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Everything posted by clyons

  1. I have gone back and forth on this over the years. As I get older and more time goes by, I become more convinced he acted alone, basically because of the principle of Occam's Razor. There's undeniably a lot of weird stuff surrounding the event and Jack Ruby (for whatever his motives) did no one any favors, but the thing about the conspiracy theories that I ultimately can't accept is that a secret that big could have been held so tightly for so long.
  2. QUOTE (Heads22 @ Nov 19, 2011 -> 02:36 AM) We're going bowling, b****es. Congrats!
  3. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Nov 17, 2011 -> 01:26 PM) There is nothing beautiful about this. Oh, please. You've obviously seriously misconstured my glee over the fact that the arrogant idiocy of Sandusky going on TV and taking 5 minutes to answer a point blank question as to whether he's a pedophle has backfired into infuriating more victims into coming forward. I'm offended by your insinuation that I think a sexual abuse scandal is beautiful.
  4. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Nov 17, 2011 -> 09:18 AM) Apparently really early victims from the 70's are now coming out and are being interviewed by police. This was all a result of seeing his interview on the news. That is so ironically beautiful.
  5. QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ Nov 15, 2011 -> 03:39 PM) I understand why they want to get rid of him, personally I'm indifferent to the move. He makes Lovie look like an in-game genius with some of his decisions, but he has gotten some talent to Champaign the last few years. Ron Turner left the program in absolute shambles and he did manage to get it somewhat turned around and occasionally relevant. Plus, it's Illinois football. It's not like Urban Meyer is begging to take the job. He got talent to the prairie intially, but not as much the "last few years." The pipeline to DC closed once Locksley left, and after that Zook's recruiting has been about on par with what's average for Illinois. I have no insight or idea as to what the new AD will be looking for in a replacement, but I'm semi-intrigued by Mike Leach, assuming Koenig would be retained or somebody else solid would run defense.
  6. The conference has decided to remove the Paterno name from the new Big10 Championship trophy: http://brett-mcmurphy.blogs.cbssports.com/...532522/33310400
  7. LOL at the Lions coming off their open week like that. Almost as funny as the Eagles being 3-6. The Bears schedule lightens, while Detroit still has to face Green Bay twice, and travel to NO. Hope you enjoyed your Monday night win, Lions fans. That was the high point of your 2011.
  8. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Nov 11, 2011 -> 04:01 PM) Journey, Do you agree that charging papers are entirely different in factual nature as compared to a transcript? Certainly, the former are allegations. The latter is testimony; sworn testimony, but testimony that is "led" and not subjected to cross-examination.
  9. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Nov 11, 2011 -> 03:56 PM) Also jenks (another lawyer!) Hey now, let's not "generalize" about us lawyers.
  10. McQ has been placed on "indefinite leave" http://news.blogs.cnn.com/2011/11/11/penn-...se-allegations/ Expect almost all coaches and admins associated with the program to be gone soon, probably right after the bowl game at the very latest.
  11. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Nov 11, 2011 -> 11:19 AM) I have a friend who ran it and said it's terribly run and poorly organized. Everyone was late last year, and there were only like 11 bands throughout the course so the music wasn't consistent. Based on that feedback, I registered for the Chicago Half Marathan next September this morning. Thanks, you saved me $65. Ironically, I think I ran in the inaugural halfer you linked to, and it was a bad experience back then. I'm sure they've improved it significantly or it never would have lasted this long.
  12. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Nov 11, 2011 -> 12:48 PM) Journey. Firing or not firing McQueary wont reduce their liability to the victims at all. Its completely irrelevant to whether or not an abuse occurred years ago and what the damages are. If they dont care about being sued for wrongful termination, the are idiots. They should care about everything. Small, small potatoes. In the grand scheme, how much money could possibly be left on a low level wide receiver coach's contract? How much litigation exposure could there be from this extremely unsympathethic potential plaintiff, who's so popular he's already getting death threats? How can he possibly prove whistlebower retaliation if all involved eventually suffer the same equal fate (termination), regardless of whistlebower status? Yes, they should "care." Should they care equally or be held hostage by a potential McQ lawsuit? No, not if the trustees have an ounce of brains between them. Perhaps that's debatable, though.
  13. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Nov 11, 2011 -> 11:44 AM) Any protection McQueary had, Paterno would have as well. Remember McQueary did not contact the President, etc. It was Paterno. I think PSU is concerned about their potentially liability, and unlike Paterno, I think McQueary would definitely sue PSU. Personally I think PSU is trying to dig up things on McQueary to try and give a better reason to fire him. Not calling the police, is just not a great reason to terminate an employee, especially when the employee reports to his superiors, and the superiors fail to report it in violation of the law. Termination and/or wrongful discharge liability is an absolute pittance in all of this compared to the liability faced on account of the victims. I don't think for a moment that PSU gives two s***s about being sued by McQueary or any other ex-employee. That would really be missing the forest for the trees.
  14. Registration for the "Rock and Roll Half Marathon" 7/22/12 opens today (11/11/11) and you can save $20 by signing up today only. http://www.chicagonow.com/pace-of-chicago/...ted-today-only/ Has anyone run this before. Is it well organized? How's the swag?
  15. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Nov 10, 2011 -> 09:16 PM) That wouldn't require a defense lawyer. However, he'd be a complete buffoon to NOT be hiring a lawyer. That doesn't mean he did anything illegal. However, we all know he f***ed up. Barry Switzer said it best and supported many views here: http://newsok.com/penn-state-tragedy-barry...dline_ou-sports I don't think those words have ever been strung together before, but 'ol Barry makes an excellent point.
  16. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Nov 10, 2011 -> 04:04 PM) Still just rumors at this point. I refuse to believe them. The pimping rumors have got to be so much internet wildfire.
  17. QUOTE (Tex @ Nov 10, 2011 -> 10:18 AM) Wrong. In 2002 Sandusky was not employed by the University and it did not involve any current University students. I was talking about Paterno, Tex. He was the head of the football program that continued to allow its former DC, Sandusky, to hang around the program and gave him access to program facilities where he perpetrated his crimes, specifically including the 2002 shower incident witnessed by the GA.
  18. I just heard news of the firing this morning. Without question, it absolutely had to be done. I'm doing face palms over some of the posts on here arguing the contrary. He was the head of the program under which this occurred, and in many ways, "the most powerful man on campus." Talk about a "lack of institutional control": When something this heinous happens, those at the top bear ultimate accountablity and must pay with their jobs. His contract was up anyway, and he "retired" just hours before. BFD. Sorry, devils advocates. In the real world, this was an absolute no-brainer.
  19. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Nov 9, 2011 -> 12:58 PM) If this happened at "Insert your random school here", there probably would be no hesitation on the part of the university to clean house. There'd be no "Resign at the end of the year". Unless it was a Catholic School. Sorry, couldn't resist.
  20. QUOTE (iamshack @ Nov 9, 2011 -> 12:45 PM) No, the problem is that Paterno is the story now. And if you don't take the time to actually read the facts, you might think Paterno actually molested children himself. And then 20 years from now, Paterno's name is going to come up, and someone is going to say "isn't that that old geezer who coached Penn State for 50 years and was caught molesting kids?" The media needs to be more responsible with the story instead of just irresponsibly making this into what will get the biggest ratings or website hits. No one is saying that. No one is suggesting that. Anyone who "might be thinking that" is so utterly clueless as to not be worth anyone's concern.
  21. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Nov 9, 2011 -> 09:57 AM) What about the trophy that the Big Ten conference named after Paterno? I think thats going to be a sticky situation. The Stagg family agrees: http://www.cbssports.com/mcc/blogs/entry/6270202/33194788
  22. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Nov 9, 2011 -> 09:09 AM) You could almost say that the Hawks are missing Soupy with their PP problems. That had occurred to me, but it seems to me that the power play has been streaky for awhile, and down-right s***ty at times.
  23. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Nov 9, 2011 -> 09:56 AM) True Romance Nope. Think Bruce Willis.
  24. I respectfully suggest that this part of the thread be broken off and merged with the other one.
  25. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Nov 9, 2011 -> 09:07 AM) darrenrovell darren rovell AP: Paterno says he will retire at the end of the season. The AD gets indicted, the President will be fired, but the Head Coach gets to finish up the season and "retire?" Do they even teach public relations or ethics at Penn State? If Paterno gets a gold watch, they should give it to him where Christopher Walken kept his in "Pulp Fiction."
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