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Everything posted by jenksycat

  1. QUOTE (Kenny Hates Prospects @ Aug 7, 2009 -> 04:29 PM) Facts? I posted stats. Those are indisputable facts. You post hearsay and rumors, not facts. BTW Carl Everett, Frank Thomas, and AJ have all been called clubhouse cancers and yet we won a World Series with all of them on the same team. Reading about how a player is considered a cancer doesn't mean he is one. No, I haven't seen Wagner pitch a ton with the Mets, but I've seen him pitch throughout his career and he has been awesome. I don't know what you were looking at but those 2008 numbers are ELITE and his stuff is also ELITE so I wouldn't trust your opinion on him anyway. He made 45 appearances in 2008 and 38 of them were scoreless. You're going to have a very hard time convincing anyone other than yourself that Wagner isn't awesome when healthy - and over his career he's been very durable. Dude, you didn't hear? Wagner was recently diagnosed with a rare form of Clubhouse Cancer. Its inoperable and is pure FACT
  2. QUOTE (AWhiteSoxinNJ @ Aug 7, 2009 -> 04:00 PM) A lot of people in the MLBtraderumor comment section think it's us. Alot of people in the MLBTR comment sections are mentally challenged as well.
  3. QUOTE (Fedor @ Aug 7, 2009 -> 03:00 PM) How much money are we talking about? Sox have Quentin as the future LF (his arm is no longer RF quality). Jermaine Dye is a DH at this point, but who knows Ozzie's idiocy he might want him back as a RF. And we all know Pods ain't no CF. So how much money are we talking about? What happened to Q's arm? He'd be better than Dye
  4. QUOTE (SoxFan562004 @ Aug 4, 2009 -> 04:48 PM) I can't listen to his nasally voice, it's terrible. It's the one Adam Carolla podcast I couldn't get through, it grades on me. Thats too bad, cause those 2 put on such an amazingly funny podcast.
  5. QUOTE (SouthsideDon48 @ Aug 6, 2009 -> 04:49 PM) I like it, it's nice and simple. I like how the Sox does things like that, as well as how they have that one blue seat signifying Pods' World Series home run. And PK's slammer
  6. QUOTE (Pumpkin Escobar @ Jul 30, 2009 -> 02:32 PM) Impressive. I said the economy will be a reason why they won't offer it or that scares me during this process. If someone is willing to do pay arbitration, then they'll do it. If not - then obviously they won't make the deal. Any other set of years - these trades happen. Even now they happen. I don't care if Aldersons stuff is down a little - he still was a big name guy And for the 100th time - only Dye and Dotel are Type-A this season who are FA. Konerko is under contract and Thome isn't Type-A last I saw. You didn't say anything about the economy. And who cares if these trades happened in the past? We are not in the past, they will not happen now. Nobody will give up a top-flight prospect for 2 months of Dye or Dotel when they can't offer him arbitration.
  7. QUOTE (Pumpkin Escobar @ Jul 30, 2009 -> 12:42 PM) If they deal 1 good looking player for a Vet who can carry them into the playoffs then have a chance 2 draft 2 more young studs? Please. It's worth it. Hate to break it to you...but NOBODY will be offering arbitration to Dye/Thome/PK, which means no draft picks
  8. QUOTE (kwolf68 @ Jul 29, 2009 -> 07:50 PM) SELL Kenny. SELL. panic sox fans. panic
  9. QUOTE (Thunderbolt @ Jul 29, 2009 -> 04:17 PM) The Phillies got robbed blind on this one. Ultimately, I’d say it adds about to 2-4 wins this year in a division they were almost assured to win without making a move. Probably a good thing then that this move had absolutely nothing to do with winning the division.
  10. QUOTE (Jenks Heat @ Jul 29, 2009 -> 12:44 PM) The pieces that were given to AZ for Quentin and Richar were a couple of the pieces that got AZ Dan Haren. The Chris Young trade was a bad one for AZ. Big-game forced their hand in that trade
  11. QUOTE (kwolf68 @ Jul 29, 2009 -> 10:44 AM) I think if the Sox lose this game, they'll begin to fade (if the fade hasn't already begun). I don't think much of Detroit or Minnehaha, but the White Sox (other than starting pitching) are not a playoff quality team. then feel free to stop watching them. We can't beat Minny or Detroit and they can't beat anyone but us and each other. I'll take our chances over them.
  12. gomez looks like he's wearing a knitted hat under his helmet
  13. QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Jul 28, 2009 -> 06:09 PM) Wow, Richard puts up two great starts against divisional foes and gets replaced by Colon. I don't like it one bit. Do people seriously not realize we will have ZERO lefties in the pen for the next few days?
  14. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jul 28, 2009 -> 05:01 PM) Perhaps because it was public and in the dugout on camera, instead of behind closed doors? Oz said that...that its private s*** that shouldn't have been out on display.
  15. QUOTE (quickman @ Jul 28, 2009 -> 04:54 PM) Hey long time no talk, Just had to come out of the closet on this one. So glad to see Anderson Gone. Its funny he really can't do anything right. He demands a trade, and its like KW seeks a team that he knows Anderson cannot play everyday for which is perfect for the whining b****. He gets sent down to triple A which he complained about here. I am sure he will get called up in september, but no way he plays everyday for that team. Too bad he couldn't get sent to san diego where his cute little bond frolics can flow in the breeze. Good ridance, never have to see him dive across the plate and try to hit a slider again. Ok back into hiding, talk to you again next year. Yeah what a s***ty fielder he was
  16. QUOTE (daa84 @ Jul 28, 2009 -> 08:53 AM) fyi i believe the metrodome will still be the home of the vikings, so unfortunately we don't get the pleasure of watching that thing crumble to the ground...but at least the twins will be outdoors finally Vikings are working on getting a new stadium as well, one day that atrocity of a building will be gone.
  17. QUOTE (Jimbo's Drinker @ Jul 28, 2009 -> 12:26 PM) we all would, our best hitter is hitting 9th. makes no sense. I do not want Wise hitting in the 2 hole
  18. QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ Jul 28, 2009 -> 03:03 PM) The Geoff Blum deal in 05 seemed pretty insignificant at the time as well and look how well that worked out... We also had an 14.5 game lead in the division when we acquired him.
  19. Inn 1-3 = 154 runs in 1254 PA 12.3% Inn 4-6 = 187 runs in 1288 PA 15% Inn 7-9 = 110 runs in 1149 PA 10%
  20. QUOTE (wilmot825 @ Jul 27, 2009 -> 11:58 PM) I got a text update from the mlb.com updater during tonights game and it said that "Ramirez attacks teammate Pierzynski, Jermaine Dye has to restrain Ramirez." However, they make no mention of it in the news....anyone know whats the deal? Wow thats some sweet sensationalism from mlb. AJ said something to A-ram in the dugout after the s***ty inning, I doubt 'Xei understood a word he said, Dye stood between them. End
  21. QUOTE (fathom @ Jul 27, 2009 -> 09:51 PM) Every post you make seems to be criticizing posters on this site. From what I gather, you're an excellent baseball person. I think you could really contribute to the board by posting about actual stuff on the field. I only do it cause its true, I love this site. But honestly, coming to this site after ANY loss and its exactly the same every time: "this.team.is.dead., season is over, we're a terrible team, etc etc". Seriously, its gotten to a point where this board can't be rational if anything goes wrong in a game. The site is a great source of info, analysis and general chat...but after every single loss it takes a massive nose dive and all reason from otherwise intelligent posters goes out the window.
  22. QUOTE (BearSox @ Jul 27, 2009 -> 09:09 PM) Rumor is that the Red Sox offered Buchholz for Martinez and got turned down. They must want A LOT for Martinez. thought it was the other way around
  23. QUOTE (DaveBrown85 @ Jul 27, 2009 -> 09:34 PM) nice to see you're a sox fan and have faith in the team. How long have you been a fan since 2006 on? Welcome to soxtalk. Come here after a loss and this is what you get, seems like people expect this team to go 162-0 and that no other team in baseball goes through anything we do.
  24. QUOTE (SoxFan1 @ Jul 27, 2009 -> 07:51 PM) And I'm going to ban every single person who comes in here and says anything about guaranteed sweeps and pointlessly watching. If you don't want to watch, don't f***ing watch. They play the game for a reason. Wow, thank you sir. First time I've ever seen that here. We had one of the worst innings possible....and are down by 1 in the second inning. The sky is not falling. Oh...and Danks has an amazing goatee which trumps all
  25. mmmm I'm so glad the guy who snatched Beckham in my fantasy league dumped him after his slow start.
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