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Everything posted by clyons

  1. QUOTE (Frank_Thomas35 @ Jul 25, 2012 -> 02:36 PM) Cliff Lee That's what I'd guess, too.
  2. QUOTE (Wedge @ Jul 25, 2012 -> 10:01 AM) COME ON TIMO! COME ON TIMO! This one.
  3. It seems that he hit a lot better after being moved to the 2-spot, then went back to suck after being dropped down. Maybe its time to revisit that. I'd think Youk, as a veteran, might be able to adapt better to hitting lower than Bacon has done. DeAza Beck Dunn Konerko Rios Youk AJ Tank Ramirez
  4. I'm surprised this wasn't posted yet: Hanley to Dodgers http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2012/writ...p;sct=hp_t11_a0 Edit: Oh yeah, "Tradewinds"
  5. QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ Jul 24, 2012 -> 03:47 PM) George Jefferson Yeah, he's movin' on up.
  6. QUOTE (JoeCoolMan24 @ Jul 24, 2012 -> 11:47 AM) Sounds like trade inflation to me. Without saying so, that's what Ken Rosenthal seems to think: http://msn.foxsports.com/mlb/story/chicago...deadline-072412
  7. QUOTE (G&T @ Jul 23, 2012 -> 10:05 AM) Vacating wins is all symbolic. It's an attack on Paterno. It's not like people don't know that they won the games. Yeah, I think that penalty may have been specifically imposed just to knock JoePa off the top of the mountain, and I have no problem with that aspect of it.
  8. I am not sure what to make about the vacating of wins. I am glad to see Paterno lose the title of winningest coach, but those games were legitmately won on the field by non-cheating players who had no idea about what was going on. Above all else, that portion of the sanctions seems especially harsh. Not going to lose too much sleep over it though.
  9. QUOTE (northside sawx @ Jul 22, 2012 -> 02:20 PM) Good to see Santo finally get in. Meh. I think its fitting the day he gets in as a player, Tim McCarver gets in as an announcer. They should have made it a threesome and enshrined Marge Schott as an owner.
  10. QUOTE (flavum @ Jul 22, 2012 -> 12:23 PM) Or not. +3 today would have done it. We lost power for about an hour this morning. When it went out, Scott was cruising, and Els had just hit sprayed a tee shot trying to drive the green. When it came back on, Scott was putting for a playoff and I couldn't believe it. When he missed, I had no idea who won until they showed Ernie.
  11. The statue's coming down. Name on library (that he paid for) will remain. http://www.chicagotribune.com/sports/break...0,7120603.story
  12. I just noticed that both the Sox and Cubs are on the road this weekend. Seems weird that there will be no baseball in Chicago over a mid-Summer weekend.
  13. QUOTE (SOXOBAMA @ Jul 16, 2012 -> 02:52 PM) Mark Gonzales ‏@MDGonzales Danks "giddy" after throwing from 90 feet. Floyd doubts he'll pitch Wed., believes he'll avoid DL Giddy is good. Giddy-up.
  14. QUOTE (RZZZA @ Jul 13, 2012 -> 02:09 PM) "Adam Schefter ‏@AdamSchefter RT @jw11873: Enough on Brees, what about Forte? ... Met with him today, will run on SportsCenter. He's optimistic there'll be a deal by Mon. " Reportedly, a deal is "extremely close": http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/blog/eye-on-f...-long-term-deal
  15. This is almost too stupid to be true, but then again, we're talking about Penn State: http://www.chicagotribune.com/sports/colle...0,3599365.story
  16. QUOTE (CanOfCorn @ Jul 12, 2012 -> 10:12 AM) He's right, it is...unfortunately for Millen's credibility, that man is a former chief of the FBI. Which, if Millen didn't know, stands for Federal Bureau of INVESTIGATION. What a douche. He's wrong, it isn't. Technically, Freeh's entire law firm (with all of its resources and investigative personnel) was engaged as indepedent counsel and collectively authoried the report, not just Freeh as "one man." What Millen is saying is tantamount to calling Justice Department findings the personal opinions of the Attorney General alone. He's more than a douche, he's delusional.
  17. The booing last year and last night may prompt changes to the Derby, depending upon, among other things, input from the lords of Berman-land. http://espn.go.com/mlb/allstar12/story/_/i...son-cano-booing
  18. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Jul 9, 2012 -> 09:59 PM) Sorry to burst people's bubble but White Sox fans are no different than fans of any other team in any other sport. A ridiculously paid player who is stinking up the joint will typically be booed by the fans. As will an umpire who makes a bad call. Its part of the game. Always has been and always will be, although its undoubtedly more prevalent in the era of mega-contracts that bring mega-expectations. But I agree that its makes no logical sense (and may indeed be counter-productive) unless a guy is downright dogging it. Still, I don't think booing makes someone a worse fan than someone who doesn't. It stems from passion.
  19. Man, they're really giving Cano the business in KC.
  20. Booing on All-Star Weekend? I bet Chris Berman won't like that. Unlike Bristol I'm sure, we are so uncouth out here in the Midwest.
  21. I wish nothing but the best for Adam and his son. However, the article said the boy is 5 y.o., and I read nothing to suggest that last year was particularly difficult for him (or his mom and dad). Adam had good seasons in the past despite these family challenges, and I suspect his struggles last year had more to do with swtiching leagues, etc. than just this.
  22. QUOTE (Big Hurtin @ Jul 7, 2012 -> 07:00 PM) Ridiculous trade talk season has started. Time to open the trade winds? I second this motion.
  23. This Sunday is another White Sox "Kids Day." I've taken the family to a couple of these, and my kids really enjoy running the bases after the game. We've never gotten to the park early enough to take advantage of the "kids only autograph session" and I'm wondering if its worth it. Does anyone know how they work it or if the A-Listers particpate? I'd hate to force my kids to fight through a horde of fellow kiddies just for Eduardo Escobar and Brian Omogrosso. Thanks
  24. Rios seemed a safe, middle of the road pick, considering relative heatlh and experience.
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