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Everything posted by Cubano

  1. QUOTE (daa84 @ Mar 9, 2009 -> 03:29 PM) at this rate betemit will have his career high in errors by the end of ST Oh, like some in here wrote. This is just ST and he is a veteran player. Give him a free pass.
  2. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Mar 9, 2009 -> 03:12 PM) How did Australia beat Mexico by 10 runs? That's a big surprise...not quite like the Netherlands over DR, but close. The world is catching up.
  3. QUOTE (scenario @ Mar 9, 2009 -> 02:55 PM) A few interesting notes from the mlb.com press-pass notes today... Jose Contreras left the team after his session this morning to go to Florida and be sworn in as a US citizen on Wednesday. He'll be back with the team on Thursday. Thank you USA for allowing us to come and stay because our home land is hell now.
  4. QUOTE (GreatScott82 @ Mar 8, 2009 -> 08:50 PM) Hey Cubano... Maybe you have something here... Ozzie on Beckham from whitesox.com I laugh. That is the only thing I can do. I am an outsider guys looking in to MLB. I told you my crystal ball told me something was brewing at 2B. MLB manipulation! When a team wants to send down a player, he has work to do in the minors. When they want to leave him at MLB level, everyting is honky dunky.
  5. QUOTE (bmags @ Mar 8, 2009 -> 09:05 PM) Weird. I'll try it. ei is like in the sound of Sleigh I in Spanish is like E in English.
  6. The White Sox TV crew pronounce it as Alexei but it is wrong. The i at the end is not silent. Alex-a-e.
  7. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Mar 8, 2009 -> 08:16 PM) Cubano, obviously I read your response as taking a shot at the White Sox for being hypocrites about Viciedo. Well, they've invested MORE money into Viciedo for LESS years, so why wouldn't they start him if he was truly ready? You don't think Ozzie and KW want to win badly enough, or that they'd prefer to go through another 2007 again, especially when that will have real consequences for the season ticket base of renewals in 2010? Not on your life, they're going to make the correct decision after assessing all the factors with both Viciedo and Beckham. Viciedo, according to most (not just Peter Bjarkman) actually regressed or went backwards over the last couple of years in Cuba...he was overweight by 20-30 pounds at his DR workout...he missed the mandatory weight training session last Monday, he just has some more maturing to do. He's just turning 20 this month. Beckham, on the other hand, has been climbing since the day he was drafted...probably moreso than any player from last year's draft. He played well after he signed, then even better in the Arizona Fall League. Viciedo was being left off the national team, Olympic team, WBC team, etc. Of course, the Cubans knew about his potential ability TOO, moreso than anyone in the US, but they also are in the business of winning now, not next season. All that said, I don't think that Beckham will make this team, although he's certainly shown the ability to hit well and confidently (so far) out of the leadoff spot, albeit in ST, but it's certainly a positive sign. He has flinched or wilted under the pressure. And Jerry Owens has shown no ability to steal bases, so there has to be some consideration to giving Beckham that spot because our biggest need right now is at leadoff. I can't wait until they move Ramirez to CF for Beckham, that will be when it really starts to fly around here!!!! I know you are waiting for that moment Cubano, but I don't think it will come if Ramirez is close to as good as advertised defensively. Just think if you were Josh Fields coming off his 2007 rookie year and you were told you're going to the minors? Don't you think he had more of a reason to be bitter than Viciedo would, since Viciedo hasn't proved anything at all in regular season big league play? I know all players EXPECT and play like they expect to make the team, but I'm sure Jaime Torres has already alerted him to the reality. If Josh Fields wasn't healthy, was having huge fielding problems and looking like Brian Anderson at the plate and Viciedo was sent down, then I would agree with you. But Fields, Nix and Kroeger have been the three best hitters, at least until Beckham's performance yesterday. The other reason, as noted, was that they 1) wanted to get him more at-bats, they said they might do that from 3B as well, which, of course, would aggravate you if it got in the way of Viciedo's PT, and 2) Lillibridge and Nix are both out for now, and Eider Torres needs to give Ramirez a rest in ST. I do not read anything from Peter Bjarkman. For him, Cuban players are God while still in the island. Once they defect, they are so so. Is it because he wants to be in bed with the Cuban government so they do not expel him from Cuba? By the way, what happen to the travel Embargo? Viciedo was in the Cuban roster for the WBC # 1 three years ago? Of course, he was there for the training. Viciedo was in the Cuban junior team competing abroad. Then, he defected. Was he going to sit Gourriel or Michel Enriquez who is third in average post 1959 in Cuba both on this WBC roster? Viciedo last season in Cuba was not that bad. Don't MLB second year players fall into hard times too after good first years? Cuba right now has a lot of good players coming up. Baseball is cyclical. In the 90's, there was a void when the government forced many veterans into retirement.
  8. Cubano

    WBC # 2

    Let's go USA! Where are the USA fans in here?
  9. A friend of mine who happens to be a baseball agent wrote this to me long time ago. I have kept it handy. I quote: "salary arbitration ... How does this work? Players who have at least three years of major league service time but less than the six years of service time needed for free agency are eligible for arbitration. (The top 17% of players with less than 3 yrs of service time are also eligible.) In arbitration, the team and the player both submit a proposed salary, and then, if they can't reach agreement, a hearing is conducted before an arbitration panel (3 arbitrators). The player's agent argues for the player, and the team argues for the team, and then, a day or two later, the arbitrators decide which salary the player will earn. The arbitrators must pick between the two salaries submitted; they can't just make up a salary. These days, the vast majority of arbitration cases are settled before a hearing, usually for a salary somewhere between the player's number and the team's number. Last year, out of about 50-100 possible arbitration cases, only about a dozen (or less) actually went all the way to a hearing. > How a MLB contract is negociated? For players already in the minors, or players with less than three years of ML service time, there's not much negotiation. Players are paid the minimum salary, or close to the minimum, as outlined in the Basic Agreement. For players between three years and six years, the arbitration process means there's some negotiation room, but it's still limited to between the player and one team, so it's not a true open-market negotiation. The same applies to draft picks, since they can only negotiate with the drafting team. For free agents, whether major league or non-drafted or players outside the draft (outside U.S. and Canada), negotiating an ML contract is similar to any other negotiation: Teams make contact with the players they're interested in, make offers, and then the teams and players submit counter-offers, etc., until an agreement is reached. It's not too much different than buying/selling a car or house, etc. > What are the major differences and benefits between a major > league contract and a minor league contract? The differences are substantial. The minimum salary in the majors is around $400,000 per year while the minimum salary in the minors is around $900 per month (during the season only). Also, all players under ML contract (40-man roster) automatically attend ML spring training, while minor leaguers must be "invited" to attend. Players in the majors also earn credit toward the ML pension plan and have great health care plans, etc., while minor leaguers have no pension and only a limited health care plan. The 17% is just a strict mathematical calculation. MLB makes a list of all the players in MLB who have between 1 day of service time and 3 years of service time, and then the top 17% of that list -- that is, the 17% of that group who have the most ML service time -- become eligible for arbitration. They're called "Super Twos" because they only have 2-plus years of service time in the majors instead of the three years that most players need before becoming eligible for arbitration. (The 17% doesn't have anything to do with statistics, performance, etc.; it's completely based on service time in the majors.)"
  10. Cubano

    WBC # 2

    Accordin to the cuban announcers, Aroldis Chapman will be the starter for the second game. He is the best pitching prospect. He may be out of Cuba soon. They said that he has thrown 101 MPH.
  11. QUOTE (dmbjeff @ Mar 8, 2009 -> 05:28 PM) Well thank you for letting us know this was your opinion and not something official. When you write that the Sox are going to make Beckham the starting 2B and you learn something new everyday about MLB, it appears to be something that is real. Unfortunately, it's not real and irresponsible. If you think Beckham should be the 2B, go ahead and post that. Hell, I even agree that he should, but don't write things that are false. The tittle and my first post are a question not an assertion on my part. I am asking everyone here about Gordon and 2B.
  12. I confess I opened the Thread sarcastically to show how thing change and how teams manipulates things. Viciedo/Fields, Gordon situation. Honestly, I prefer Gordon than all the other failures though calling Getz that is premature. I am agaisnt Owens, Nix, etc.
  13. I take many minor leaguers over some MLB bombs at any time.
  14. I see Gordon getting a long look at 2B. I see him getting a lot of playing time there. We have a month to go. We shall see.
  15. QUOTE (SoxFan101 @ Mar 8, 2009 -> 04:49 PM) I still think regardless atleast to begin the season, Getz or Nix will start at 2B I would not be so sure. The way I am seeing things with my crystal ball I see Gordon making the team with zero games played at 2B before ST.
  16. Is James Gordon Beckham the new Sox 2B despite playing in the low minors only? Is Guillen considering starting him? Has he play 2B before? Now, it looks like the Sox wants to give the 2B position to Gordon. This is incredible. I learn something new with MLB every year.
  17. Cubano

    WBC # 2

    QUOTE (zenryan @ Mar 8, 2009 -> 03:42 PM) Two things I've noticed today. 1.Mexico has some very green grass. Almost looks fake. 2.Carlos Lee looks more thick/fat this season. Synthetic field
  18. Cubano

    WBC # 2

    Now to close the 9th Vladimir "la Bala/Bullet" Garcia from Ciego de Avila. He is 22-23 years old. 95 + MPH. The CF for the 9th Leonis Martin is what the White Sox need for CF and lead off. Lefty, good defensively and fast.
  19. Cubano

    WBC # 2

    Cuba established a new WBC record with six home runs breaking the Dominican record which hit four home runs during the WBC # 1. The game has not ended. Mexico and Australia tonight. Mexico usually plays tough against the better teams but they play so so against the not so powerful teams. The same thing happens in Soccer (Football). Mexico will tough with their fans.
  20. Cubano

    WBC # 2

    Another bomb to RF/CF. Cespedes.
  21. Cubano

    WBC # 2

    The South African pitcher threw a ball to Mayeta's head after Gourriel home run.
  22. Cubano

    WBC # 2

    You guys are seeing how Cuban hitters go the other way. Three bombs to the opposite field and a few other hits too.
  23. Cubano

    WBC # 2

    QUOTE (3E8 @ Mar 8, 2009 -> 02:07 PM) He's got a super-quick bat The sad thing about him is that if he defects, he will get a minor league contract and send down to the minors. He is so so in LF, but he will hit MLB pitching for sure. I want to see my boy from my hometwon Camaguey. Leslie Anderson. The only one from my Cuban team. Lots of Cubans in the stands. Two friend of mine are there. Next WBC, I think I will be there.
  24. Cubano

    WBC # 2

    That is Cepeda form the Roosters. He is the more selective hitter in Cuba. Switch hitter too.
  25. Cubano

    WBC # 2

    Young cuban players to follow: under 25 years old 2b Olivera 3b Gourriel RF Despaigne CF Cespedes The catcher Pestano will retire this year. Miguel Tejada said he looked like a SS behind the plate in the WBC # 1.
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