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Everything posted by clyons

  1. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Mar 21, 2012 -> 02:08 PM) lol Man really? You think that Doug Collins kid is going to have a hard time walking into a house and talking with inner city kids about the Bulls, about how his dad knows Derrick Rose, about the United Center, about how the NBA and how he is going to make them NBA players. You really think Shaka Smart, from WISCONSIN, would connect better to Chicago players, simply because of his race. WOW. Please show me where I said "simply because of his race." That was just one of several negative factors I cited about Collins. WOW to your reading comprehension.
  2. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Mar 21, 2012 -> 12:54 PM) Id take Chris Collins over Frank Martin. I'd almost take Kelvin Sampson over Chris Collins. Besides having no head coaching experience, he's a rich, white, North Shore suburbanite who might have succesfully recruited Jon Scheyer out of his own high school, but is not likely to connect with inner city kids. And other than Mike Brey, Coach K's coaching tree is pretty barren.
  3. QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Mar 21, 2012 -> 11:47 AM) OUCH!!! Wow. I have to think that a head coach's one year suspension is unprecedented in major sports.
  4. I love a good hockey fight, but its not why I watch. I first saw that Rangers/Devils video on SI's "Hot Clicks" page today, where lots of other sports fans saw it as well. It sparked discussion in this thread too, which despite the Hawks mini-hot streak had been kinda dead lately. I think fighting probably helps more than it hurts in terms of generating interest in the game. That said, I do think its time has come, and I expect it will be eliminated in my lifetime. The NHL will be fine without it, or at least as compartavely fine as it is today. Its elimination will neither attract nor repel huge droves of fans.
  5. QUOTE (Y2HH @ Mar 20, 2012 -> 01:54 PM) Yet another reason why our system is broken. Voters intentionally gaming the system. I'm not gaming the system. I'm operating squarely within its s***ty rules which unfortunately deprive me of voting today for the person I deem best qualified for each office, regardless of party. Furthermore, that "system" entitles all eligible individuals the freedom to cast their vote in secret for whomever they choose, and for any reason. Its really just the closed primary concept that's warped. I live in DuPage, where the Republican primary is tantamount to the general election for virtually every local office, so for my vote to really matter on local issues, I usually take a Republican ballot in most primaries. Personally, I think I'd much prefer a President Romney over a President Santorum, but I'm really no fan of either one. I'd rather see a protacted battle and an eventual floor fight, so that's how I'm voting on that particular race. I've admitted to that being hypocritcal, but I dispute that's its "gaming," which I consider more akin to cheating. Besides, even if broken, it's the best system anyone has come up with so far.
  6. I think I'm going to be a total hypocrite, take a page from Rush's "Operation Chaos" playbook, and cast a vote today for Rick Santorum, just to try and keep things interesting. May God have mercy on my soul.
  7. clyons

    2012 TV Thread

    QUOTE (JoeCoolMan24 @ Mar 14, 2012 -> 10:00 PM) Anyone watching Awake? The end of Ep2 got me really pumped. I like where they are going with it. I just caught up with Eps 2 and 3 last night. I'm not sure what to make of the close of Ep2. Am I correct that there are now supposed to be at least 3 story lines: Dream 1, Dream 2, and "reality." That seems awfully complicated and a lot to keep straight, like "Lost" to the third power.
  8. Hawks up 4 zip in Dallas. This team confuses me.
  9. Here's a link: http://mlb.sbnation.com/2012/3/16/2877854/...ck?sct=hp_t2_a3 It doesn't say so in the article, but I hear according to his "friend," Pettite just "misremembered" that he retired.
  10. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Mar 14, 2012 -> 03:25 PM) They still wound up with Vinny del Negro. That was about as epic a fail as you can get right there. Having seen him actually coach, I'd say the Clippers topped that a few years later.
  11. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Mar 14, 2012 -> 03:10 PM) True. George Karl is obviously about 12 levels better than Mike D'Antoni. Remember when the Bulls were hot after him and had to settle for Vinny? Funny how things work out for the best sometimes.
  12. clyons

    2012 Book Thread

    QUOTE (Reddy @ Mar 13, 2012 -> 11:12 AM) i know - i started reading Hunger Games like a week or so ago and i'm already on the third book. lol I had a Barnes and Noble gift card left over from Xmas so I ordered a box set of the trilogy. I hope you guys are right on this.
  13. OL and WR are more glaring needs (again) but Mario Williams alone would oh so tempting. As a fan, my head and my heart are in conflict. The Bears should probably go after Mincey instead of Mario and use the savings on those other positions. I'd by pretty happy with Mincey, Meachem and an offensive linemen. Then draft the best players available and go kick ass.
  14. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Mar 9, 2012 -> 11:52 AM) You're crazy. Then we're back to the 1990's. It took Illinois a decade to get back to national prominence. No thanks. I'd rather go through the early 00's (sweet 16's and elite eights) with an NC run once a decade than be irrelevant for 8-10 years. This. Been there, done that on the other thing. Not worth it.
  15. I'll say one thing for Mike Thomas, he's acted quickly and decisively with Ron Zook, Jolette Law (Women's BB) and now Weber. I just hope his Illini hiring skills prove to be as sharp as his firing skills.
  16. clyons

    2012 Book Thread

    QUOTE (kjshoe04 @ Mar 8, 2012 -> 02:17 PM) I've read most of Palahniuk. He's hit and miss. Damned was solid but nowhere near the level of Fight Club, Choke, and Survivor. For me its been Choke, Rant, Pygmy, and the one about the porn star. I think that's enough, although I've been tempted to pick up Fight Club for awhile.
  17. clyons

    2012 Films Thread

    QUOTE (knightni @ Mar 7, 2012 -> 08:25 PM) Se7en is in my top 25 of modern thriller movies. The scene with the bed and the air fresheners scared the s*** out of me. I've said it before in this thread, but David Fincher just rocks. So much so that I can forgive him for Benjamin Button.
  18. This article about Bruce Weber's demise was on SI.com: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2012/writ...mp;sct=hp_wr_a1
  19. Because of this thread, its just become "Cant Get You Out of My Head" by Kylie Minogue. You suck.
  20. Is this what spawned the Rmoney nickname? untitled.bmp Oh, and this is fake, right?
  21. clyons

    2012 Book Thread

    QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Mar 6, 2012 -> 11:42 AM) I've been in your boat. I want to read it and it's on my bucket list, but man, what an undertaking that will be. Plus, footnotes are screwy on an e-reader. I've chickened out (for now) on "Infinite Jest." I'm going on vacation in a couple weeks and didn't want to be on a "difficult read" on the plane or by the pool. I just started "An Object of Beauty" by Steve Martin, who's a really talented (but not outlandishly hilarious) writer. I've steered clear of the "Hunger Games" books because I've seen them billed as being geared towards "young adults." I'm not even sure what that means, but I know I don't fit that definition. This thread, however, has me reconsidering. Is there anything in particular about them that would turn off an old fart?
  22. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Mar 1, 2012 -> 02:29 PM) That's about as far as you can stretch something. "That's what she said" (right before the happy ending). Seriously though, I never would have made a racial connection to that in a million years.
  23. clyons

    2012 Films Thread

    QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ Mar 2, 2012 -> 11:40 AM) I liked Batman Forever, so there. I did as well. "Batman and Robin" is in a class by itself and virtually unwatchable. DK is the only Batman sequel that didn't seriously disappoint in relation to the respective director's first. I understand those who prefer Nolan's BB to DK (I disagree), but both were really good movies. Tim Burton and Joel Schumacher's movies all got progressively worse.
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