pennsylvania and that it was all Paterno, I was the only one saying that there was no way it was just Paterno, and that Paterno was being used as a scapegoat to cover up for more powerful people. Wrong. Please find me a post where someone says that Paterno is the only one to blame and no one else at PSU or in State College or anywhere else is to blame. The reason Paterno has been blamed so much in this thread is in direct response to all of the posters praising him, the media acting like he did nothing wrong, the people of PSU trying to canonize him, which angers people who think he should have done a hell of a lot more. If people weren't trying to support JoePa so much, then he wouldn't be the main part of the discussion.
  4. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Feb 8, 2012 -> 12:10 PM) Its a poison pill. Delaney knows that the SEC wont want to play North of the Mason-Dixon line, therefore they are unlikely to agree to the proposal. This way the Big 10 gets to say "We are the good guys who want the playoffs, the SEC is the bad guy." Simple brinkmanship, make an offer that you know the other side doesnt want, but sounds reasonable to a third party. The thing about that is, if you go back and look at what the matchups would have been since 1998, 23 of the 28 semifinal games would have been played south of the Mason-Dixon line or in Los Angeles. 3 games would have been in Columbus, one in Lincoln, and one up in Oregon.
  5. No talk about the Big Ten potentially giving in to a 4-team playoff? Having the semifinal games on campus would be outstanding IMO. With the Big Ten on board, I think it gives this a way better shot of actually happening.
  6. QUOTE (SOXOBAMA @ Feb 8, 2012 -> 11:17 AM) 49ers mock draft First I would Michael Crabtree for a mid to late 2nd rd pick 1st rd Mohammed Sanu WR Rutgers 2nd rd- Vinny Curry DE Marshall ( The Crabtree pick ) 2nd rd- Juron Criner WR Arizona 3rd rd- Orson Charles TE Georgia 4th rd- Cliff Harris CB Oregon 5th rd- Jacquies Smith OLB Missouri 6th rd- Winston Guy SS Kentucky 7th rd- Brandon Bullock DT- Marshall Any GM who gives up a 2nd round pick for Crabtree should be fired on the spot.
  7. QUOTE (GoSox05 @ Feb 8, 2012 -> 09:33 AM) I just think you have to build with the draft. I think the load up with free agents and try and win one year stuff never works. I think everyone believes that, which is why the Bears were looking for a good college scouting based GM. That being said, you can't discount the impact a big FA signing could have. Do the Packers or Bears make the NFC Champ. game last season without Charles Woodson & Julius Peppers? You definitely build your team through the draft, but free agency could provide the help to get you to the top.
  8. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Feb 8, 2012 -> 09:18 AM) That's where Greg enters the conversation. Ozzie, love him or hate him, comes across as more "real" or more "genuine," he's the guy you would actually prefer to eat at Applebee's or Chili's with, or have a beer with, etc. KW just has that aloof attitude, that cockiness and arrogance...it reminds me of the the comment that came out about not caring about the "really rich" and "really poor" people from the primary season. KW doesn't care about the average Sox fan or message board poster at all. He should be a little more in tune with the fanbase, IMO. He always seems to put his foot in his mouth, and everyone's tired of his "crying poor" act and blaming the fans for not supporting the lousy product which he produced and is responsible for. Not that Hahn is any less arrogant or overconfident or full of himself, they both have that quality, which is probably why they get along so well together, as long as Hahn "stays in his place." Ozzie didn't know how to do that....the last 6 years have been more about proving who's the most important/integral/critical to the organization, Ozzie or Kenny. I've never loved Williams the person, but I at least have to accord him respect for what he did in 2005. But that's where it ends...and six years is now quite a long time ago. The clock is ticking....as Maximus says to Commodus in Gladiator, "the time for honoring yourself will soon be at an end." Please tell me why any of that matters. Fans care about their team winning games, not whether or not the GM is friendly with them or understands them. You could be the nicest, most down-to-earth GM in sports, if your teams suck, the fans will want you out. KW is no different person than he was 5 years ago. Just 5 years ago, he was coming off a WS title, now his teams are perenially underachieving.
  9. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Feb 8, 2012 -> 09:24 AM) I dunno, If the Bears spend money on the O-Line, I'd still much rather have them look at the tackle spot. They definitely need a backup tackle to get Omiyale out of Jay Cutler's nightmares at the very least...if they're looking for a starter, the guy they'd have to look at replacing would be Webb. Understood, but there really aren't any FA tackles available out there,, and there usually aren't. It's rare a player like Nicks is ever on the market, and it's not like the guard play was that good. Then take a tackle with your 1st or 2nd round pick.
  10. Heard Hub Arkush talking about Carl Nicks from the Saints last night. With all the big money contracts the Saints have, they probably can't afford him. He's only turning 27, and has been an All-Pro the last two years. He's the only real good OL out there. If the Saints don't keep him, throw a Peppers-type contract at him, and you have a guard spot shore up for the next 7 years or so. Then let Chris/Edwin Williams or Spencer fight for the other spot.
  11. Really enjoyed episode 2 of Luck. A tad bit hard to keep up with at times, but very entertaining.
  12. Penn State refuses to release police report on Sandusky sexual misconduct allegations
  13. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Feb 7, 2012 -> 03:39 PM) I can't believe people are dissecting this argument about 50's vs 00's. The main point seemed obvious - the idea that KW needs to make up for a bad DECADE is ridiculous on its face. His decade of baseball resulted in a championship and either 1 or 2 more division wins, depending on how you slice it up, no to mention only one season worse than 4 games under .500. He's had either the best decade for the Sox in 50-60 years, or 90 years. Take whichever you'd like. Point is, KW has had 2-3 bad seasons and some bad trades, not a bad decade. When you have one of the top two payrolls in the division year after year, I think more than two division titles in a decade should be expected. Just because the Sox were arguably the least successful MLB franchise from 1920-2000, doesn't mean KW should be held to lower standards.
  14. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Feb 7, 2012 -> 02:52 PM) BillHall_III Bill Hall IT'S OFFICIAL IM A YANKEE!!!!!!!! #IwannaRing!!!! It was a minor league deal Bill. You don't get a ring if you spend the season in Scranton/Wilkes-Barre.
  15. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Feb 7, 2012 -> 02:49 PM) I learned that lesson with Ventura. I was heartbroken when he left. And yes, f*** Maggs. That was one thing that Ozzie had right!
  16. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Feb 7, 2012 -> 11:38 AM) Willing to give up the 19th pick for him? If Angelo was still around, maybe. Now, not so much. While the Marshall talk is fun to speculate about, I really don't see it happening.
  17. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Feb 7, 2012 -> 02:36 PM) Clearly Arizona is on that list also. Tennessee I'd guess will be there too. I would love to see Peyton on Arizona with Fitzgerald.
  18. Phil Ray Emery in net tonight in Denver. How about an end to the 5-game losing streak boys?
  19. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Feb 7, 2012 -> 01:39 PM) From 1951-1967 there was 17 straight years of above .500 ball, with several years with 90 wins and others that were on at least a 90 pace if they played 162. Wow. From 1963-1965, they won 94, 98, & 95 games, yet never made the playoffs. Yet in 1959 when the made the WS, they won 94 games and no other team in baseball won 90.
  20. The Dictator, coming to a theater near you May 11th
  21. QUOTE (jasonxctf @ Feb 7, 2012 -> 09:21 AM) bigger question is, what the heck is Ozzie anyone doing at a Depaul basketball game?
  22. QUOTE (Middle Buffalo @ Feb 6, 2012 -> 11:33 PM) I'm not much of a gambler (I only throw a few bucks into an NCAA bracket pool, Super Bowl, etc) , and yesterday, for the first time I can remember, I won - $200 in a pool at a bar where a friend works. The pool paid out 100%, and I'm wondering if I'm obligated to tip the guy who ran the pool. If so, how much? Personally, whenever I have run a pool, I wouldn't even accept any kind of tip, that's not why I run it. That being said, everyone is different, and I agree with ss2k5. If the guy got a free entry out of it, then don't tip him, the entry was his tip.
  23. We tried to crunch up the pill and mix it with some peanut butter to feed it to our pooch. But everytime we tried, he had remembered the earlier attempts and just ran away scared, like he wanted nothing to do with it. Finally, we just dropped the mixture of PB/tablet into his bowl and walked away like it was no big deal. As soon as he saw we weren't forcing it to him, he ate it no problem. What a quirky old man.
  24. QUOTE (IlliniKrush @ Feb 6, 2012 -> 10:27 PM) Anyone who stuck with Alcatraz, pretty good episode tonight. Good to know, I was starting to get bored.
  25. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Feb 6, 2012 -> 09:00 PM) Too bad Rios/Dunn/Peavy aren't eligible for TARP financing or the remodified/restructured salary program like SOME homebuyers....we could use the reverse, where instead of modifying the loans to more favorable terms, we could adjust down their contracts based on their underperformance vis a vis expected results. Sometimes you wish MLB was more like the NFL or even the NBA in terms of play for performance. The NBA? I think the NBA might be worse than MLB. Didn't Eddy Curry just make $30 million to play 10 games in 3 years for the Knicks?
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