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Everything posted by LittleHurt05

  1. Sounds like the rain is gonna last for a while. Pretty interesting situation considering how dependent both teams are on their aces.
  2. QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Sep 30, 2011 -> 08:27 PM) Best manager, gm and player in the league on one team. Yes, Longoria is the best player in the AL when healthy. Did Jose Bautista & Miguel Cabrera get traded to the NL today?
  3. Someone tell CJ Wilson that the playoffs started an hour ago, it's not batting practice anymore. Ouch.
  4. I have a hard time seeing LaRussa coming to Chicago w/o Dave Duncan. They seem to be a package deal.
  5. Good for him. A few years ago he probably thought his MLB dreams were finished, and now he signs this contract. Solid deal for the Sox too, if he pitches anything like he has the last two years.
  6. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Sep 30, 2011 -> 10:23 AM) Yeah that's an oversight. OSU has been, especially in the last 7-8 years. Ever since Matt Sylvester hit that 3
  7. QUOTE (Heads22 @ Sep 29, 2011 -> 11:48 PM) I think Iowa State should be pretty popular, because fact is, if you follow college basketball, someone on your favorite team has transferred to Ames to play for the Mayor. I hear Jereme Richmond may be available
  8. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Sep 30, 2011 -> 09:05 AM) Any chance the Raiders upset the Pats? The best way to beat the Pats is throwing the ball, which obviously isn't the Raiders strong point. Then again, if they were able to run for 200+ against the Jets, don't see why they can't do it vs. NE.
  9. QUOTE (MHizzle85 @ Sep 29, 2011 -> 02:48 PM) Please explain how you'd pick Bautista over Ellsbury, Miggy, AGon & Granderson. If Ellsbury, Miggy, AGon, or Granderson replaced Bautista on Toronto, they would still be nowhere near a playoff spot. That's my problem with the MVP discussion
  10. QUOTE (Rex Hudler @ Sep 29, 2011 -> 10:18 PM) Michigan State's Delvon Roe hangs up the sneakers today due to degenerative knee pain. I saw that earlier. Poor guy, could have been a helluva player, sucks that he had to give it up.
  11. QUOTE (knightni @ Sep 29, 2011 -> 09:38 PM) Honestly, alcohol and dating is a bad mix. I don't want to get blasted around a girl that I like, and I don't want her getting messed up around me. The frat house rules should not apply if you want a serious relationship. Not always true. My wife met me while I was drunkenly taking in the 2005 playoffs, yet still kept me around, and we have had several drunken dates over time. Now we are 2.5 years happily married and get along so great despite the drunken fun.
  12. QUOTE (kitekrazy @ Sep 29, 2011 -> 07:52 PM) Any team not favored by ESPN . ESPN still picked the Red Sox to win it all somehow
  13. Awesome. Way to go Maddon. Davis & Niemann scare nobody. Plus, there is probably very little good video on Moore and he sounds as talented as the hype.
  14. QUOTE (chw42 @ Sep 29, 2011 -> 07:04 PM) I want to see Valverde blow 3 saves this series. That f***er's gotten lucky all year and acts like a total douche. It's funny, in 2007 I loved his act when he was performing it on the North Side in the playoffs. Now I can't stand the f***er.
  15. QUOTE (IlliniKrush @ Sep 29, 2011 -> 07:06 PM) I love IU fans, been talking for years, still no results. WE'RE GONNA BE GOOD THOUGH WATCH OUT! WE WEAR STRIPED WARM-UP PANTS, WE ARE RELEVANT!!!!!
  16. Lots of talk that maybe Matt Moore should start game 1. I think Niemann has already been announced, but either way Moore is gonna make an appearance, probably facing Hamilton. edit: chw42 beat me to it...
  17. QUOTE (Palehosefan @ Sep 28, 2011 -> 09:47 PM) In the ever fun rumor world, BYU supposedly decided tonight to join the Big 12 and will announce on Friday. Don't they have to be actually offered a spot in the big 12 before they can just decide to join?
  18. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Sep 29, 2011 -> 04:41 PM) Greg will poll 100 Jayhawks fans and they will claim never to have heard of Dunn or Rios but will be conspicuously wearing their brand-new Miami Marlins glow-in-the-dark gear. After Bill Self and Roy Williams, #3 on their "I'd most like to have a beer with..." list would be Ozzie Guillen, followed by the Reverend Fred Phelps, anyone from the cast of "The Big Bang Theory" and Minka Kelly. LittleHurt05 approves this post
  19. QUOTE (Papa Tru @ Sep 29, 2011 -> 03:53 PM) I choose Joe Mauer Ding Ding Ding!!!! We have a winner!
  20. QUOTE (flavum @ Sep 29, 2011 -> 04:08 PM) Hudson vs Marcum, Sunday at 3:37, Miller Park Let's Go Brew Crew!!!
  21. QUOTE (Marty34 @ Sep 29, 2011 -> 01:54 PM) Williams World Series Titles with Guillen: 1 Williams World Series titles with out Guillen: 0 Just sayin' Milkman. Guillen World Series Titles with Williams: 1 Guillen World Series titles with out Williams: 0 Just sayin' Marty
  22. -The offense in games 1 & 2 -Liriano no-hitter (That was so fun-bad, I enjoyed it) -Lillibridge's catches in Yankee Stadium -Sweep in Fenway
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