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Everything posted by Cubano

  1. QUOTE (Stan Bahnsen @ Feb 2, 2009 -> 08:58 PM) I can't remember being as excited about a prospect as I am about Dayan. Admittedly, there is something enticing about not knowing how good this guy might become. Gotta get to AZ in a few weeks! I'm going to go WAY out on a limb and predict he'll be the first Sox player to have a 50 HR season. Is MLB stopping its steroids testing?
  2. Though a performance in ST does not garantee success, Alexei earned it. We will never know, but playing in cold weather, sporadically and maybe with lacked of confidence once your manager benched you may have contributed to his poor performance. At then end of SP, he was facing big leaguers. He also faced pitching prospects at the begining of ST.
  3. QUOTE (Melissa1334 @ Feb 2, 2009 -> 04:39 PM) well hopefully what was said about dayan is true lol Man, I hope he does well. The White Sox had the "cojones" to give Alexei a real chance unlike other teams had done in the past with cubans. If you are from Japan you get Affirmative Action from MLB. Often, they start in the Majors and end up in the minor or back in Japan. If Viciedo does well in Spring Training, the next decent cuban player should get more dolares $$$$$$$$ and opportunities. Judging by his stats in Cuba, then many other cuban players are MLguers right now because they have better stats and are still very young.
  4. QUOTE (Sec101Row1 @ Feb 1, 2009 -> 09:19 PM) Notice the coat Gomez is wearing sitting inside and he still looks cold. Must be in Chicago. Two cuban chickens... There is nothing the cold weather could do to us that Castro has not done to us yet. Ha, ha , ha. Tony Montana
  5. QUOTE (bighurt4life @ Feb 2, 2009 -> 04:04 PM) +1 Nobody outside of a few select scouts and executives have even seen him in action yet, and all they saw was a workout. We have no idea what he's going to do. All we know is that he tore it up in Cuba and must have some fantastic potential if it cost 10 mil to sign him essentially sight unseen. Actually, I think he did not produce as much as he should have done in his later season in Cuba. I think he had his mind in the USA. Planning this trips take time and give you a lot of stress. If the cuban government catches you, you are reduced to almost nothing.
  6. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Feb 2, 2009 -> 01:21 PM) Any rating for Viciedo at this point is VERY silly, at best. I agree 100%. He has not put his toes in a baseball field in the USA yet against any competition. He has done nothing to deserve this high ranking.
  7. Agents tend to drive prices up by saying good things about their clients and GM and scouts drive prices down by pinpointing the bad skills on those players. If the White Sox want any of these players, they will get them.
  8. Cuba has no natural resources though some thick oil was found in the Gulf of Mexico. This oil will be ours until the USA claims it as its own and go after it. Other than that we have nickel, rum and tabacco. Tabacco is a dying industry with all new laws against smoking. We have good baseball and Volleyball players that can bring money from USA, Japan and Europe. We have good boxers. We have plenty doctors, nurses, etc and may come to the USA due to USA needs on those fields. We have good musicians. We have good beaches and a great history to go along with tourism. I think we can become a second world country. Many USA companies will move to Cuba due to cheap labor. I know many of you has issues with this. Talk to Obama or whoever is in the White House at the time. We have to control the dictators though. We have had 4 already. Two from the rights and two from the left.
  9. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Jan 30, 2009 -> 02:03 PM) Weren't you the one who kept wanting to call her a MILF in here? I rather have somebody denying that clothing controversy as oppose as having somebody representing the USA after saying she never felt proud to be an American. How about that Harvard degree? How about that money you made in the USA? Somebody is little confused. Michelle, Michelle go oversees and live w/o your American dollars. Then, tell me you are not proud to be an American.
  10. QUOTE (DBAHO @ Jan 30, 2009 -> 03:46 PM) When was the last time the Federal Budget had a surplus FWIW? Stop sending money to foreign countries. Reduce the number of Federal employees doing nothing.
  11. QUOTE (lostfan @ Jan 30, 2009 -> 03:53 PM) What I don't understand about that post is that it was preceded by one that said "let the banks fail." I thought about mentioning that but I'm sure I already know what the answer would be. Not all the banks are going to fail. Not all the banks made stupid mistakes. Those banks deserve no money from my pocket. Citi Bank, Bank Of America for buying Merrill and Country Wide. The survival of the fittest. Let the car makers and their Union fail too. I would say to the Unions and Executives, Dudes no money for you. Either you gusy take big cuts or your butts are going to be warming the sidewalks.
  12. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Jan 30, 2009 -> 04:23 PM) Still no. Problem A: money. Problem B: Some people are working multiple jobs and raising a family, and school is not a realistic option. There are others as well. I came with $$$$0000000000. Little English. Rob a bank then like John Herbert Dillinger. He hanged around Chicago many times.
  13. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jan 30, 2009 -> 04:35 PM) In this market, who's still lending? If you have good credit and some money down, you'll get a loan. Pfizer bought another drug company. Now, the Feds want the banks to lend money to people that do not qualify. Sounds like another bank problem down the road. Barney Frank and Co By the way, this is a recession. Contraction is the word of the day. During recessions economic activity such as lending declines.
  14. Is there any Democrat that pays taxes?
  15. QUOTE (nitetrain8601 @ Jan 30, 2009 -> 06:46 PM) You would have to think they would be keeping a watchful eye on him. Same thing for the others and all left. After a while, they let their guard down and you are gone for good and show up in America the beatiful.
  16. Do not be surprise if we see him out of Cuba soon! http://cubanballplayers.blogspot.com/
  17. QUOTE (bmags @ Jan 30, 2009 -> 12:15 PM) and closing herself off from the media. Also, when you claim to be just a modest hockey mom just like you and not like the elitists on the coasts, perhaps you shouldn't go dressing at the elitist clothing shops. And Michelle being proud to be American for the first time... Go and live outside the USA for a week without your dollars and then tell me... By the way, Palin probably has less money than Michelle. The Republicans gave her the clothing.
  18. OK, guys I am done with you. It is hard for me to keep arguing with you. I am fighting many of you and I am doing so in Shakespeare's language. It will be more different and easier for me with the Cervantes' language. Bye, bye.
  19. QUOTE (lostfan @ Jan 30, 2009 -> 12:33 PM) I agree. But. There is a case to be made for the gov't deficit spending right now in certain places (although the Democrats are going way overboard with it, IMO). All of them, Democrats and Republicans alike. You remember Bush telling you: "We need to go to war because of this and that." You know what happened. Now we have Obama saying: "we need this stimulus because the world is coming to an end." This is more Mambo, Dumbo, Jumbo Propaganda. Recesions are good. Recessions allow to eliminate excesses.
  20. QUOTE (scenario @ Jan 30, 2009 -> 12:30 PM) Who then promptly quit buying your product and/or switch to one of your competitors. Not all companies can pass along price increases to consumers. Demand determines what people will spend... not a business owners costs. Then, I fire some employees or reduce benefits to remain competitive unless you are GM where the Union is God. I say let them go bancarrupt. None of my money should go to them.
  21. QUOTE (lostfan @ Jan 30, 2009 -> 12:28 PM) None of it's personal, that's just how it is in the Filibuster and we do it every day. We have heated arguments in these threads then we turn around and post in other threads like it didn't happen. No big deal. Like the description says, bring your thick skin. The problem in the USA is the following: The Government overspend, people overspend, companies overspend, etc. People want to have the lattest Laptop, Blackberry, Nintendo, car, etc. People live in La La Land. I do not need any of that. When my thing break, then I buy a new one. There is no concept of savings. The government want you to spend. They overspend and then want your money.
  22. QUOTE (bmags @ Jan 30, 2009 -> 12:24 PM) lol MACYS? They went out of business. Did not? Maybe they would have saved some money by not doing the parade. Ha, ha ,ha. WaltMart go WaltMart!
  23. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Jan 30, 2009 -> 12:14 PM) What does this even mean? Without the leadership of the banks, the Stock Market won't go anywhere.
  24. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jan 30, 2009 -> 12:18 PM) That we need another bubble, because thanks to the offshoring of manufacturing and the destruction of the middle class, financial wizardry allowing people to dump their losses on to the government while taking the profits home with them is the only thing that is capable of running the country. It's how the finance industry grew to somehow be well over 10% of the economy I guess all the blame goes against the banks. The regulators are not to blame nor the people. I said let the banks fails. Let the people forclosure their homes. Let the car makers fail. This is Capitalism not Socialism. The survival of the fittest.
  25. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Jan 30, 2009 -> 12:18 PM) Wow. How big of a soapbox did you purchase? Maybe you shouldn't use up all of your rants in a 6 hour time span. Spread them out a little. None Sir. I did not purchase anything. I would not put my kids through any of this. Cold weather in inaguration, New Years Eve, Macys, none of that.
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