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Everything posted by clyons

  1. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Oct 20, 2011 -> 02:45 PM) Red Sox officials now incensed about rumors of a done deal, and are saying they aren't even close yet. It's been mostly just Levine and K[r]aplan braying about how "close" they are. That doesn't mean dick.
  2. Bobby Valentine isn't my favorite, but Dan Shulman and Orel Hersheiser make for a real good listen on the radio. What a let down to get home and hear Dumb and Dumber on Fox.
  3. QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ Oct 20, 2011 -> 12:44 AM) I also wanted to put The Babe on my list despite knowing that it actually isn't a good movie, but there were so many really deserving movies out there. That movie's actually great, but is sheephearding even considered a sport? "That'll do, pig."
  4. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Oct 20, 2011 -> 10:48 AM) You cant sleep on Wisconsin even though they lost Leuer. Jordan Taylor is enough for them to make a run and they actually have some talented underclassmen. I see OSU, MSU, Wis, ILL and Pur all locks to make the tourney. I'm a pretty big Illini homer, but although I think they will make it, they are far from a lock. I've seen a couple projected NCAA brackets already (worthless, I know) that have them out.
  5. QUOTE (IlliniKrush @ Oct 17, 2011 -> 09:06 PM) Clean up your act, Wisconsin http://www.foxsportswisconsin.com/10/14/11...amp;feedID=5062 Seriously, what a bunch of idiots (NSFW with speakers on). Instead of having Barry and Bret write a sanctimonious, CYA letter for public relations relief, the University could end this "tradition" in a couple of weekends simply by announcing the revocation of ticket privileges for any student chanting profanities that could subject the school's broadcast partners to severe FCC sanctions, if aired. It probably would then require only one or two extra security guards to take down a couple of names each week before word got around. This, of course, would apply to other schools too, but I note that in particular, Wisconsin has had no problem taking action to crack down on offensive traditions when engaged in at Camp Randall by visitors. And for all its faults and controversies, an inauthentic, dancing Indian could at least be broadcast on the public airwaves.
  6. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Oct 7, 2011 -> 09:42 AM) Thanks, man. I wound up going with the Suunto M5 and the foot pod. This will be perfect and much more suitable for her workout schedule (gym rat every morning, runs on weekends). Please report back on how she likes it. I'm gizzing over this, but at $349 its really pricey: http://www.prweb.com/releases/Garmin-forer...rweb8303923.htm
  7. clyons

    2011 Films Thread

    QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ Oct 19, 2011 -> 01:24 AM) I love Miller's Crossing by far the most. Miller's Crossing is a great, great film.
  8. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Oct 14, 2011 -> 07:32 AM) What an awful can design. Nothing makes me want to drink less than thinking of an athlete's back sweat. Real bad. He must still be using the same marketing and PR team that prepped him for his infamous Jackie Robinson interview on Nightline.
  9. Summarized from the Chicago Tribune: This young "baseball guru" heads to the Chicago Cubs to be "greeted as a conquering hero, the savior for a franchise known more for bumbling than for baseball." Apart from the fact that he guided his former club to two World Series championships, there is further cause for celebration in that "he exudes unbridled confidence, a boyish sense of innocence and a 'can-do/let's go get 'em' spirit." Any of this sound familiar? http://articles.chicagotribune.com/1994-09...se-world-series
  10. I found this somewhat amusing: http://www.athlonsports.com/overtime/mike-...ensive-playbook
  11. QUOTE (scenario @ Oct 13, 2011 -> 03:22 PM) Classic married-guy strategy... give your wife something to complain about so she doesn't come up with something worse to complain about... You can't stop the complaining, but you can control the topic. I think I need you as my life-coach.
  12. QUOTE (bmags @ Oct 13, 2011 -> 01:51 PM) I'm sure travel takes less time than when bus travel was common. As for video reviews and tweeting multi-millionaires, I'd bet video reviews are more efficient than whatever the hell scouting they had back then. ANd players back then were a bunch of alcoholics, probably not the easiest to manage either. There were only 8 teams in each league and thus 7 cities to visit until the late 1960's. There were no California teams until 1961. None in Arizona, Seattle or Texas either. St. Louis was both the farthest West and the Southernmost MLB city for nearly forever. With interleague play, there's more than double the cities to visit now (16 NL teams, 14 AL) and they're spread from coast to coast. And alcoholism isn't exactly polio; it hasn't been cured. If anything, with steroids, cocaine, and amphetmines, substance abuse may be even more widespread today; See, Steve Howe, Daryl Strawberry, Lenny Dykstra, Bob Welch, Dwight Gooden, Dennis Eckersly, Keith Hernandez, Tim Raines, Mark Portugal, Dave Parker, Dale Berra, and the 2011 Boston Red Sox (that's a joke). Plus, the free agency era didn't begin until Messersmith-McNally in 1975. Before then, there was no union, arbitrator, or agent to cry to if a manager had it out for a player or told him to stick it. Despite airplanes and computers, there's a lot more to managing today than there was in Casey Stengel's time.
  13. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Oct 11, 2011 -> 05:49 PM) There has also been a proliferation of hires and technology to accompany that. Hell Guillen found time to run blogs, websites, facebook pages, radio shows, tv interviews, and still play with his kids. All of the decisions that used to be gut feelings now have any tidbit of statistical analysis at your finger tips so there isn't even any research necessary, unless you call googling something research. Until that technology includes cloning it will remain a bad idea. There's a reason it was a rare practice back in the day, and is even rarer in this age. The old schoolers didn't have to participate in televised, daily post-game pressers, particpate in video reviews, deal with the extended travel due to expansion, or lead and control a clubhouse full of blogging and tweeting multi-millionaires with their superagents, entourages, et al. Adding all of that to the mental and physcial grind of preparing for and playing a 162 game schedule is a recipe for disaster, imo.
  14. This is a solid hire, but so were Baylor, Baker, and Sweet Lou. Besides, in Boston Theo had the benefits of a virtually unlimited payroll, two highly roided-up sluggers, and owners that coined the phrase "Evil Empire" with respect to the Yankees and were highly motivated to match or better that rival's every move. He'll have none of those here, just greater expectations of savior-hood, given his past success. Friedman doesn't have the all important (at least to Cub fans) "name," but that would have been the better hire. He doesn't have the championships, but has shown the ability to do more with less. No doubt the chance to achieve an unparalled legacy as a "double curse buster" (plus the reported $15M) was too intriguing an opportunity to pass up, but something tells me this will not end well for Theo.
  15. QUOTE (bmags @ Oct 11, 2011 -> 05:15 PM) I honestly don't understand why people think that is so insane. I think it's insane that that practice went extinct. But I see no reason to believe Robin would be any better today than had he started managing and playing his last two years, ditto girardi. The practice has no place in today's game because of the proliferation of the modern media. Dealing with the media is so much more a component of the manager's daily activity than it was back in Lou Boudreau's day, or even 25 years ago for Pete Rose. It's there pre-game, post-game, and even in-game. Years ago, you had just local beat writers and one or two TV or radio guys. There was no Internet, ESPN, Baseball Tonight, or MLB network. The only reason we know of Lee Elia's famous rant is becuase of Les Grobstein's tape recorder. Today, it would be broadcast and You Tube'd all over. There's no way a guy like Konerko or anybody else can fully keep up his every day routine as player while simultaneoulsy handling all the miscellaneous crap that goes along with being a manager, without one of those jobs suffering tremendously. The ability to put together a line-up or manage a game has little to do with it being a really bad idea today.
  16. QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ Oct 11, 2011 -> 04:11 PM) Damn straight. There are a lot out there to like already, and a new girl is turning 18 every day. Not that one thing has anything to do with the other . . .
  17. KW and Jerry Angelo should just trade places for a season. The results probably couldn't be much worse, but we'd get lots more of these wacky hijinks. Plus hilarity would ensue.
  18. Stephen Garcia is no longer a 'Cock. That is to say, he still is a cock, but because he still is, he isn't. In other words, because he's such a cock, he is now an ex-'Cock. http://espn.go.com/college-football/story/...-stephen-garcia
  19. QUOTE (whitesoxfan101 @ Oct 9, 2011 -> 06:51 PM) The Cardinals throwing at Fielder because they were pissy Braun hit a 9,000 foot home run typifies why I want the Brewers to win this series. All the Cardinals do is b**** and moan and get offended by everything. Good start tonight. Tony = b**** Go Brew Crew!
  20. QUOTE (HickoryHuskers @ Oct 6, 2011 -> 12:17 PM) And who is Missouri kidding? If the SEC wanted them they'd have them by now. I think the SEC will either get West Virginia or stay at 13. I think Mizzou has kind of embarassed itself with its public but unsuccesful flirtations with the BIG10 and SEC.
  22. He's going to be Robin's bench coach. He'll be good at talking to him about baseball, as he has lots of experience talking about sports.
  23. QUOTE (Chicago White Sox @ Oct 7, 2011 -> 09:03 AM) My guess is Lamont will be the bench coach. I also think McEwing will get the 3rd base coach job and Manto will get the hitting coach job. I'd prefer Laker be the hitting coach, since he's familiar with the young guys, but the Tribune hinted more towards Manto. I wonder if he speaks Spanish, because we're going to need someone to help with the Cubans and other Latin players. From what I read, Lamont seemed surprised by the hire, although suppoprtive of Robin as a person. His comments were those of a "you have to pay your dues first," old schooler. I really can't see him leaving Leyland after all these years to come back here to tutor Robin.
  24. QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ Oct 7, 2011 -> 10:41 AM) This is what I said in the Ventura thread, but I think it fits here. LOL, could this be any more obvious to anyone? -Ozzie Jr. -Ozzie or Cora (probably Ozzie) -Oney One problem with the above is that Ozzie Jr wasn't a "member of the organization" late last week, but I don't disagree that the Guillens feed the beast.
  25. He may turn out to be great, and God love him, I hope he does. But that won't change the fact that hiring someone with absolutely ZERO major league coaching experience was a needless risk for this particular team at this particular time.
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