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Everything posted by LittleHurt05

  1. QUOTE (Tex @ Nov 2, 2011 -> 04:55 AM) I can see the objection to him being the highest grossing actor of all time. He has had bit parts in some of the biggest box office movies. It's like after all the roles are filled let's find something for Sam our "good luck" charm. For a while in the late 90s, I think Jeff Goldblum may have been near the top of the list just by appearing in Independence Day and the Jurassic Park movies.
  2. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Nov 1, 2011 -> 06:03 PM) except for one being 36th overall in the draft and the other being undrafted, sure. He is a big body and was supposed to be very NFL ready coming into the NFL, and he really never had anyone throwing to him. Maybe there is more to him And for some reason I thought Robiskie was another white OSU receiver. Oops.
  3. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Nov 1, 2011 -> 05:25 PM) Brian Robiskie cut by the Browns today. Brad Biggs tweeted that back in 09 the Bears FO was very high on him. Different OC then, but if he was a Angelo target before maybe he will make another run at him. Brad Biggs normally doesnt tweet Bears rumors unless there is legs to it Aren't Brian Robiskie & Dane Sanzenbacher the same person?
  4. Thanks, Knight! So no other fans of Varsity Blues?? I thought that would be somewhere on the list.
  5. Roger Waters is bringing "The Wall" tour to Wrigley next June 8
  6. QUOTE (Paint it Black @ Nov 1, 2011 -> 12:41 PM) Yes. But it's not like the Royals ended up having to draft a soft tossing college arm because they couldn't afford Porcello. My point is, Porcello put a price tag on himself, the Royals felt he wasn't worth the money and risk. Everybody still won. So why should we restrict players by what they can and cannot make. Especially the White Sox, who picked Aaron Poreda 27th, while Porcello went 29th. If it wasn't for Porcello's asking price, do the Sox make the same pick?
  7. QUOTE (Paint it Black @ Nov 1, 2011 -> 12:34 PM) And the Royals ended up with Mike Moustakas. Not bad, no? So all is well in the world then. The Royals took their second choice, but it potentially worked out anyway. Porcello went 29th, how about all the other teams that didn't take him because of $$$$$?
  8. QUOTE (Paint it Black @ Nov 1, 2011 -> 12:20 PM) "it prevents larger market teams from poaching signability problem players in later rounds" Again, this isn't an issue. The money you give guys in later rounds is peanuts compared to the money given to free agents. Name a player who fell because small market teams could not afford him? If a player thinks he is worth X amount of dollars and says so, who cares? For many of these players this is the ONLY chance they will ever be able to get this kind of money. If teams don't think they're worth it, they won't draft him. Why is this a bad thing? Why is it bad that a player wants to get paid? I'm sure I can find more, but here is one that immediately popped in my head.
  9. QUOTE (Paint it Black @ Nov 1, 2011 -> 12:13 PM) Well it's not true they spend more. So that's why. And if they spend the same amount then the system is working, right? Not necessarily. The Royals/Pirates are drafting much higher in the draft, so they should be spending more money. If the Yankees are spending the same amount lower in the draft, then they are potentially buying players that shouldn't have dropped so low.
  10. QUOTE (DirtySox @ Nov 1, 2011 -> 11:43 AM) This is tremendously false. The Royals, Pirates, and Nationals have made a living at signing players seeking significantly over-slot. In latter rounds as well. Apparently, that's been very successful for those teams too.
  11. QUOTE (DirtySox @ Nov 1, 2011 -> 10:05 AM) I'm also a fan of baseball and not just the White Sox. Hard-slotting hurts small market teams that aren't able to lure the big time free agents. Teams like the Rays, Royals, and Pirates realize that it's absolutely necessary to be able to develop their own players and they spend accordingly to make up for other deficiencies they can't control as much. I'd rather not see that taken away from them. It also pushes multi-sport and certain prep talent away from the draft if bonuses are set in stone. Hard-slotting is widely viewed by almost everyone as a terrible hindrance of an idea. It might be good for the thrifty White Sox, but it's awful for the rest of baseball. Can't the large market teams do the same thing in drafting that they do in free agency? If there are a lot of potential "unsignable" players in a draft, can't the Yankees/Red Sox let it leak that their draft budget this year has been upped by X amount of dollars, more than the Pirates or Rays could afford. I'm sure the agents know where the money is every year, and I could see a few top players being "bought" this way too, just like free agency.
  12. QUOTE (iamshack @ Nov 1, 2011 -> 10:53 AM) Correct me if I'm wrong, but if the small market teams are not competing, they will be able to compensate for this by having higher draft picks. Meanwhile, the big market teams will not be drafting kids later in the rounds that fell for signability reasons. Exactly. I have a hard time understanding how hard slotting can be considered a bad thing.
  13. QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Nov 1, 2011 -> 10:50 AM) He's going to win 300 games. He would need at least 3 more season to do that, if not more. That would put him at 51 years old. The question is, if he does reach 300 wins, is he a Hall of Famer? I still say no.
  14. As November begins, the top NHL goaltender is 38-year old Nikolai Khabibulin.
  15. QUOTE (kjshoe04 @ Nov 1, 2011 -> 08:31 AM) I honestly have no problem with someone picking Major League number one. It's a really damn good movie. A movie doesn't have to be super dramatic for me to think it's great. I would have Caddyshack number one myself. The Sandlot got votes on nostalgia. Watching it as an adult is not nearly the same fun it was when I was a kid. I don't know, I've seen it a few times, and I find it just as entertaining as in the past. Maybe it is the nostalgia factor taking over?
  16. QUOTE (HickoryHuskers @ Nov 1, 2011 -> 09:27 AM) I can think of a Chicago team that could really use Samardzija right about now. Meh. They already have one grindy white WR, they don't need another one.
  17. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Nov 1, 2011 -> 08:14 AM) The opt out was the only way to get him to NY. He wanted a way out in case he didn't like it there. Remember where he had pitched before the Yankees wasn't exactly media central. That was why it was such a surprise that he signed with the Yankees. Everyone figured he would want to avoid the media spotlight and maybe pitch closer to home near Oakland where he's from. Saying no to the Yankees money is easier said than done.
  18. HIMYM: The Barney is a Canadian storyline was funny, but other than that, the show is a big meh. I'm caring less & less as to who the mother is anyway.
  19. QUOTE (EvilJester99 @ Nov 1, 2011 -> 07:14 AM) God I am already so sick of all the Cubs talk on the radio.. Combined with the Bears bye week & NBA lockout, it is has been nonstop. (Unfortunately no cares about hockey still)
  20. QUOTE (kjshoe04 @ Oct 31, 2011 -> 10:51 PM) I was 7 when it came out. Enjoyed it a lot but seriously can't fathom someone putting it over a truly great films like Rocky or Raging Bull and others on here. The list was titled "favorite" sports movies, not "best" movies and I took that to heart when making my list. Raging Bull & Rocky are obviously better movies than Major League & the Sandlot. But if I were to choose one sports movie to watch right now, it would be Major League. It's entertaining everytime I watch it, I quote it all the time, and that's why I would pick that #1.
  21. QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Oct 31, 2011 -> 06:24 PM) The Cardinals have been in the postseason 5 times, 3 WS appearances and two titles since '04. No comparison. If you didn't notice, I said before August 29, which doesn't include this year's title. There's obviously no comparison now. I looked at it from 2005-2010, but when you include '04 that does tilt it more in their favor though.
  22. QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Oct 31, 2011 -> 05:40 PM) Sandlot and Remember the Titans, nice. These two movies I'm pretty sure I have seen more than any others. Same here. #2 & #3 on my list. They are on TV so much too, especially Remember the Titans. The soundtrack puts that movie over the top IMO.
  23. QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Oct 31, 2011 -> 06:07 PM) It has? I must've missed it. As there is no comparison between the two franchises. Which is funny, because if you compared the two franchises on August 29, their recent history the last 6-7 seasons has been very, very similar. Of course, what happened over the last two months changes that.
  24. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Oct 31, 2011 -> 12:32 PM) I didn't know where to put this, so here goes. After 72 days, Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries are divorcing. Way to stick it out.
  25. QUOTE (ZoomSlowik @ Oct 31, 2011 -> 12:50 PM) I'm a little stumped as well outside of Major League and Field of Dreams. Sandlot? Remember the Titans? Those were my top 3 movies.
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