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Everything posted by Cubano

  1. QUOTE (klaus kinski @ Nov 20, 2008 -> 08:29 PM) I've heard he's played some outfield and has a really good arm. This is great news-like a free agent signing-costs us ZERO players I was in Guantanamo Bay as a refugee for a year. I saw your picture asking about this place. Guantanmo Indians of the cuban league have some good young players. They have a young LHP that came from the cuban junior team called Onelquis Garcia. Their 2B Yoilan Cerce is good. The CF and leadoff for the cuban team is from there too. His name is Giorvis Duvergel.
  2. QUOTE (kyyle23 @ Nov 20, 2008 -> 08:13 PM) 4 pages, and nothing from Cubano yet? WTF? I am working man. In America if you do not work, you strikeout. I can not apply for welfare now. We are in an economic crisis once in our life time. The deficit is too large.
  3. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Nov 20, 2008 -> 07:12 PM) Well,from that perspective, we can say signing MacDougal and giving Contreras a contract through 2009 cost us even more, another draft. Heck, didn't we spend half a million on that Korean pitcher who's done pretty much zero? I think it's a great sign to send to the fanbase. What is the name of that Korean pitcher?
  4. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Nov 20, 2008 -> 06:32 PM) I'm somewhere in my excitement level between the White Sox acquisitions of Anderson Gomes and Albert Belle in his prime. http://blogs.chicagosports.chicagotribune....to-sign-19.html Phil Rogers article, except I'm not getting anything to come up yet here in Thailand on my computer. Man, you ended really far away. Thailand! Nothing compares to America, land of the free.
  5. QUOTE (R.J. @ Nov 20, 2008 -> 06:43 PM) If we can become the hot place for all the Cuban defectors to sign and prosper, then sign me the hell up. Like most have already said, this is like grabbing another 1st round prospect. Young, big bat, a lot of upside, nice move. Now it's time for me to learn how to pronounce his name. Lil Help? Americans do not have problem with names. If they do, they come with a nickname or abreviation. Call him D.V. or the Cuban Junior. Ha, ha, ha.
  6. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Nov 20, 2008 -> 06:08 PM) Cubano, when was the last time two position players from Cuba were on the same infield (or outfield, for that matter) on an MLB team? Has it ever happened before? Maybe Yunel Escobar and Brayan Pena with the Braves. I have to check. Also, Jorge Toca and Rey Ordoñez with the Mets. However, the Sox duo may be playing more games together for a long time. Hopefully, the kid can follow the Missile lead.
  7. QUOTE (Stan Bahnsen @ Nov 20, 2008 -> 06:05 PM) And it makes us more likely to get the NEXT star who defects. Cubano? The pipeline is in place, if this kid is a success ala Ramirez, look out! I am excited for Viciedo and the Sox. Hopefully, he will become a productive big leaguer. I would love to see Holguin Hounds LHP Aroldis Chapman defect. He was caught trying to leave in a beach in his province. He is the real deal and very young.
  8. What I like about Torres is that he makes sure his client get the best contract based not only on money, but opportunity. The Yanks may come with a much higher offer. However, if a team like the White Sox offer him a MLB spot and a decent chance to compete for a job in ST, this is the better situation for a player. It does not have to be a starter, Viciedo can be playing 2 o 3 times a week to give Fields, Dye, Korneko, Sox DH a rest. Down the road, Viciedo will recieve a better contract when he becomes a free agent again. If he goes to the minors with the Yanks, it will be more negative long term for him money wise. If Kendry Morales had signed with the Nats, he had been in MLB long time ago just in time when he is about to become a free agent. Now, he has limited MLB experience driving down his value.
  9. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Nov 13, 2008 -> 09:46 PM) Yeah, that's one of the intriguing things about this kid, he's SUPPOSED to have a great arm. Maybe Cubano has more insight, but some of the reports have said he was a pitcher previously and threw upper 80's/low 90's but has given that up a long time ago. That said, in current condition, Jermaine Dye would look like Roberto Clemente compared to this kid lumbering around out there. In the juniors and with the cuban junior national team, he used to pitch. He had a 90 + MPH fastball. Kendry Morales was the same. He has played some RF in for his Villa Clara Orange team. He won't be new to the RF. 2007/08 POS GP INN Outs A E TL AVE DP 3B 53 394.1 22 98 7 127 .945 9 LF 2 4.0 1 0 0 1 1.000 0 RF 6 22.1 3 0 0 3 1.000 0 2006/07 POS GP INN O A E TL AVE DP 3B 72 548.0 49 164 14 227 .938 18 RF 33 222.0 27 1 2 30 .933 1 2005/06 POS GP INN O A E TL AVE DP 3B 47 338.0 31 108 10 149 .933 12 CF 5 13.2 1 0 0 1 1.000 0 RF 52 365.1 74 5 4 83 .952 1
  10. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Nov 13, 2008 -> 08:51 PM) His agent said he was in great shape. Although looking at his agent, Refrigerator Perry looks like a marathon runner. I was thinking that scouts tend to say things to drive interest and value down. Agents do the opposite. That is why I said, let's wait for him to take the field.
  11. I do not like the fact that he is resembling Matt Stairs or Prince Fielder already. He needs to get his butt in shape.
  12. Mortgage modification plan for loans held by Fannie Mae (FNM) and Freddie Mac (FRE) announced today. The plan is designed to keep delinquent homeowners in their homes by restructuring their loan payments according to their monthly income. For those who are working extra hours to keep their payments current as best they can, the bad news is they won't qualify. In order to qualify, you have to be delinquent by at least 3 months. Hmmm, something just doesn't sound fair here, but.....this is OK I guess. We reward excesive risk taking. More government handouts. I got to love this comming from a communist country.
  13. QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Nov 11, 2008 -> 10:57 PM) Hahaha. I will say unchecked Capitalism is no better than Communism in the end, and I get the feeling that's what you're proposing. Either way you're going to be paying the piper, whether its big business or the government. No. You have to have some regulations. Let the unions do their thing. When they ask for too much, the companies move. The ones that did not regulate Freddy Mac and Fannie Mae were the democrats. Everything was honky donky for them. How an american company can compete when China does not allow its labor to form real unions? They move to China.
  14. I never liked Beltre. How come Ramirez does not have any bats? This is not Cuba.
  15. We have to develope other energy alternatives for sure. The USA car manufacturers made this to themselves. However, just by drilling now, oil price should come further down. Watch out for another oil spike a few years from now. Maybe Obama can escape after his first term and be re-elected. However, you watch the democrats going out because an oil spike and inflation skyrocketing. OPEC is full of crap. USA must stop sending money to all these rogue states. We are transferring our wealth to them. The UN is full of crap. They are worthless as far as I am concerned. UN is a joke. US must not wait for the world to take care of business. The problem with remaining isolated is that somebody will challenge us like in WWI and WWII. As long as this "somebody" does not go after England, let them kill each other. We should have an OPEC for wheat and any other major product the USA produce. Then, manipulate the prices. If you starve, that is OK. As for my felow cubans in Florida. The old guard has been dying for a few years. Castro still talks about Batista. Batista's grandchildren are dying. The new cubans come to the USA and other countries asking for asylum and other immigration status. Then, after a year many go back to the same place they came from. It is true that Castro guards us pretty well. But if I have to decide on this matter, I would require that no cubans go back or you are ging to be deported. In many european countries not going back to the country you escaped from is a requirement to keep your status. The new cubans wanted Obama so he can lift the travel restrictions. I am amazed how people forget so quickly. I guess many people suffer from short term memory loss. President Clinton went to the Balkans. Clinton went after Somalia, but he embarrased himself. Clinton bombed Iraq a few times too. This begs the question: Who was more of a warrior? Bush or Clinton By the way, some studies have shown that for each $1 reduction in gasoline prices, the economy could pick up 3 millions jobs from the $100 billion savings that goes into the consumers pocket. Consumers will have more disposable income to spend. Obama would do not jack to the economy. This is a normal business cycle. Let the banks fail. Let people loose their homes. Let the unions ask for more so companies move to China to hire semi-slaves. This is what we called Capitalism. Bush is not responsible for the people who took extra risk when buying a home. Bush is not responsible for China, India, Brazil, etc growing their economies and driving oil price up. Bush is resposnible for Iraq as well as the Congress who said go after Iraq. Who are responsible for the mortgage mess? They are on youtube and they have escaped any media scrutiny. I was discusted with the cuban media. They are the worst, but the USA media is not far behind. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_MGT_cSi7Rs The only thing you heard in the media was about Pailin this and that. The only thing the media did not about Palin was how good or bad she is in bed. She was not the best VP candidate, but I prefer her leading the drilling charge than Pelosi's circus. Barney Frank should resign. I am out of the politics discussion.
  16. QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Nov 11, 2008 -> 12:51 PM) Pretty soon, Castros brother appears somewhat willing to talk and so does the new Administration. I heard or read than one before. President Carter and presidente Clinton tried to have normal relations but the cuban taliban always find a way to do something to prevent a good relationship. He dos not want a good relation because he coulod not blame anybody for his own crap. Now, he blames USA for everything. Actualy, this is a norm around the world. I said: Let the world kill each other and when somebody cry for help or do something USA do nothing. If USA does something we are bad. If USA does nothing, USA is bad. Hell with Europe, Middle East, Latin America, Asia and anybody inside or outside The Milky Way. Drill, Baby, Drill! Watch out for inflation down the road. We do not drill and at the same time we are pumping billions $$$$$$$ into the system. Obama 4 and out! I know I may catch hell from some of you Chicagoans and Sox fans, but that is OK.
  17. QUOTE (Stan Bahnsen @ Nov 10, 2008 -> 04:41 PM) Cubano, really appreciate all your insight. What I really want, though, is to get my hands on an Alexei #21 Cuban National Team Jersey like the one in your profile, or preferably a replica. I'd like to wear it, not hang it on a wall. That would be so cool. Any help is appreciated. I've tried the obvious, like E-Bay. Stan, You quest is almost impossible. It is easier to go to Iran and bash the Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and comeback alive than to find Alexei's jersey. Usually, you can find jerseys at the airport and tourist spots in Cuba. You find them for the cuban team and cuban series player jerseys. If there were Alexei's jersey, all of them are withdrawn from the market. You may find somebody that bought one and wants to sell it, but this would be a miracle. How about the WBC site? Never mind. Cuba us not even listed because the Embargo. http://shop.mlb.com/category/index.jsp?categoryId=2194484
  18. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Nov 10, 2008 -> 03:29 PM) Exactly where he should have finished... Personally I hate that professionals from other countries are considered rookies here, but that is another story. Longoria has been a pro since 2006. At least, he was playing stronger baseball than Alexei according to some expert that have said cuban league is A/AA ball. Congrat to Longo!
  19. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Nov 9, 2008 -> 08:06 PM) I think you would appreciate even more the 2nd and 3rd chances they gave to El Gran Titan de Bronze to get his act together. Yes. However, Contreras had a bad 2004. He never live to his high expectation except for the second half of 2005 and first half of 2006. He may have been a Cy Young if he had put this performance in one season. Contrears is from a very very very small twon called Las Martinas. No electricity, etc. In other words, he is from the country side. Then, New York and his demanding fans. His ex-wife and daughters in Cuba. I read his wife was stopped by the police and called b****, etc. This is one thing about cuban players. We carry this liability about your state of mind. It is also true that you are getting paid and your team expects you to perform no matter what. Contreras had a bad 2007 too. I think Contreras age is catching with him. The over use in Cuba may be slowing him down too.
  20. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Nov 10, 2008 -> 11:04 AM) I sent an email to one of the guys who ripped him a little bit. The guy supposedly is the Peter Gammons of Cuban baseball. The one thing I have a problem with is the assumption a 19 year old is ready to go really based on Ramirez who is 26. I don't believe any Cuban defector has had much of an offensive impact his first year in the US other than Ramirez, and this kid is only 19. We have not gotten a real chance. Many defectors come to the USA once the season started. Ramirez came before the season started. Hopefully, cubans will get more chances from now on based on Alexei's performance.
  21. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Nov 10, 2008 -> 11:04 AM) Here is everyone's reaction to Alexei's signing for laughs BTW http://www.soxtalk.com/forums/index.php?sh...62383&st=90 Wow! This is refreshing. I did not read the Julio Lugo comparison here. Thanks! When el Duque defected, Felipe Alou, then the Giants manager said: "el Duque is nothing to be crazy about" I love all these baseball minds and reporters running their mouths even when they have not seen the guy play. Let's wait when he jumps in the field. Your performance in the field will dictate everything. Some accept the challenge and perform. Others never live to their high expectations.
  22. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Nov 9, 2008 -> 08:06 PM) I think you would appreciate even more the 2nd and 3rd chances they gave to El Gran Titan de Bronze to get his act together. Another thing I found funny...in the new James Bond movie, there's a Bolivian secret service agent being played by a Ukrainian actress, Olga Kurylenko. How the director expects us to believe someone who's half-Bolivian (in the movie) and grew up in Bolivia would speak English with a pronounced Russian English is beyond me (the explanation is that the mother was Russian, the father Bolivian and part of the military junta). In fact, I think her few ventures into Spanish were better than her English pronunciation. I guess they couldn't find any Hispanic actresses! There are a lot of spanish actresses around as you know. Penelope Cruz, Paz Vega, Salma Hayak, Maribel Verdu, Cameron Diaz, etc. http://worldfilm.about.com/od/actressespho...-Photo-Gallery/
  23. QUOTE (bmags @ Nov 10, 2008 -> 12:58 AM) those are some prison unis This uniform is ugly. The visitor uniforms are prettier. The problem is with the orange they chose for last year. Usually, orange is not that bad, but this one is horrible.
  24. http://www.southsidesox.com/2008/11/8/6567...do-is-a-free-ag
  25. QUOTE (lostfan @ Nov 9, 2008 -> 08:35 PM) Is this supposed to say "on fire"? Just curious. Yes, you are right. Got my language wrong! Thanks
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