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Everything posted by clyons

  1. QUOTE (fathom @ Sep 19, 2008 -> 08:46 PM) Anyone else have AT&T internet and have temporary outages with their internet? Yes, its been spotty all day.
  2. QUOTE (rangercal @ Sep 19, 2008 -> 07:07 PM) ucaneatit2 No thanks, I'll pass that plate (just like Alexei)
  3. QUOTE (whitesoxmanager @ Sep 19, 2008 -> 07:05 PM) eat alexei meat. He's still right though. It was an awful slide.
  4. A very good day for the Americans. Best start to the matches that I can remember in a long, long time. Now, Go you White Sox!
  5. U.S. takes first point: Leonard/Mahan def. Stenson/Casey 3 and 2
  6. You can stream live video here: http://www.rydercup.com/2008/usa/
  7. Any golf fans here paying attention to this? The USA is trying to use "home course" advantage to reverse a recent string of European dominance and win the cup back. The USA's highest ranked player is on the DL (although Tiger's Ryder Cup record isn't that great), and this year's American team (somewhat controversially) features a number of Ryder Cup rookies. Ryder Cup play features several variations of match play formats which can raise the level of pressure from shot to shot and hole to hole. IMO, that and the us vs. them nationalistic "team" concept make the Ryder Cup far more interesting and competitive than the typical PGA event. Looks like things are pretty even about a quarter way through this morning's first round matches. Its important for the USA to stay close early, as the early format matches have typically gone to Europe, with the USA having to play catch-up in the latter singles matches.
  8. FREDDOSO: The first time he voted present on the bill, which is in the Illinois legislature is equivalent to no. And it was part of a strategy that he had devised with Planned Parenthood lobbyists. I stopped reading here. That is incorrect.
  9. QUOTE (Texsox @ Sep 17, 2008 -> 09:40 PM) I'm not so certain of your assertion that if someone else is committing a crime, and your crime is discovered that you can't be charged. Let's say for example you are trespassing down a country road and see a crime, certainly you can, and should, report it. Another example that comes to mind, an underage person in a bar. The minor gets busted, and in a separate crime, the bartender gets arrested. Or perhaps a peeping Tom who sees a crime. Of course it is different if it is the police who are breaking the law, but private individuals, I don't think so. This is correct. The constitutional prohibitions against unreasonable search and seizure etc. apply to governmental actors (police, etc.) only, not to private entities or individual citizens (unless, of course, such parties are encouraged or enlisted by the police to indirectly do what the police could not properly do themselves). In a criminal prosecution, the government is not compelled to ignore otherwise valid evidence just because a neutral, private party obtained it "illegally." "Unlawful" doesn't necessarrily mean "unconstitutional," which is the key matter here. The rules are different in civil cases, however. I can't bug your house and use the illegally recorded conversations against you in court. If I hear you planning terrorism, however, that information can be used to send you to jail.
  10. QUOTE (ptatc @ Sep 17, 2008 -> 09:57 PM) Bernstein likes to play doctor and he is usually somewhat accurate. The only degeneration he may have would be in the small muscle of the hand. I'm sure the medical staff had him keep everything else active during this time. It's only been two weeks so everything will come back very quickly. Dan Bernstein went to Duke and is really, really smart. Just ask him. Two weeks in a soft hand cast wouldn't degenerate anything remotely significant other than maybe timing and groove.
  11. clyons

    Let's Play A Game

    QUOTE (YASNY @ Sep 17, 2008 -> 08:56 AM) George of the Jungle Tree
  12. QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Sep 17, 2008 -> 08:27 AM) Flag Cobra, are you any relation to Cobra Commander? LOL, I could tell you, but then of course I'd have to kill you.
  13. I was at that second game of the Minnesota double-header slaughter a year or so ago when Gavin Floyd got absolutely lit up. I think Morneau alone had something like 2 home runs, a rocket double, and about 6 RBIs. At most times that season (except for I think one start against Detroit), he looked absolutely scared s***less out on the mound. His total and complete transformation, along with the emergence of Alexei and CQ, has been an unexpected joy to watch this year. I can't believe this is that same guy. Here's to Gavin, Coop, Kenny, and Ozzie.
  14. For a guy who's suppossed asset is walking, does anyone look at more third stikes?
  15. QUOTE (MAX @ Sep 16, 2008 -> 07:52 PM) Milwaukee is a dome? Mmm,hmm (Retractable roof)
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