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Everything posted by clyons

  1. Great to come home with a winning record. DON'T STOP NOW BOYS !!!
  2. QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Apr 10, 2012 -> 09:19 AM) All they had to say was "Elk Grove" or "Arlington Heights" and Rahms ears were open. I dunno, you'd figure Rahm would be savvy enough to call a bluff like that. I think the scoreboard would have to topple over and kill the bleacherites for the Cubs to ever leave Wrigley.
  3. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Apr 10, 2012 -> 10:40 AM) MLB didn't do anything back when people like Delgado were sitting for the National Anthem did they? I'd actually have a problem with MLB acting in an official capacity here. The Marlins I can understand, that's their home base. It shouldn't be MLB's job to regulate unpopular political beliefs amongst people within their league, that should be directly between the employer and employee. I completely agree.
  4. clyons

    2012 Book Thread

    QUOTE (JPN366 @ Apr 8, 2012 -> 01:35 AM) "The Art Of Fielding" is one weird book. Yes it is, but in a good way. ps. Thanks to those who convinced me to give "The Hunger Games" a shot. It was a quick, entertaining and enjoyable read, and my worries that its "Young Adult" designation meant Dick and Jane like prose were unfounded.
  5. QUOTE (IlliniKrush @ Apr 6, 2012 -> 02:18 PM) I have zero to base this on, but I'm just guessing he's not 100%, but somehow, magically, come game 1, he'll be "all set" and "feeling perfect." Funny how that sort of timing took place... I don't like it. My guess: He doesn't play in the series and very likely not at all the rest of the year. If I'm him, I give absolutely no credence to anything anyone other than my own, personal team of experts has to say. That's not to say anyone associated with the Hawks or the league is untrustworthy, but its too big a life issue to be even remotely influenced by a potential conflict of interest.
  6. He sucked when he was good.
  7. clyons

    Soxtalk Lawyers

    QUOTE (Tex @ Apr 5, 2012 -> 10:27 AM) Well she decided to just sign the papers. They are throwing her a "retirement party" which she will attend and because of the agreement she signed, she can't say she was terminated. For a s***ty three weeks severance. For what it may be worth, she still has seven days to revoke her acceptance, if she reconsiders. The release must provide that right by its terms, or otherwise it is legally unenforceable as to a federal age claim. That's also the reason the agreement advised her to speak with an attorney (not because, as you wrote she had indicated, everything was "legal"). Those are special requirements unique to waivers of rights under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act.
  8. clyons

    Soxtalk Lawyers

    Tex, I was on vacation last week and wasn't checking Soxtalk, but I have practiced labor and employment law in Illinois for over 20 years. Almost all my experience is on the management side, but that can come in very handy when advising individuals. I'll shoot you a PM with my contact info. PSFJ
  9. QUOTE (WilliamTell @ Mar 26, 2012 -> 12:38 AM) Win 9 games Me too
  10. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Mar 26, 2012 -> 09:42 AM) Wasn't Groce the lead recruiter on a lot of the McD AA's that Matta got at OSU? I read that he was for Oden and Conley.
  11. Has anyone here listened to the 911 audio and heard the alleged racist slur? I am pretty sure its there, but I don't want to completely discount the power of suggestion.
  12. QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Mar 23, 2012 -> 01:45 PM) At a grocery store, yes, bad. But sometimes you need to write them to transfer money from one person to another. Like say, a babysitter or for birthdays. I'm not taking $300 out of the bank to give to my babysitter. Crikey, that's a lot to pay a sitter. Its been a while, but I can supply you with references.
  13. QUOTE (Cali @ Mar 23, 2012 -> 11:39 AM) I'm know I'm late (probably LAST) to the party. But thinking about the Cubs futility (and giggling about it) I realized that the Cubs have never won a World Series while playing at Wrigley Field. Every playoff series they've ever played while having home games at Wrigley they've been eliminated. Funnier still when you think that while the Cubs have not, two other Chicago teams have played in Wrigley while reigning as champions: The Bears and your Chicago White Sox. Its a shame the Winter Classic there wasn't in 2011.
  14. I was back strongly aboard the Mick Cronin bandwagon for about 8 minutes last night. I know he and Thomas supposedly don't get along any more, but Illinois could do worse.
  15. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Mar 22, 2012 -> 01:46 PM) Yeah but it has to apply to other protected activities, usually employment. It can also extend to being in a public place. I know this happened in a "gated community," so that might not apply here. I have read that the Justice Department has launched an investigation, so presumbably there is some federal basis for their involvement, but this is an election year.
  16. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Mar 22, 2012 -> 01:26 PM) Civil rights/discrimination laws only cover states/state entities. Section 1981 specifically applies by its terms to "nongovernmental discrimination." It is invoked in civil suits against private entities all the time. I'm pretty sure a conspiracy by private individuals to deprive someone of their civil rights could be criminally prosecuted, but I'm certainly no expert.
  17. QUOTE (HickoryHuskers @ Mar 22, 2012 -> 12:56 PM) I know that murder is typically a state and not a Federal offense, but are there any grounds on which the Feds can go after him if the state refuses? I think so (maybe). The feds could conceivably charge him based on a deprivation of Martin's civil rights. IIRC, that's what happened to the cops who originally walked on the state charges connected to the Rodney King beating. I can't see that happening, though. I just read that a grand jury's being convened. He'll be indicated for something. Edit: On the other hand, those King charges may have been conspiracy based, which might not be possible since Zim acted by himself.
  18. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Mar 22, 2012 -> 11:27 AM) This probably doesn't bode well for Duncan Bob McKenzie ‏ @TSNBobMcKenzie I am told VAN's Daniel Sedin will not play in DAL tonight. His medical condition is still being assessed/monitored by the Canucks. Not only is VAN not playing Daniel Sedin tonight in DAL, they are flying him home to Vancouver today to see specialists/get treatment. Not that it will matter, but on last night's postgame, they showed Canadian footage of what prompted Keith's hit that the Chicago broadcast originally missed; Sedin made a run at Keith against the glass first that was every bit as dirty as Duncan's retaliation. Problem is, Keith bounced right back, but Sedin didn't.
  19. It seems undisputed that Zimmerman used deadly force against an unarmed man. What is in dispute is whether he felt "reasonably threatened" by that unarmed man. How that isn't a question for a jury to decide in at least a negligent homicide context, I have no idea. That charge, at minimum, should have been close to automatic. Ironically, that it wasn't may only end up hurting Zim, because his chances of getting a fair trial may be diminshing as the publicity and cries for his head are escalating.
  20. QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ Mar 21, 2012 -> 02:40 PM) Self - Played D-1 basketball at OK St., then served as assistant at KU & Ok St., before getting a head coaching job Calipari - Played ball at UNC-Wilmington & Clarion St., then served as assistant at KU & Pitt, before getting a HC job Collins - Played ball at Duke, then served as assistant in WNBA & Seton Hall & Duke, now looking for a HC job How are Self & Calipari any more self-made than Collins? You act like Collins never played basketball, he was Mr. Basketball in Illinois Well, I assume that neither Self nor Calipari's parents were millionaires, but that's just an assumption on my part.
  21. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Mar 21, 2012 -> 02:37 PM) Then which head coach do you think is a good idea? As I said, Shaka Smart came from Oregon, Wisconsin, he most likely has never missed a meal in his life, he grew up in a middle class area and has no connection at all to Chicago. Just so you know here is Shaka's High School: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oregon_High_S...%28Wisconsin%29 Somebody with head coaching experience, for one. When Guenther hired Lon Kruger, he made a big deal of saying he was looking for someone who had been to the Final Four. Self had taken Tulsa to the Elite 8. Weber SIU to the Sweet Sixteen. That bar dropped with each of his hires. I'd like to see it raised again.
  22. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Mar 21, 2012 -> 02:29 PM) Right because (imo) rich and from the North Shore were other ways of describing "Hes a white guy". Lets say it was Michael Jordan for the head coaching job of Illinois, would you say "Hes rich and from the North Shore" therefore he cant connect? In my opinion the implication was pretty clear. I guess being from the North Shore, when I hear those phrases, I immediately think of the stereotype, and lets just say it doesnt involve a rainbow of races. That's not what I said (or at least meant to say) My point was that he's a cake eater. Doesn't matter if its chocolate or vanilla. Self, Calipari, etc. are self-made men. It was never "simply" about race.
  23. QUOTE (GoodAsGould @ Mar 21, 2012 -> 02:23 PM) It isn't really cherry picking, it's pretty much what you said. B.S. I never said its "simply about race." A rich, black kid from the North Shore would be similarly disadvantaged. Collins grew up with a millionaire daddy never wanting for a thing in his life. If you guys don't think that mighrt impede his ability to connect with inner city folks, I totally and completely disagree. "Hey man, I've never missed a meal, never been a head coach before, all other assistants from school have flamed out as college coaches, but my rich daddy knows MJ." Yeah, I can see the entire Public League lining up now.
  24. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Mar 21, 2012 -> 02:17 PM) Um, what? You said "Besides for having no head coaching experience" and then made this gem of a statement: So I responded about CONNECTING WITH INNER CITY KIDS. Oh, I see you went back and read it. Excellent. You made a huge point of emphasizing "simply because of his race" after you cherry picked it right out from between "rich" and ""North Shore."
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