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Everything posted by clyons

  1. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Aug 16, 2012 -> 12:58 PM) If we made it... Remember Cleveland was one game behind us and charging hard. Plus no wild card as a back up. There was a wild card in 1994. It would have been the inaugural year.
  2. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Aug 16, 2012 -> 12:38 PM) After seeing that Soriano said he had no interest in going to the Giants, and know that he turned down other trade opportunities, it makes me wonder... Is there something in the Old Style there? The fans don't care about winning, the players don't care about winning... It just amazes me that an awful baseball team, in an antique ballpark, has all of these players (such as Sori, Dempster, Wood, etc) who never want to leave. Perhaps they prefer having most nights off? (apparently this is true for Castro). Not having to work the extra month in October might also be a perk.
  3. Dear Gavin Floyd, Please listen to both national anthems an hour before gametime and do whatever else you need to do to convince yourself that the first and second innings are in the middle of the game. Thank you, PSFJ
  4. clyons

    2012 Book Thread

    It sat on my shelf for over 10 years, but I finally picked up and then pretty quickly finished "Black Hawk Down" by Mark Bowden. It was intense, and I'm sorry I waited that long.
  5. #54 had arthroscopic surgery on the left knee this am (Tues.). Still plans to be ready for the opener. Why? They shouldn't need him against the Colts. http://www.chicagotribune.com/sports/break...0,2061662.story
  6. clyons

    2012 Films Thread

    QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Aug 7, 2012 -> 08:54 AM) Greatest Film of All Time? Interesting article, but no way, not as far as I'm concerned. It's great and I'm a big fan (saw the 70mm restored version back in the day), but it really hasn't aged well at all; there are aspects of it that are so dated they seem silly.
  7. clyons


    I check both a couple times a day. I rarely post anything on Facebook, and I use Twitter mostly as a newsfeed on subjects I find interesting; I've never "tweeted" a single thing, as I can't imagine that my random thoughts would be of interest to total strangers (other than my fellow Sox fans, of course). I think both are positive tools overall, but agree that they've also had negative impacts upon society by giving anonymous platforms to idiots without accountabilty. Other than scope of audience, however, talk radio is really no different.
  8. I know baseball "rankings" are pretty much BS anyway, but if you want a laugh, check out these from today's SI.com. They're pretty embarassing, even for SI: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2012/base...p;sct=hp_bf3_a2
  9. Personally, I didn't catch what this writer talks about, but nevertheless, I didn't doubt the meaning of the second to last scene for a minute; Its "Batman," not "Inception" or "Memento." http://www.forbes.com/sites/markhughes/201.../1512-4159-1392
  10. Awesome. Loved it. Loved the ending. As others have said, Heath Ledger put TDK on kind of a different plane all by himself, but it was a great Batman movie, a great Christopher Nolan film and a great movie period.
  11. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Aug 2, 2012 -> 03:51 PM) Thome and Vizquel are last men standing, no? I should have typed '97 and included Bartolo. Of course, there's always Manny, and I'm sure Julio Franco can still hang out some rope. If Kenny can talk Carlos Baerga out of retirement, he still has a chance to complete his collection of that team's full starting line-up.
  12. If Kenny doesn't make his annual claim on someone from the '96 Indians I'll be extremely disappointed.
  13. Dr. Pepper is fine once in a while for a "change of pace" cola. I would not pursue porn as a second job. If I pursued it, it would be as my primary career, which I could then retire from as a multi-millionaire. I'm that awesome.
  14. QUOTE (GoodAsGould @ Aug 2, 2012 -> 08:55 AM) Why don't you go ahead and explain that all to the family members of his last 2 wives. I could never pretend to do that. I doubt anyone could. However, there are a couple trite legal maxims that apply to this case; One is "hard cases make bad law;" the other is "in our system it is better that 10 guilty men go free than 1 innocent man be wrongfully convicted." He is undoubtedly a guilty man, but there are many things about this prosecution that can open the door to putting away those whose who are not. I don't mean this to sound cold, but those issues are bigger and have long-lasting implications beyond the feelings and emotins of the family members.
  15. I think this guy is almost certainly responsible for the death of two people. I also hope he walks. No, that won't serve "justice" in the pure sense of the word, but there are many, many issues with this Savio prosecution that should give folks who value justice pause, including two huge tactical "mistakes" by the prosecution in the first two days. http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/b...0,1805576.story To me, this guy is to criminal law what Larry Flynt was to the First Amendment; if the law will protect scumbags like them, it will protect all of us as well.
  16. I wish I could figure out how to do this. Mine was going to be: Its a deal: Sox get Bryce, Nats get Jake* *from State Farm
  17. Former college basketball player and Bobby Knight choking victim Neil Reed, at only 36.
  18. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jul 12, 2012 -> 10:18 AM) I blame Bruce Pearl And as if ESPN wasn't already the most awesome thing in the history of sport: http://www.chicagotribune.com/sports/colle...0,4026177.story
  19. QUOTE (greg775 @ Jul 28, 2012 -> 01:32 PM) I was talking more about juries failing to convict in the high profile trials. California kind of skews the statistics there, though. FWIW, Timothy McVeigh was tired and convicted in Colorado.
  20. QUOTE (DBAHO @ Jul 10, 2012 -> 07:33 AM) Runaways by the Killers has just leaked on-line... I like it a lot. They've always had a way with a hook, and its anthemic without being pompous, which has turned me off about a lot of their recent stuff.
  21. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Jul 27, 2012 -> 11:17 PM) Just started watching on the DVR, but it was awesome that they put in the factory from the cover of "Animals" with the pig and briefly played Time, they really jammed a ton in there. I thought their use of popular music thoughout the show was really great, especially the video montage and fireworks to "Eclipse" near the end. Sir Paul, however, sounded terrible.
  22. QUOTE (fathom @ Jul 27, 2012 -> 02:44 PM) It is amazing how much Soto has flopped since his ROID season.
  23. This thread roolz. The "is he done in Chicago?" thread droolz.
  24. QUOTE (Brian @ Jul 26, 2012 -> 06:05 AM) We'll get Greinke...when he is 35 and a junk ball pitcher after Tommy John. KW always gets his man. This will probably be right. There's just way too much out there in the media right now for these current rumors to be true. Kenny likes "flying under the radar."
  25. QUOTE (2nd_city_saint787 @ Jul 25, 2012 -> 11:53 PM) Anyone check out the new Gaslight album?? Simply flawless, everything Brian Fallon puts his voice on is pure gold. Hands down my favorite vocalist of all time. Not yet, but looking forward to it. Its gottten excellent reviews.
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