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Everything posted by clyons

  1. I hate the f***ing St. Louis Blues. LET'S GO HAWKS!
  2. QUOTE (zenryan @ Nov 8, 2011 -> 01:43 PM) On a side note, am I the only one here thinking this will never go to trial because Sandusky will kill himself? You are probably giving him too much credit.
  3. http://www.cnn.com/2011/11/06/justice/penn....html?hpt=hp_t1 Translation: "He told me my old-buddy Sandusky was taking inappropriate liberties with a child, but because he didn't specifically describe the particular act (which I almost certainly didn't ask about), I did the bare minimum by reporting it, but just not to the police. It wasn't really my problem anymore because Sandusky wasn't working for me in 2002.'"
  4. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Nov 5, 2011 -> 11:27 PM) As for the PSU thing, I dont see what an AD has to do with a grown man f***ing an 11 year old boy in the shower at the university. The Grad assistant should have called the cops, the janitor that saw him blowing a kid should have called the cops, and JoPa and Curley etc. Everyone needs to ignore the chain of command and do whats right IMO. No question. Since when is it appropriate to report serious, abusive criminal behavior only to your boss? And this involved kids.
  5. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Nov 4, 2011 -> 04:37 PM) Pedophile State University http://www.pennlive.com/midstate/index.ssf...oach_jerry.html There are rumblings that PSU coaches knew and tried to cover it up when an incident happened in the PSU locker room. More than rumblings, apparently. The ADs been charged with perjury relating to a cover-up. http://www.chicagotribune.com/sports/colle...0,2931076.story Man, remember the good-old days when college sports scandals were only about illegal benefits, point shaving, and selling your uniform pants?
  6. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Nov 3, 2011 -> 09:14 AM) Nolan Ryan would still beat some ass. Not Kenny's.
  7. QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ Nov 3, 2011 -> 08:16 AM) Awful. You couldn't pay me enough money to fly in a Russian plane. And yet we'll be paying the Russians to fly our astronauts into space.
  8. What was once known as "The World's Greatest Newspaper" apparently thinks its important for folks to know this: http://www.chicagotribune.com/sports/baseb...0,6969115.story
  9. QUOTE (Rex Hudler @ Nov 1, 2011 -> 10:25 PM) Test results aren't immediate. For the most part they are known and available in a matter of hours.
  10. Now available for your reading "pleasure:" http://www.amazon.com/When-Theo-Met-Tom-eb...7303&sr=8-2
  11. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Nov 1, 2011 -> 03:24 PM) ie. Nick Swisher. Yup. I thought of him as soon as I read this.
  12. Good for him. But if he's not going to wear a ball cap anyone, he needs to either go grey or get a better dye job. I'm usually not one to notice or comment, but his hair looks freaky weird.
  13. QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ Oct 30, 2011 -> 05:08 PM) I've mentioned it before, but I don't find Caddyshack funny at all. I believe that it was hysterical in its day, but don't think it's held up over time. I'm sure many still find it funny, but I'd wager that is because they saw it when it was newer and they sort of can relive it. Seeing it for the first time decades later, I can seriously watch it straight through without laughing. I put it #1, but I really can't argue. I was a 16 year-old caddie when it came out. For me, it is virtually biographical (minus Lacey and the explosions).
  14. clyons

    2011 Films Thread

    I stayed up late watching an edited version of The Exorcist last night, with commercials. Even in that format, and after nearly 40 years, it remains a great movie. Its hard to imagine how ground-breaking and mind-blowing it must have been in its time. Googling during commercials, I was shocked to learn that Max Von Sydow was only 44 when he played the old priest, Fr. Merrin. Amidst all the other make up and special effects, that never even registers.
  15. clyons

    2011 Films Thread

    I only get out to the show 1 or 2 times a year. Totally wasted the semi-annual trip last night on "Paranormal Activity 3" (thanks, Dear). If you think you need to know the backstory, rent the DVD and chapter skip to the end. You can fill in the rest on Wikipedia. A mostly boring-ass movie. The trailer for "Devil Inside" was scarier.
  16. Can't find my list, but I swear I had Raging Bull as my #2.
  17. QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ Oct 28, 2011 -> 08:06 AM) Never good to f*** with the baseball gods.
  18. QUOTE (MAX @ Oct 25, 2011 -> 02:30 PM) Some studies should that could be brain cancer waiting to happen, unfortunately. Others studies show that 1 in 6 cell phones are infected with poop remnants, but that cannot possibly apply to Theo's. Assuming he even makes it, his poop is doubtless fragrant and antiseptic. He's going to be on Tribune Live this evening, so I'm expecting a tweet from Kaplan to confirm.
  19. clyons

    2011 Music Thread

    I saw Cameron Crowe's "Pearl Jam Twenty" documentary last night on Channel 11. Liked it. Learned stuff.
  20. I read somewhere else today that the 12/31/11 exit date was originally announced as a target by W in the press conference where he got the shoe thrown at him. Somebody had that in their avvy for awhile.
  21. Sounds like they've shown a lot these last two games. I wish I could have stayed awake to see them. If they stay healthy, this is going to be really fun.
  22. QUOTE (iamshack @ Oct 21, 2011 -> 09:27 AM) I think some of you just want to criticize the Cubs for whatever they do. They're building a stronger FO with these moves. It may not result in 2 titles like it did in Boston, but getting these two in the mix is definitely setting them up better for the future than having Jim Hendry there. I am not expecting Theo and Jed to transform the Cubs into a powerhouse overnight, but in my opinion, this is a definite solid first step to getting the product on the field back to respectability. I don't see much criticism of the moves, per se. Of the hype and expectations, absolutely (and much deserved). I heard (haven't seen) that its on the Front page of the Trib's main section today, not just the sports page, and that last night's awesome WSG2 was relegated to page 8 of Sports. That's slightly f'd up.
  23. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Oct 21, 2011 -> 08:11 AM) Can we get everyone to agree that after this gets done, the Cubs system will make the Sox's system look solid? It depends on what you mean by "system" and "after this gets done?" As much as we're in disarray, I won't concede they'll be that much better on a top to bottom basis after the press conferences. Its going to take a while to reform their entire system (as opposed to just the front office), and we don't know who's leaving them as compensation. Edit: I think I misread the original post. I do agree our s***ty farm is going to look better compared to theirs once the Cubs' is further depleted by the comp to the Bosox and Pads.
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