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Everything posted by clyons

  1. This blows, but I'm still not panicking yet. I'm going to wait for the end of the trip and then the deadline for that.
  2. clyons

    2012 Films Thread

    Empire Star Wars Revenge [big drop off] Jedi Attack [big drop off] Phantom Menace I never got the love for "Jedi". I was disappointed upon first viewing in 1983. Even for Sci-Fi/fantasy, I found Luke and Leia's siblinghood and Vader's return to niceness implausible and the Ewok-muppets geared way too much towards the kiddies. The beginning is awesome, but imo it goes downhill fast. Edit: the forest speeder chase in Jedi is cool, too.
  3. clyons

    2012 Book Thread

    I just finished "Before I Go to Sleep" by S.J. Watson, an amnesia story that I got in part because one of my favorite authors, Dennis Lehane, reviewed it as "Memento on crystal meth." Never having tried crystal meth, I can't specifically comment as to that, but I thought it was interesitng and suspenseful, albeit a bit "chicky" given its female main character/narrator. I liked "11/22/63" better.
  4. clyons

    Pearl Jam

    QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Feb 10, 2012 -> 07:24 AM) It's unreal how much of a polarizing band they are. * * * Some like them, some dont. I just think that's how it is. I like them a lot, but they were never my "favorite" band. They'd been pretty far off my radar for awhile, until the release of their most recent album last year, which I really enjoyed. Before that, I thought they'd fallen off since "Yield," with their awful cover of "Last Kiss" being the low point. I'm not sure how to reconcile the two quotes above, unless you're saying that there are extreme opinions at both ends of the spectrum, with some fanatics deeming them gods and others despising them with equal passion.
  5. The old "Bing Crosby" Pebble Beach Pro-Am starts today. Tiger's been playing well and usually does well on this course. I've already heard a fair amount of hype as to this being a launcing pad for a major comeback. On another note, I heard this morning that Butler National in Oak Brook is considering opening its doors to women. If that happens, I expect the old "Western Open" (now the BMW Whateverthehell) to go back there on at least a semi-permanent basis, and for the club to contend for a possible major within 10 years.
  6. clyons

    2012 Films Thread

    QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Feb 6, 2012 -> 12:35 PM) Caught Ides of March and Planet of the Apes this weekend. Same review for both - well done, entertaining, but ultimately the ending was unsatisfying. Solid "B." I was really looking forward to "Ides of March," but was also left a little underwhelmed. Good movie, worth seeing, but nothing special.
  7. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Feb 7, 2012 -> 01:32 PM) 9th Circuit rejects Prop. 8 This is inevitably being appealed to the SC. Yes, but Jeffrey Toobin isn't so sure it will get heard. Says ruling may be too narrow to intrigue the justices, but I can think of four who would love to get their hands on it. http://news.blogs.cnn.com/2012/02/07/toobi...ates/?hpt=hp_t1
  8. clyons

    2012 Films Thread

    QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Feb 7, 2012 -> 09:08 AM) New Spiderman looks extremely cool Movie looks cool, costume looks kinda weird--like it was made by Bridgestone or something.
  9. clyons

    2012 Films Thread

    QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Feb 6, 2012 -> 01:17 PM) I also didn't like how they alluded to the global pandemic in the credits instead of showing a scene or two about it. Maybe that's for a sequel though. That reminded me a lot of "12 Monkeys." I guess in a monkey-movie about a bleak future, you have to have an airport scene.
  10. IIRC, Shaka Smart said "no thanks" to both Mizzou and NC State last year before signing his long term deal, so I have a hard time believing that he'd see Illinois as that much better of a job. I'd be all for it if he could be convinced.
  11. Not that it was particularly funny, but my favorite was the long version of Seinfeld's Accura ad. Anything that features the red-suited, dancing dwarf from Twin Peaks is full of win.
  12. QUOTE (Boogua @ Feb 5, 2012 -> 04:09 PM) The problem is money. Thomas just had to fire Zook and had to pay the buyout (although I heard a booster covered a lot of it). I just have to imagine that it would be hard to fire both coaches in the same year. I hope to God it happens though. I don't think Thomas would have taken the job if his hands were tied to that degree, Bye, bye Bruce. Mick Cronin, come on down.
  13. CNN.com posted "breaking news" earlier this am that Trump was to endorse Romney, while the WSJ was tweeting that he'd endorse Newt. The CNN blurb now looks to be down.
  14. QUOTE (ChiSox_Sonix @ Feb 1, 2012 -> 08:54 AM) College basketball, to me, is far more entertaining and enjoyable to follow than the NBA. And it's not even close. Maybe I watch too many Big 10 games and not enough others, but I agree that college hoops this year is down and seems less entertaining and enjoyable than in most years. I don't expect that to carry over to the tournament, however, which really has no real peer in any other sport.
  15. The soul of Don Cornelius is on a train to the afterlife. He was reportedly shot to death. Edit: Reports are that he punched his own ticket.
  16. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jan 31, 2012 -> 04:22 PM) What if it's an attractive male teacher sleeping with 16/17 year old students? Legally, and on many other levels, its exactly the same thing. But my inner horny freshman guy just can't accept that. Its not a perfect analogy, but I'd also have a hard time convicting a father who shoots his kid's handcuffed murderer in cold blood. The double standard isn't a deal breaker in all cases.
  17. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jan 31, 2012 -> 04:10 PM) Frankly, I don't know about the 16 part, but having it be stricter where the more senior person is in a position of authority over the younger person makes a ton of sense to me. But what about it making it more liberal with a hot piece of ass? Seriously though, if I'm on that jury, I'd have to hear a boatload of majorly aggravating circumstances before I'd vote to convict.
  18. clyons

    2012 Films Thread

    QUOTE (Brian @ Jan 29, 2012 -> 12:48 PM) I read the book when it first was released and while watching the movie, was thinking it was fine, not as great as others make it out to be. I felt the same way. Also, I couldn't remember Art Howe coming off quite the same way in the book. Phillip Seymour Hoffman is incredibly talented, and I enjoyed his performance the most.
  19. Brendan Morrison is a Blackhawk. Brian Connelly from Rockford to Flames. http://blackhawks.nhl.com/club/news.htm?id...vid=DL|CHI|home I like.
  20. Even by the standards of this campaign, I thought this was pretty crazy: http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-503544_162-573...tag=re1.channel
  21. I thought Phil Knight went to Oregon and Stanford. I find it odd that he would even be called upon to speak at JoPa's memorial, let alone use it as a forum to defend Paterno and attack the Trustees. http://www.cbssports.com/collegefootball/s...-joepa-memorial
  22. Apart from the usual, highly paid suspects, I'm afraid it might be Bacon. Vitriol is always proportional to expectations. I hope he starts to finally live up to them.
  23. QUOTE (The Critic @ Jan 25, 2012 -> 04:42 PM) This is the first Sox uniform I remember as a kid, so this makes me very happy. I remember getting the giveaway "jersey t-shirt" that had the pinstripes and logo on the front but was plain white with no pinstripes on the back. Ahhhh, that Bill Veeck! Me too. I've always loved the red pinstripes. My giveaway memory of those unis is of Chicken Unlimited Jacket Day. That vinyl and rubber banded atrocity cut off my circulation at both wrists, and made me sweat profusely and smell like a chemical factory. Oh how I loved it.
  24. QUOTE (fathom @ Jan 24, 2012 -> 02:19 PM) How come no one has said "this Tigers move just puts them in better position to contend with the Sox" Awesome. Beat me to it.
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