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Everything posted by LittleHurt05

  1. QUOTE (G&T @ Dec 13, 2011 -> 09:06 AM) There really isn't any need for a preliminary hearing where a grand jury already heard the case. It probably protects the victims more than anything else. I don't think there is much to read into this. The only thing is that he could have waived it a while ago. Just the fact that he did the same morning it kind of interesting, IMO.
  2. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Dec 13, 2011 -> 09:18 AM) jcrasnick Jerry Crasnick #Brewers have acquired reliever Jose Veras from #Pirates in a trade for 3B Casey McGehee. I think McGehee was joining Braun in whatever he was taking. Career minor-leaguer for the Cubs, comes to Milwaukee, has huge season and a half, then forgets how to hit a baseball again.
  3. QUOTE (Lillian @ Dec 13, 2011 -> 06:21 AM) I would also like to know what it might take to get Kendry Morales from the Angels, now that they have Pujols. He would be a great replacement for Dunn, wouldn't he? Please bring me up to date. Morales is still recovering from his injury from 2010, he missed all of last season. There are worries that it will be a career-ending injury, so it's not someone you can try & depend on anytime soon.
  4. What a bummer, he came back & had like 12 points in 8 games like and never missed a beat. Good for him for sitting out though. He passed all the concussion tests, so he can totally play, but it's good to err on the side of caution. I bet a lot of hockey players wouldn't do that, it's not worth it to get your brain all messed up.
  5. Sandusky was to face some accusers at his preliminary hearing this morning, but at the last second he waived his right too. Sounds like he is still trying to control the victims, I'm sure it took a lot of preparation to get ready to testify today.
  6. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Dec 12, 2011 -> 01:43 PM) I'd strongly wager this is exactly what the Marlins were thinking when they offered up some of these contracts. They've successfully done it before. There is a reason why they refuse to offer anyone a no-trade clause.
  7. QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ Dec 12, 2011 -> 11:16 AM) I don't think there's any way he just disappears. The character is too good to fade away like that, and now he's lost the only two people who have meant something to him since the war. I think he goes off the handle. That would be cool, although it may be hard to maintain that storyline without him killing everybody. Maybe he gets picked up as a soldier by the butcher or someone else?
  8. QUOTE (HeGone33 @ Dec 12, 2011 -> 12:28 PM) 2007 Patriots didn't have Aaron Rodgers........ True, they just had some scrub named Tom Brady
  9. QUOTE (HeGone33 @ Dec 12, 2011 -> 12:22 PM) Lesser teams don't beat teams playing like GB, not when there is that much of a gap. That's what they said about the 2007 Patriots
  10. QUOTE (HeGone33 @ Dec 12, 2011 -> 12:15 PM) They were playing well, but there isn't one legitimate reason for anyone to believe they were going to beat the Packers..not one. Same goes for the rest of the NFC, doesn't matter what anyone is doing, they aren't going up to Green Bay and winning in the playoffs. So as a 49ers fan, I say thank God Derrick Rose is back...... I wouldn't pick against the Pack, but I could see the Saints or the Giants giving them a good fight.
  11. QUOTE (fathom @ Dec 12, 2011 -> 11:50 AM) Aramis Ramirez signs with the Brewers. It's going to be a really nice to get to root for him after having to root against him for 8 years. He's going to be a monster in that park, as he lost more homers than anyone at Wrigley with the wind blowing in. This makes me happy
  12. QUOTE (GoSox05 @ Dec 12, 2011 -> 10:38 AM) The Chiefs have scored 3 TD in their last 6 games. One of those was just a lucky play. Thanks for reminding us.
  13. QUOTE (whitesoxfan99 @ Dec 12, 2011 -> 09:52 AM) He is very good and was playing at close to a pro bowl level this year but it debatable whether he is a top 5 QB. I think everyone will agree that Rodgers, Brady and Brees are the top 3 and then there are probably about 7 or 8 QBs you can make a case for as being the next best. You forgot about Tebow
  14. I don't care what the experts keep saying, I thought NCAA basketball was much better when Indiana was bad.
  15. All of the good luck the Bears used to make the NFC champ game last year has come back to bite them in the ass the last 3 games.
  16. QUOTE (soxfan-kwman @ Dec 12, 2011 -> 08:50 AM) I believe AJ is making $4 million next year. He signed a back-loaded 2 year deal since the Sox were "all in" last year. $2 million in 2011, $6 million in 2012
  17. QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ Dec 11, 2011 -> 11:28 PM) Cmon, someone discuss Boardwalk. That was amazing. What will happen to Richard? I don't think he just goes away. I didn't even think about him. I bet he just disappears, but I could also see him becoming like a scorned ex-lover hunting down Nucky for what he did to Jimmy. Can't wait to see Nucky's reaction when he sees the deed for the property.
  18. Solid end to the Boardwalk Empire season, honestly didn't see that coming. 15 minutes into the pilot of Luck. I really want to like this show since I go to the track often, but I have no idea what the hell is going on so far.
  19. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Dec 11, 2011 -> 05:30 PM) They became a fully united team when they dumped Rasmus (same argument we'd be making were we able do dump Rios on someone). It was more an example of benefitting from what they lost rather than the actual personnel gain from the trade...although some of those spare parts did come together nicely in the end for the Cardinals. They still might end up regretting it in the end, but hard to do that when you win the World Series, right? They won the World Series, and this trade directly helped them get there. They went 5-1 in games Jackson pitched in September, Rzepczynski & Dotel helped solidfy the bullpen & shut down Fielder/Braun in the NLCS. Anyone who ever regrets that trade is a moron.
  20. So pumped for the Boardwalk Empire finale tonight
  21. Did someone kidnap Mike Martz? With all these run plays, there is no way he is calling this offense.
  22. QUOTE (whitesoxfan99 @ Dec 11, 2011 -> 04:50 PM) He threw an interception earlier in the game. And the reason he doesn't throw picks are that his throws suck so badly they are no where near anyone. This. It's easy to protect the ball when you throw it over everyone's head.
  23. QUOTE (whitesoxfan99 @ Dec 11, 2011 -> 04:46 PM) That was not a great throw. He overthrew a WR who was completely wide open. Thomas was barely able to get a hand on it. Looked pretty catchable to me, but maybe it's the media's Tebow-ness getting to me.
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