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Everything posted by LittleHurt05

  1. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Feb 1, 2012 -> 07:40 AM) I only got to see the first two periods last night, but Crawford was as good as he had been all year long in that stretch. Same here on both accounts. Too bad Schneider was just as good, cause I think the Hawks outplayed them.
  2. Kind of a bummer we don't get Luongo, always more fun with him in net
  3. QUOTE (Brian @ Jan 31, 2012 -> 08:37 PM) I do believe the Illini fans here have toned down the complaining, etc, since they started getting called out on it more. I have noticed that too, but I think the inadequacies of the offense may be contributing to that too. It's hard to complain ask for fouls when your offense consists of passing the ball around until your guard shoots a 3 with the shot clock running out. Luckily for my eyes, I avoided the game, but with another top 10 win, looks like the Illini should be a tourney team. With road games left @ OSU, UM, IU, UW, no guarantee they finish over .500 in the conference though. It's tough to fire a coach after a tourney appearance, but with the new AD you never know.
  4. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jan 31, 2012 -> 03:38 PM) So what is the age where cool becomes child molestation? it's the classic stereotype. The male teacher giving it to his female student is a sick molesting pig that could destroy the girl. A female teacher boinking her male student is so hot & the kid is so lucky. Unfortunately for her (if she did it), the law does not see it that way.
  5. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Jan 31, 2012 -> 08:53 AM) LOL, shocker. That place has had a rep like that for decades. In high school, friends would always talk about going there cause they didn't really check IDs. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jan 31, 2012 -> 09:00 AM) lol I bet. Not sure how bars like Kam's get away with so much of it down in Champaign. Then again, it ends up being a drinking ticket cash-cow for the police, so.... I think when the whole area's economy depends on the college kids, they tend to be a bit more lenient. And they make tons of cash on the drinking tickets as you said. Proving you are 19 is also easier than 21. That being said, there is absolutely zero reason why a 19-year old should be let into a place like Kams or COs (back in my day). Maybe Murphys or Legends when they serve food, but that's about it.
  6. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jan 31, 2012 -> 01:18 PM) Indians pick up Russ Canzler, who will probably wind up their opening day 1b. Wow. What a s***ty division.
  7. QUOTE (The Critic @ Jan 31, 2012 -> 01:32 PM) A loss is a loss. I cannot see any situation where a losing team deserves points. It diminishes the value of a win. I agree with Krush on the shootout. If a losing team deserves zero points, then you cant have a game come down to a shootout, which is just randomness for the most part.
  8. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Jan 31, 2012 -> 01:58 PM) Unless they hit the sweet 16 or show some real improvement I think Weber's gone. It's gotten to the point where even Weber apologists like Tate are starting to actively talk about him being on the hot seat. It even got brought up in the Sun-Times today. Once the Chicago media cares enough, then it's getting serious.
  9. So can thedirty.com get their $11 million settlement back cause it's obvious that their claims of promiscuity are right on.
  10. QUOTE (Quinarvy @ Jan 31, 2012 -> 01:29 PM) We had a girl on our high school wrestling team. She wrestled in the 110-pound weight class and won more than she lost. She was also fairly attractive. A few times in matches her opponent got a little “excited.” After one such incident, the opposing coach came over to apologize to our coach for his wrestler getting a chub. My coach responded: “Hey, I understand. As long as you don’t get one, we don’t have a problem.” http://www.sportspickle.com/opinion/9580/f...-coach-issue-15 LOL, well played.
  11. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Jan 31, 2012 -> 12:49 PM) Captain Serious returns this evening and Brendan Morrison makes his debut in #17. Sharpie is questionable, Morrison will be on a line with Hoss & Sharp (if he plays)
  12. QUOTE (GoodAsGould @ Jan 31, 2012 -> 12:35 PM) You implied it with the clip and my point is Welker on any other team wouldn't put up nearly as good stats and his 3rd and 4th season in the NFL before the Patriots showed that. Hell Branch went from Superbowl MVP to useless on the Seahawks and Moss went from useless to 26 TD's or whatever the number back to being useless once off the Pats. Tom Brady makes players vastly better than they would on vast majority of other teams, Moss obviously was a superior talent at one point and part of it with him was motivation. The same happened to WR's from the Colts, Brandon Stokley went from a garbage WR to a 1000 yard WR with 10 TD's.... Look at Deion Branch's numbers outside of the one Super Bowl. He never put up gaudy numbers in New England, so the dip in his numbers isn't that significant. Randy Moss was useless while still on the Pats, that's why he was traded. Plus he came from Oakland, where all players go to die. (sorry sqwert) Brandon Stokely had one great year as a slot receiver, how does that compare to Welker's 5 straight solid seasons, including one with Cassel as QB? I won't disagree that a good QB can make an average WR look better, but that doesn't mean all WRs with star QBs are average.
  13. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Jan 31, 2012 -> 12:21 PM) I have a feeling buying them on Stub Hub this season the day before or of game is going to equal lots of cheap games this year. It's been like that the last few seasons. I haven't bought a ticket directly from the White Sox since the Blackout game.
  14. QUOTE (GoodAsGould @ Jan 31, 2012 -> 11:08 AM) Look at him before NE, he might be better than Bennett but the gap isn't that much of a difference. Brady makes players around him better similar to Brees/Manning. In 2007 with Brady, Welker caught 112 passes for 1175 yards. In 2008, Brady was knocked out for the year in game 1. Welker still managed to catch 111 passes for 1165 yards with Matt Cassel as his QB. Is Welker helped by having such a good QB? Of course. But to compare him to Earl Bennett skill-wise is a bit ridiculous IMO. Just the eye test alone says different.
  15. QUOTE (GoodAsGould @ Jan 31, 2012 -> 11:14 AM) His calling a game is greatly overrated, I think people hear Hawk say it enough times and it sticks. He hasn't been better than any of those 3 players listed and Crede had that big HR late in the season to insure we didn't collapse in the end of the season and AJ got on 1B by an umpire error not too mention the Angels were on their 3rd or 4th bp arm while we still had Buehrle going in that game I was pretty confident. But if we are going to give everyone who contributed in the postseason lets go ahead and give Podsenick, Blum, and Dye statues too. That's the thing, the 2005 team already has their statue right in front of the stadium, and a banner up in the lights. When it comes to individual players, you should have to be a White Sox legend for a whole career, not just one season. That's why Frank has one already, and Mark & PK probably deserve one, no one else from this era though. (I always get statue & statute confused spelling-wise!)
  16. On second glance, January 20, 1992 is wrong. The Good Day was actually November 30, 1988.
  17. QUOTE (GoodAsGould @ Jan 31, 2012 -> 10:24 AM) I don't think either TE is specifically that great though, I think a lot of it has to do with Brady just working with whats given it to him. Whether its an old man Moss just running straight down the field or a Welker who really isn't anything that much better than Bennett. Wes Welker is no better than Earl Bennett??? Interesting...
  18. QUOTE (Tex @ Jan 31, 2012 -> 07:15 AM) Frank Thomas says Yo! We forget he was on that team. it does slip my mind from time to time, but he already got his statue anyway. Plus, his career is on such a higher level than the other two, his worthiness for a statue is not even up for discussion it's so obvious.
  19. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Jan 31, 2012 -> 09:42 AM) So, chances Illinois pulls off another upset of a top ten team at home? I'm going with 45%. I think it'll be close. They've split their games the last two years (home team winning). So long as Illinois plays physical they should stay in it until the end. Hopefully Maniscalco and Griffey play zero minutes. If the Illini do win, it's almost a guarantee that they will then lose to the Kitty Kats this weekend.
  20. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jan 31, 2012 -> 08:32 AM) Drafting those TE's and keeping a solid O-Line in front of Brady despite some turnover has been 2 clearly important steps. Like 2 or 3 seasons ago, their TEs had 31 catches or so on the entire season. Finding those two stud TEs, and developing & incorporating them into the offense so seamlessly was well done by Belichick.
  21. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Jan 30, 2012 -> 11:44 PM) I LMAO at the top comment: LOL,I looked for a horse as soon as I turned the vid on
  22. QUOTE (GoodAsGould @ Jan 31, 2012 -> 05:20 AM) Honestly the Patriots way hasn't been very effective the past few seasons.... their defense is below avg. the only good player is a DT taken in the same draft as Tommie Harris and the offense rolls with Tom Brady who probably could dominate with any group of weapons similar to Manning/Brees. They have been drafting so well that their secondary consists of a WR and a guy who couldn't make the Raiders practice squad this year. Their recent talent evaluation has been awful on defense. Somehow, Brady & Belichick still make it work.
  23. QUOTE (GoodAsGould @ Jan 30, 2012 -> 05:45 PM) I would not be down with AJ getting a statue, if he got one than we might as well give them to everyone. I concur. Only PK & Mark, anything more than that and you are just getting ridiculous.
  24. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Jan 30, 2012 -> 03:30 PM) Did anyone watch 'Luck' last night and have a review? I can't decide if I want to bother. I thought it was OK, but nothing special and I'm kind of into horse racing too. It may just be a slow developer like Boardwalk was, but right now I'd say you aren't missing much. I'll probably give it a few weeks to see if it picks up at all.
  25. QUOTE (GoodAsGould @ Jan 30, 2012 -> 02:12 PM) I honestly don't know how anyone stands those two... they are obnoxious and only take the callers that are easy to poke fun at. They also never own up to things they are wrong about.... just a waste of airtime. -1 I find them very entertaining. Yes, occasionally they get out of control and you have to tune out. But when they are on their game, they are easily the smartest & most knowledgable sports personalities on Chicago radio.
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