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Everything posted by LittleHurt05

  1. QUOTE (pittshoganerkoff @ May 24, 2011 -> 08:39 AM) To me it seemed like they wrapped up a bunch of stuff really quick, as if they knew it wasn't going to be renewed (or they filmed two different finales?). I agree. The way they were finally able to indict Gibbons just felt so forced. The Wysockis are the main characters, so let's close up the story with Vince & bust Gibbons at the same time with evidence from 15 years ago. At no point in the last 15 years, did they try to find that information? They just happened to find it hours before the grand jury was over, how convenient. And the end scene with Colvin about to f*** the random guy was a bit unnecassary.
  2. QUOTE (since56 @ May 24, 2011 -> 07:51 AM) Dunn? If he didn't carry a past reputation he would be cut. So far he sucks big time. Definitely. I'm sure the Sox would have no problem paying him the $50 millions he's still owed to play on someone else's team.
  3. QUOTE (pittshoganerkoff @ May 24, 2011 -> 06:29 AM) Good final episode of the Chicago Code last night. I thought the show really took off over the past few weeks. Too bad it was cancelled. Maybe another network will pick it up? The show definitely picked up as the season went on. There were some good twists & turns in the finale, but I was a bit disappointed, felt like something was missing. Maybe that's just because it wasn't renewed?
  4. Ed DeChellis leaves Penn State to take head coach job at Navy.
  5. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ May 23, 2011 -> 09:35 AM) I really just want a level playing field. That out of bounds call on Luol Deng was inexcusable. I just can't get over it. Also, on the news this morning they showed 5 baskets that LBJ scored on where he took FIVE STEPS! Five! It's just depressing... on a level playing field, the Bulls are up 2-1 at worst. Anyway, I hate being that guy, but it's f***ing true. It's truly amazing how much travelling is allowed in the NBA. The Bulls do it sometimes too, but no one does it as much as LBJ & Wade. There was one play where James took a step, made a jump stop, landed on two feet, and then took two more steps towards the hoop. If that's not travelling , I don't know what is?
  6. Sucks the Bulls lost, but it just makes Tueday a must-win. Win that, home-court advantage is back. If they lose, then its trouble.
  7. QUOTE (witesoxfan @ May 22, 2011 -> 07:48 PM) I just personally don't believe that HGH could have this type of an effect on any hitter simply due to the nature of the product. It doesn't seem to drastically increase the strength of a person. If there is any effect, it's simply improving vision. It (apparently) leans you out and will help with day to day recovery, but there is no real indication of that. And it wasn't a slight swing adjustment either, it's a very drastic change that he has made and it's basically been a complete overhaul of his swing. How many people do you know that take HGH? How are you sure that it doesn't help you hit home runs? People said similar things about Bonds too, that you still need to be able to see the ball, strength doesn't matter. Maybe the vision improvement is helping him?
  8. QUOTE (greg775 @ May 22, 2011 -> 09:17 PM) Since this is a winner thread, I'd like to give kudos to Juan Pierre. 3 hits. And of course Lexi and the pitching. And some kudos to Adam Dunn, got on base 4 of 5 appearances.
  9. QUOTE (SoxAce @ May 22, 2011 -> 04:10 PM) I hate to see any player get hurt like that, though I consider that karma for him. What did Byrd do to deserve a fastball to the face?
  10. QUOTE (witesoxfan @ May 22, 2011 -> 02:49 PM) I read something that suggested that basically, HGH is hit or miss with people and it simply can't have that drastic of an effect. I also saw someone finally make a point I was thinking about but it was so out there that I didn't want to make it - this jump is simply too big for it to be PEDs alone. When there is clear video evidence of a mechanical adjustment, I'm going to assume that, but I think other people can acknowledge that the dude has changed too while convicting him of PED use as well. (I still think it's a f***ing joke that the first thing people say about Jose Bautista is "STEROIDS/HGH/PIGS FEET/WHATEVER"...it's insulting) Has Bautista ever been tested for HGH? It does suck that it's the first thing I think of, but blame Bud Selig. I've seen too many players put up crazy numbers out of nowhere to automatically think it's just a slight swing adjustment.
  11. Josh Hamilton & Nelson Cruz set to be activated off the DL just in time for tommorrow night's game. Perfect timing.
  12. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ May 22, 2011 -> 01:16 PM) By the way, the Indians still don't suck. Poised to sweep the Indians at home. At least we will make up some ground in the loss column
  13. QUOTE (greg775 @ May 22, 2011 -> 01:13 AM) When you booed him did you get any dirty looks from fans? Or is it consensus. I booed him on Friday night and the crowd seemed to agree...
  14. QUOTE (BearSox @ May 22, 2011 -> 01:59 AM) I wonder if the Rocks would sell low on Ian Stewart. Isn't Dallas McPherson sucky enough for you? Do we need another busted 3rd base prospect?
  15. QUOTE (Whitewashed in '05 @ May 21, 2011 -> 10:33 PM) I've tried looking for the video tribute online, but can't find it! If anyone has it or has a link to it, would be greatly appreciated. It literally lasted 30 seconds. just find Juan's catches from Game 4 and you won't miss much
  16. QUOTE (chw42 @ May 21, 2011 -> 07:11 PM) Jose Bautista with another two homers today. HGH is a hell of a drug
  17. Heard some rumors about Lance cheating.....
  18. QUOTE (greg775 @ May 21, 2011 -> 01:34 AM) Yeah, I'm mainly just frustrated and pissed. Sox were looking good and just gave that away tonight. After beating Cleveland two in a row, Indians pick one game up like that. Boom. You were at the game.... Were the people at the game surprised Paulie jogged to first on that final at bat? Maybe he was put to sleep by Adam Dunn's great at bats in front of him. -- Did you hear many negative comments in the stands about Dunn and Rios? We thought it was over until Russell Mitchell showed up, but yeah we booed Dunn,
  19. QUOTE (greg775 @ May 21, 2011 -> 01:24 AM) I'm not an expert, but how bout a nasty slider. I can't recall every pitch, so I dont know exactly what he threw him...
  20. Just got home from the game. We are planning the victory party, no way the .071 hitter does anything...f***....this game hurt....
  21. QUOTE (greg775 @ May 20, 2011 -> 11:48 PM) I don't understand the posters who want Lillibridge to start. Guys, he's not a starter in the big leagues. He's a damn fine utility player though. Because Juan Pierre has trouble catching the ball and is under 50% in stealing bases, which is his best attribute.....
  22. QUOTE (greg775 @ May 20, 2011 -> 11:50 PM) Sergio is one of my favorite players, but he's not automatic. He was not good tonight. Of course he'd have had an excellent outing had he had a better approach on that guy who homered. Sergio he swung as hard as he could and pasted your fastball. How bout the pitch you struck that first guy out on! Before today the guy was 7 of 53 with 2 HRs in his entire MLB career. Should he have pitched around him? He went after him and the guy got lucky.
  23. QUOTE (That funky motion @ May 13, 2011 -> 10:10 PM) Derek Boogaard was found dead today in his Minneapolis apartment by members of his family. He was 28. NESN @Russostrib Derek Boogaard's manner of death is accidental mixture of alcohol and oxycodone toxicity - per Hennepin Cty ME
  24. Hawks sign potential back-up goalie Alexander Salak, 2-year deal, 600k/yr, one-way contract
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