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Everything posted by Cubano

  1. Is Cowley sending updates through Twitter?
  2. QUOTE (elrockinMT @ Mar 17, 2009 -> 02:31 PM) I know. I got stuck with something similar a few years back and all Chicago games ended up getting blacked out I have MLB Extra Innings too, but this thing start during the regular season only. If Viciedo does not make the team, I am dropping my Sport Pack option. Those $12 go to savings for when gas prices skyrocket once more in 2 years.
  3. QUOTE (elrockinMT @ Mar 17, 2009 -> 02:26 PM) On what? Havana deportes? They may not have enough TV crew members to do that. One TV crew member defected in San Diego during the WBC. Glad to see Viciedo hitting good pitchers.
  4. I bought Direct TV Sport pack that includes Comcast Chicago Sports. Why doesn't this channel broadcast the Chicago games? This sucks big time.
  5. Cubano

    WBC # 2

    The first Cuban have defected during the WBC. Yuri Boza, a Cuban TV worker, defected in San Diego. He asked somebody at the airport to use a cell phone to call his brother in Miami. His brother bought him an airplane ticket to Miami. He said Cuban youth do not care about the Revolution. He also said: "Los segurosos [agentes de la Seguridad del Estado] han mantenido a los peloteros bajo un control severo, sin dejar que se les acerque nadie'' Cuban security agents do not allow anybody to talk to the Cuban players nor allow anybody to get really close to them. http://www.elnuevoherald.com/ultimas-notic...ory/406249.html
  6. Cubano

    WBC # 2

    QUOTE (Thunderbolt @ Mar 15, 2009 -> 05:11 PM) Is is strange that he's the youngest Cuban pitcher i've ever seen throw? Do not forget Livan Hernandez and Danys Baez. They defected and debuted in MLB very young.
  7. QUOTE (Thunderbolt @ Mar 15, 2009 -> 04:54 PM) I'm actually suprised at how many abs we've been giving Eider Torres and Santos over the course of spring, but i wouldn't say that Vicideo is getting a raw deal here. I think Viciedo is back in Cuba that is why he has not played in a monthhhhhh. That is the rumor in the Whie Sox camp. This is a joke of course. He has a tatoo in his head that says minor leagues.
  8. QUOTE (BearSox @ Mar 15, 2009 -> 09:32 PM) I really wonder what Cabrera's, and the rest of the teams view on Chavez is. Do most of them support Chavez but just not state their views publicly. Or do they disagree with Ordonez and Chavez but feel baseball is no. 1 and that should be their main focus? I have a friend of mine at work who happens to be Venezuelan. I have been telling him since Chavez began his move that Venezuela will become hell like Cuba. He always said: "No we will vote him out." My friend does not have an idea how Communism work. I feel bad for them. I am telling today. One day Chavez may say:" No more professional baseball in Venezeula and no more Winter Leagues."
  9. QUOTE (Texsox @ Mar 15, 2009 -> 03:47 PM) people vote with their feet, since you are here, I'll assume you prefer a super power to a tiny island. Making you neither a hypocrite nor naive. I voted with my feet because I did not have a life back home. I could not stand the government telling me what to do, what to eat, what to say, where to work, etc. I do not blame the USA policies nor anybody but myself for my own problems. I do not demand anything from the USA like many others do all the time. If the USA had sent me back, that was the USA sole right. The problems in Cuba are our own making. Let me remind you that before 1959, not many Cubans left the island for the USA. On the contrary, there were many Americans going down there. Magglio should help the Venezuelan government. We can see more Venezuelans in the USA. As a matter of fact, the exodus have began. How many Venezuelans moved out before Chavez? I hope the USA expel Magglio when he decides to stay or come in the future.
  10. QUOTE (BearSox @ Mar 15, 2009 -> 06:54 PM) I'm just a big fan of his story, and his story makes me realize even with all of the country's problems, it's still the best damn country in the world. Do not hate your country. Good or bad it is yours despite the government or anything you may not like. 70 % of the world wants to come to the USA. You have great music, great history, great thinkers, great sports, beatiful women, great universities, etc, etc, etc. As for mine, it has a great history (good and bad) too. We had indians that were killed by the spaniards. We had slaves too. We fought for our independence. It has good music, sports, women, food, beaches, etc. My country is more than Castro. Two Cubans I know went to USA vs Puerto Rico the other day. More than half of the fans in the stadium were from Puerto Rico. My friends were rooting for the USA with flags. He could not understand how come there were not many US born people to support their team and he was there with his cousins rooting for them. I do not understand Magglio. He can bring his family as a millionaire in USA. USA recieves millionaires all the time. He has benefited with Capitalism. Now, he is supporting a guy that is not very smart Chavez who wants to confiscate everything and suppress freedoms, etc. If Chavez keeps in power, you may not probably see Venezuelans in the MLB like you do not see Cubans unless they escape.
  11. Cubano

    WBC # 2

    QUOTE (knightni @ Mar 15, 2009 -> 05:09 PM) I agree. But you were seeming to me to insinuate that there was anti-Cuban bias by an American umpire. No, it was not anti-Cuban the calls made by the umpire. I think it was more about him knowing Matsuzaka, Ichiro, etc and not knowing the Cubans. It is similar when star players in MLB get calls while the so so players do not get the same calls. If you watch the game, the umpire did not give the inside courner to Chapman but he gave the outside and inside to Matsuzaka. Not only Chapman was upset but some Cuban relievers. The Cuban bench yelled at him and the umpire ordered them to shut up. The main thing is that Japan won and I shut up until tomorrow when we play the loser of Mexico and Korea. By the way, the Korean starter should be good.
  12. Cubano

    WBC # 2

    QUOTE (knightni @ Mar 15, 2009 -> 04:51 PM) MLB umpires have been behind the plate in almost every WBC game. That does not mean all of them are good.
  13. Cubano

    WBC # 2

    This American umpire is giving Matsuzaka the courners and the Cubans nothing. Are you guys watching?
  14. QUOTE (BearSox @ Mar 14, 2009 -> 07:57 PM) I don't really think they post info about B or split squad games, but I think the stats from those games go into the main stats page on mlb.com Also, it seems highly likely we'll be seeing Viciedo in AA or AAA to begin the year (preferably AA, that's where all the talent is). It was Fields job to lose, and so far he's been raking. You are right. I have to wait until July then to see him.
  15. Cubano

    WBC # 2

    QUOTE (MexSoxFan#1 @ Mar 12, 2009 -> 10:56 PM) wow,what a drubbing ,at least it was to Cuba but against Austrailia the other day was truly embarrassing. I am pretty certain Korea will start with Ryu, Hyunjin. He is good. I think he pitched well against Japan and/or Cuba in the past.
  16. QUOTE (Texsox @ Mar 15, 2009 -> 09:49 AM) Hmm, someone having pride in their native country. Shocking. I do not know whether or not this is directed at me. I have pride on my country nor its system and current leaders. A country represents more than its government.
  17. QUOTE (Texsox @ Mar 15, 2009 -> 12:38 PM) I believe Cubano has denounced Cuba as a third world hell hole that will never amount to anything. Which is probably a good thing if you immigrate to the US. You should have to profess a hate for your old country and a love for all things American. Big Macs and Coke for everyone! No Big Mac in Cuba nor Coke pleaseeee. Then, we will be watching our weight and health.
  18. Cubano

    WBC # 2

    Chapman will start according to this. http://mlb.mlb.com/news/article.jsp?ymd=20...sp&c_id=mlb
  19. Cubano

    WBC # 2

    Scout and opposing players' opinions on cuban players. Somebody compared Chapman to Koufax. http://cubanballplayers.blogspot.com/2009/...n-to-sandy.html Cuba vs Japan at 4:00 P.M. ET. I hope the start LHP Chapman and not veteran RHP Norge Vera today against Japan. I like to see japanese hitters against Chapman. Probably, Matsuzaka will take the mound. He has beaten Cuba twice. Japan beat Cuba in the WBC # 1 and Cuba beat Yu Darvish in Beijing. Japan did not hit too much in Beijing and so far they are hitting around 250. USA disappointed me. How can you leave a pitcher get rocked and fall behind like that?
  20. I know this Thread has politics conotation, but it refers to a former White Sox and to what happened during a WBC game in Miami. If the Mods think they should move, that is fine. They are in charge anyways.
  21. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Mar 14, 2009 -> 05:38 PM) That is silly. He's never been one to give anything but max effort. For the first time I read a positive comment from you regarding cuban baseball or a player from Cuba in general. Contreras won't be the first one to try to do well in his contract year especially when this may be his last contract.
  22. QUOTE (2nd_city_saint787 @ Mar 12, 2009 -> 08:24 PM) I honestly see these two guys pushing each other the whole season and both having phenomenal seasons. I also see the top 3 guys feeding off these guys as well, and im gonna go out on a limb and say this starting staff will be better than the 05 staff. I might just be saying this cause im a sox fan but i think this team has a legit chance at doing A LOT of damage. Are either of Counts or Colons games gonna be on tv??? The only thing pushing Contreras this season is $$$$$$ free agency.
  23. He has made millions in MLB. He has enjoyed Capitalism as a result of my hard work. Now, he is helping promote Hugo Chavez communist and repressive ideas in Venezuela. Chavez has been nationalizing companies and someday baseball may be one including MLB academies and professional teams. Venezuelans in Miami booed him today. I wonder why. This is incredible! The thing with the communists is the following. First, they go after the super rich. Then, they go after the middle class. Then, they go after anybody who has some property or money. Watch out Magglio! I would not put my money in a venezuelan bank but I wish you do to see if one day they take it away from you. ESPN Deportes (Spanish) http://espndeportes.espn.go.com/news/story...&type=story
  24. QUOTE (Kalapse @ Mar 14, 2009 -> 05:03 PM) Coming into today Viciedo had more official Spring ABs than Betemit (who's started more than a few games at SS) and Castillo had 8. Viciedo has more spring plate appearances than Josh Fields. It is true, but he has not played for the last couple of games. Castillo was playing with Panama in the WBC so he has a few more AB. By the way, I read that Owens went 0-4 in a B game. Did Viciedo play there? Where do you find info on B games? Thanks,
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