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Everything posted by clyons

  1. These statements alone seem contradictory. EditI looked at ND's 2011 schedule, and October 15, 2011 was open.
  2. When I was younger, I was convinced of a conspiracy (among whom I couldn't be sure), and that there was (at least) a second shooter on the grassy knoll. Among other things, the "magic bullet" theory seemed ridiiculous, the "back and to the left" head movement too compelling, and Ruby's murder of the alleged assassin too convenient. As I've gotten older (and wiser?), I've gone the opposite direction. I place credence in the theory that there's a real need for people to believe that there are larger, more powerful ominous forces at work behind tragedies rather than accept that some random, loser nobody can have such power over their lives. Its happening right now with Sandy Hook. As a nation, we love our conspriacies, but sometimes s*** just happens, and our government is just too ineffiiceint to have caused or covered up this, Pearl Harbor, the Moon Landing, 9/11, etc. I'm not a doctor or a scientist, but I've read reasonable explanations from credentialed folks for the ballistics and the backward head movement. Someone mentioned Occam's Razor here recently in another thread, and I've come to beleive that it's applicable here. It took just a few years for basically 2 guys to expose Watergate, and the involvement of the White House, CIA, and FBI in that. Fifty years after Dallas, if a conspiracy actually took place, I think something more definitive would have leaked by now. IIRC, there might be some things that still await release and declassification and maybe that will happen then, but thus far the only "proof" is theoretical conjecture. I beleive Crash Davis was right, "Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone."
  3. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Jan 17, 2013 -> 10:57 AM) I think the sad thing is ND reportedly hired someone to investigate this situation but swept hers under the rug. This. ND stonewalled the Seeburg family, who had to inveitigate it on their own.
  4. QUOTE (lord chas @ Jan 17, 2013 -> 06:57 AM) Linebacker at Notre Dame needs to go online to meet girls? He's gay I sorta hope this is true, as it would make things somewhat more understandable and forgivable. In both the Mormon church and the church of football that's extremely taboo.
  5. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jan 17, 2013 -> 08:58 AM) Nosuch Dame Did you come up with that yourself? If so, I'm impressed!
  6. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jan 9, 2013 -> 01:43 PM) I think voters wanting to make a point will make Thomas a 90%+ first ballot guy. He seems to be the representative of the "he did it the right way, clean" crowd. I agree, and it will work in that crowd's favor that no one got in this year.
  7. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jan 3, 2013 -> 10:42 AM) Seriously Purdue sucks. If Illinois is decent at all, that was an upset win. Well it didn't upset or surprise me. Illinois hasn't beaten Purdue in years, and Mackey's always tough place for a conference W. But if they lose to Purdue in Champaign, yeah.
  8. QUOTE (farmteam @ Jan 3, 2013 -> 01:45 PM) I think PA would have standing; badger went through the elements and I agree it works. It helps the state (for standing) in that the sanctions were explicitly NOT allowed to come out of the athletics budget, I think. Those aren't the correct elements as I understand them. From what I gather (I haven't read the complaint), its an antitrust case, and those cases have special standing requirements; its not enough that a plaintiff has merely suffered an economic injury, it must have specifically suffered an injury of the sort the antitrust laws are designed to prevent (i.e., one resulting from anti-competitive activities such as price-fixing, monopolization, etc). The leading Supreme Court case has 'Brunswick' in the title. It appears the state's argument is that the NCAA's failure to follow its rules and procedures will cause the state economic harm. However, as I see it, the economic harm to be suffered (lost revenues to bars, restaurants, hotel's, vendors, etc) is the same that would be suffered by any state with a bad football team. Although the NCAA's sanctions may be cause of PSU being s***ty, the economic harm suffered as a result of the team being bad is no different than that being suffered in Illinois right now because of Tim Beckman. In any event, economic or not, that harm is not 'antitrust' harm; furthermore, the NCAA's actions may have harmed the team's ability to compete on the field, but they don't directly hinder or harm competition within the free markets. Therefore, because there's no antitrust harm or antitrust injury, there's no special antitrust standing. Or at least that's the argument here.
  9. QUOTE (PlaySumFnJurny @ Jan 2, 2013 -> 03:24 PM) Perhaps (and I really haven't thought about it that closely), but does the state even have standing to sue? First, I don't think that the PSU athletic programs regulated by the NCAA are funded with state tax dollars. Aren't athletic budgets generally separate? Second, PSU administrators accepted these sanctions with eyes open, did it not? Lester Munson makes these same points: http://espn.go.com/college-football/story/...ance-succeeding Man, that dude is smart
  10. QUOTE (bigruss22 @ Jan 2, 2013 -> 10:08 PM) Seriously, fans overreact way too much. This loss hurts, but it isn't the end of the world (road Big Ten games are tough no matter what). This was a team that was all but forgotten going into this year, and Groce had us at the cusp of the top 10. Go a minimum 8-10 in the Big Ten and we'll be fine. I hate when the word "upset" is used for a home team's conference win, especially when the conf season just started. Its almost always inapplicable, and I beleive it was last night. Illinois goes .500 in conference and makes the Dance and its a great year. I want them to gain tourney experience and show improvement over the course of the conf. schedule. Maui and Gonzaga were nice, but the "preseason," just like last year, means little when it comes to the B1G. Its still a transition year, and the brutal conf schedule will be a huge reminder.
  11. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Jan 2, 2013 -> 02:43 PM) This could potentially end really poorly for the NCAA. Perhaps (and I really haven't thought about it that closely), but does the state even have standing to sue? First, I don't think that the PSU athletic programs regulated by the NCAA are funded with state tax dollars. Aren't athletic budgets generally separate? Second, PSU administrators accepted these sanctions with eyes open, did it not?
  12. I guess it was his time, but I'm surprised teh front office sent Lovie walking. It sucks in the context of a 7-1 start, but I'd be pretty damn happy if you could pencil in 10-6 at the start of every year. I'll bet if he kicks the FG against Seattle instead of stupidly going for it on 4th and goal behind a depleted, patchwork OL that was s***ty when healthy, he's still gainfully employed.
  13. Thanks everyone for all of the info, opinion, humor and snark. All the best to you and yours.
  14. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Dec 24, 2012 -> 01:38 PM) You must be a vendor.
  15. So many great AJ memories: The 05 Dodgers walk-off (and bat flip) The 05ALDSG1 homer against the BOSOX (which I called, in person, on the very pitch) The 05ALCSG2 dropped 3rd strike (also there in person) The 9th inning go-ahead bomb at Wrigley The barrelling of Michael Barrett The Humber perfecto and, last but not least, his contribution to my screen name. Farewell, Stooge!
  16. QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ Dec 20, 2012 -> 02:16 PM) Actually, his announcement isn't for another 45 minutes. I think someone at the Lansing Journal jumped the gun on the "publish" button. They better hope he is choosing MSU. Yeah, at first I thought I had time zones mixed up, since that article used past tense. Its since been taken down
  17. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Dec 20, 2012 -> 01:21 PM) http://www.thesmokinggun.com/documents/suz...hamilton-136952 Interesting story about a former olympian becoming a prostitute just for the fun of it. Granted, she descibes that life as "exciting," but she attributes her actions to depression caused in part by her brother's suicide: "'I do not expect people to understand, but the reasons for doing this made sense to me at the time and were very much related to depression,' Hamilton tweeted Thursday. 'I cannot emphasize enough how sorry I am to anyone I have hurt as a result of my actions and greatly appreciate the support from family and those closest to me. I fully intend to make amends and get back to being a good mother, wife, daughter, and friend.' Hamilton said she has been seeking help from a psychologist." http://www.chicagotribune.com/sports/break...0,2152216.story
  18. QUOTE (greg775 @ Dec 17, 2012 -> 01:55 AM) Look, this issue is very simple IMO. Restrict the rules on weapons designed to wipe out dozens, hundreds of people at a time. Why the f*** do these weapons need to be out there in society? I mean, grow up, Americans. We don't need weapons of war on our streets and in the hands of mothers who like weapons, weapons that can be stolen by mothers' sons where they kill 20 little angels. Well said, Greg. Weapons of mass destruction don't all involve plutonium or chemicals, yet no one argues at all about "bomb-control."
  19. clyons

    2012 Films Thread

    QUOTE (Brian @ Dec 11, 2012 -> 08:53 PM) I must be in the minority, but SKYFALL was mostly boring. The last 45 was great but the rest, outside of the open, was just ugh. I thought it was great. Easily in the top five of the all-time series. I am glad they ditched all the silly, outlandish stuff, yet still gave a few winks and nods to some classic hallmarks.
  20. Technical distinctions appreciated, but my point was that they are not exactly Wyatt Earp type six-shooters. They are high-performance, high-repeaters that hold clips.
  21. QUOTE (Y2HH @ Dec 14, 2012 -> 02:56 PM) They're hand guns. Yes, Automatic hand guns
  22. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Dec 14, 2012 -> 02:53 PM) We don't. The NFA of the 30's and the later act in the 80's severely restricts ownership of automatic weapons. Only two legally owned ones have been used in crimes since the 30's, and even illegally owned ones are used very rarely. It's a solid point in favor of the possibilities of restrictions, imo. Reports are this guy used a Sig and a Glock. Those are automatic weapons, if not assualt weapons, are they not?
  23. Sportsmen want to have rifles and shotguns to hunt? Fine; I have no problem with that. Folks want to keep a pistol in the nightstand by the bed to ward off rapists and intruders? I don't have much of a problem with that either. But a society that allows psychos easy access to automatic weapons with extended magazines, the sole purpose of which is to kill lots of people fast, is horribly broken and needs to be fixed. Why that remains controversial to anyone is beyond me. I don't know what the ultimate solution is, but reinstatement of the assault weapons ban would be a good start.
  24. QUOTE (JoeCoolMan24 @ Dec 12, 2012 -> 03:08 PM) Are the UNO and DOS albums released by Green Day any good? TRES comes out this month too. I'm not a huge Green Day fan, but I like a bit of their older stuff. No, not particularly, but each one has a couple songs with their usual catchy hooks. They probably should have put them out on one good album, instead of stretching them to 3. As it is, the first two are short anyway.
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