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Everything posted by LittleHurt05

  1. Great call and description by Hochuli. 50/50 chance his heel was out, but you can't reverse that.
  2. Wow, tough call. The back of his foot didn't appear to touch out of bounds, so he may be in. Either way, have yourself a playoffs Vernon Davis.
  3. QUOTE (SoxFan1 @ Jan 22, 2012 -> 05:42 PM) Also as a Bears fan, I can't help but feel that we would be in this NFC Championship game if Cutler was healthy. I like to think that, but I'm not sure. Because the Packers locked up the division, the Bears had two potential opponents as the wild card: 1. Saints: Unbeatable at the Superdome this year 2: Giants: Not the best home team, but the hottest team in the league Then a game at GB or SF, would have been tough
  4. QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Jan 22, 2012 -> 05:37 PM) Honestly, I'm not getting into this debate again. JP was stupid, naive, whatever you want to call it. He trusted those above him to handle the situation and it didn't get handled. He didn't see anything. All he had was somebody tell him that something happened. THAT'S the person that should've went to the cops right then and there. I'm done with this. If you want to mock the man's death, have fun. I'm not. He was a good man. f*** it. A great man as far as I'm concerned. When you are the most important person on the whole campus, you should take care of it yourself, not pass it along to your "superiors". But whatever, we don't need to get this whole debate going like you said. I will say that from all accounts JoePa seemed like a great guy for 99.9% of his life. But that 0.1% may have ruined several kids' lives, so I don't think you can just ignore it.
  5. QUOTE (MexSoxFan#1 @ Jan 22, 2012 -> 05:40 PM) As Bears fans, it bothers us that our D has been wasted on inept offense, imagine how Ravens fans must feel. That D has been superb for better part of this decade with not much to show for. Granted, they have a s***load more playoff appearances than the Bears do, but you are correct. When Ray Lewis retires, he's just gonna think about how with a decent QB, he wins at least one or two more titles.
  6. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jan 22, 2012 -> 05:39 PM) Wasn't Brady hurting earlier in the week? I think he's had a "left shoulder injury" for the last month or two
  7. QUOTE (SoxFan1 @ Jan 22, 2012 -> 05:19 PM) Great news guys! We get to listen to Joe Buck now!!!!!! Where is that smiley face blowing his own brains out? Because that's what this post makes me want to do.
  8. QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Jan 22, 2012 -> 04:57 PM) I've been consistent from the beginning. I know JP f***ed up. He's admitted that from the beginning and he's paid the price. I'll save my true rage for baby killers and s*** like that. I've got too many of my own demons that need exorcising before I condemn an elderly man for making a mistake. The true monster here is and always has been Sandusky. Closely followed by the spineless coward that is Mike McQueary. I get your point, but after JoePa f***ed up, more boys were raped. After they "banned" Sandusky from the campus, he was still seen all around with the boys. JoePa ran that football program and campus, if there was anyone who could have done something, it was him. But he didn't. Sandusky is definitely the true monster, but JoePa could have and should have done way more to stop it while it still went on.
  9. QUOTE (SoxFan1 @ Jan 22, 2012 -> 05:17 PM) That was unbelievable. Evans has to make that catch. Looked like he was going to celebrate too early and it just got stripped. And Cundiff, just wow. The whole TD rule is cloudy, but it did look like he got two feet down just before the ball was stripped.
  10. QUOTE (G&T @ Jan 22, 2012 -> 05:14 PM) That's what I thought too. The whole thing seemed so rushed. Where was he? Yeah, that was weird. He was like running in from the 50. Shouldn't he have been as close to the line of scrimmage as possible?
  11. Wow, choke city. Ravens should have called a timeout, he was running to the line and just got there with 10 seconds left on the play clock. He could have used extra time to get set.
  12. Anybody pick Wilfork as MVP? I'd say he is my front runner if the Pats hold on
  13. QUOTE (knightni @ Jan 22, 2012 -> 04:53 PM) HUGE defensive stop by Wilfork. Fatboy has had a heck of a game
  14. Outstanding play, but why is Brady throwing into triple coverage to a special teamer?
  15. There have been a lot of huge 4th & 1 plays in these playoffs.
  16. QUOTE (SoxFan1 @ Jan 22, 2012 -> 04:36 PM) Tom Brady is a smart, smart QB. I thought he got broken in half.
  17. QUOTE (greg775 @ Jan 22, 2012 -> 04:27 PM) Mark deserves every penny. He's like having another coach on the team with his great approach to pitching. I think it is ridiculous the Sox didn't ante up the money. Thanks Kenny for giving the cash to Rios and Dunn and Peavy. Nice moves all. What approach to pitching? Because he pitches quickly? That works for him, it doesn't work for everyone. Some of the best pitchers take hours to throw a pitch, it doesn't make them bad. I'd much rather give that money to Danks, which they did.
  18. Gronk gets injured by Bernard Pollard, same guy who tore up Brady's knee in 08.
  19. QUOTE (SoxFan1 @ Jan 22, 2012 -> 04:25 PM) Brady picked, but it's brought back by an offsides. He just threw that up because of the offsides
  20. QUOTE (SoxFan1 @ Jan 22, 2012 -> 04:17 PM) Flacco looks f***ing great. Smart running the ball too. Who would have thunk it, I think Flacco is outplaying Brady so far. Brady has missed some big throws.
  21. QUOTE (SoxFan1 @ Jan 22, 2012 -> 04:13 PM) I think Torrey Smith and Joe Flacco just made twitter explode. I must be following the wrong people...
  22. Ravens take the lead 17-16. Holding NE to FGs 3 times instead of TDs has been the key.
  23. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jan 22, 2012 -> 03:28 PM) This has been some good football. I was just thinking, that was a fun half to watch. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jan 22, 2012 -> 03:32 PM) I never would have expected Brady to give up 2 downs with a minute on the clock. Getting the 2nd half kickoff probably has a lot to do with, but yeah, that is not something you ever expect to see. They had two timeouts too.
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