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Everything posted by clyons

  1. Hendry absolutely fleeced the Pirates in the deal that brought them Aramis and Lofton in '03, and the Marlins in the Hee Seop Choi for DLee deal in "04. I thought he scored on the 3-way Nomar deal, too. He probably just got lucky when he signed a rehabbing Ryan Dempster, but you have to give him props for that one as well. He lost the deal for Juan Pierre, and probably the Dontrelle Willis for Matt Clement deal, too, but Clement did help them get "5 outs away." Obviously, his greatest f*** ups were the contracts given to Aram, Zambozo, Bradley, and Soriano. IMO, Crane Kenney has to share blame for that, and Ricketts needs to keep cleaning up.
  2. clyons

    2011 Music Thread

    QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Aug 19, 2011 -> 07:17 AM) Anything after Hank Williams is garbage That's a bit of a snobby cliche. Merle Haggard, Johnny Cash, George Jones, Waylon Jennings and Willie Nelson all came after.
  3. QUOTE (ChrisLikesBaseball @ Aug 17, 2011 -> 06:36 PM) That looks more like a big dead donkey than a horse, which come to think of it, makes it even more appropriate.
  4. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Aug 17, 2011 -> 05:24 PM) Its really too bad he has near-zero chance to win the nomination. He'd probably have a better shot in the general than most of the other GOP candidates. To me, he seems like the most impressive in the field, by a long shot. Of course, his every foible has not been front-page news.
  5. With AJ out, maybe Buehrle can come off the bench to be our left-handed pinch-hitter. He's got a career .500 average against Jimenez.
  6. QUOTE (Y2HH @ Aug 16, 2011 -> 10:31 AM) I'm bringing my 6.x month old to a game today (with the wife tonight), and was wondering if there was anything I should know/do/bring...and or any rules that apply to me that I do not know of so I'm not caught off guard... Do I need to pay anything to get her in? I have club level seats. The club level is probably the best spot you could be, as you can retreat inside to a couch or a much less crowded restroom if needed. When we took my oldest to her first game at 11 months, we got tickets there for that reason. As has been said, all you really need to worry about is the rare errant foul. Since the club seats are down the lines, I always made sure whoever was not holding the baby sat nearer to home plate. I hope the baby's first game is a White Sox Winner, but that's for selfish reasons, too.
  7. More from an intangible momentum and "attitude" stand point than anything else, this Cleveland series is big; another chance to finally rise above the elusive .500 barrier and at the same time gain ground on the team directly ahead of them. This team's problem seems mostly between its collective ears, so it will be interesting to see how it responds. Frankly, I'd rather have any starter other than Gavin going in the first game at home, but he's due for a good turn. I hope he nuts up.
  8. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Aug 15, 2011 -> 09:05 AM) Evidence: #1 #2 His Eddie Gaedel imagery is priceless.
  9. Hurray for mediocrity! Well, we've won our 60 and lost our 60. Let's see what happens with the final 42.
  10. QUOTE (elgonzo4sox @ Aug 12, 2011 -> 04:01 PM) I just hope for patience at the plate. Hitting Chen is almost like hitting a knuckleballer like Wakefield - you have to be patient, let borderline pitches go past (they wil probably fall out of the zone for a ball), and hammer only the mistakes. Take walks, and take what Chen gives you. Chen can be beat, with the right approach. So what you're basically saying is that this team has no chance? Bummer.
  11. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Aug 12, 2011 -> 02:28 PM) True, and since we're waiting to have kids, she still dishes it out nice and good so I rarely need to whack! Maybe if you had a team you could join in the fun! Maybe you're right. Ive been married 13 years and have 2 kids. Lord knows I've got plenty of "down time" and am in need of "fantasy." Anyway, real or otherwise, I AM READY FOR SOME FOOTBALL. I hope the Bears' O-Line is, too.
  12. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Aug 12, 2011 -> 01:34 PM) I jack off to fantasy football mags. Yeah, but you're married, right? Doesn't really count Personally, I tried it but never got into it. Edit: the game, not the whacking I don't begrudge anyone their interests or hobbies, but the biggest thing I hate about fantasy sports is people always droning on about their fantasy sports and assuming that I give a s***. Not saying eveyone's like that, but the only thing worse than an obnoxious parent is an obnoxious fantasy owner.
  13. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Aug 12, 2011 -> 09:13 AM) You seemed remarkably stunned that CNN would host the rantings of some crazed internet writer. I apologize for the sarcastic post. I incorrectly thought your comment pointing out opinion on CNN was directed at me. But I, too, don't think anyone sounded "remarkably stunned." The hyperbole in that article was pretty over the top.
  14. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Aug 11, 2011 -> 03:26 PM) You do realize that CNN.com carries some opinion writers, right? They do? Are you implying that his concluding statement that the inevitable Perry-Palin 2012 victory would spell the death of the Republic wasn't written with tongue-in-cheek? It was on the Internet, so I just assumed it was a fact, and that the writer was descended from Nostradamus.
  15. Let's have a great homestand (for once).
  16. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Aug 11, 2011 -> 09:39 PM) 6-1 road trip after a 1-6 homestand The homestand was 3-7; it started 3-1 and finished 0 - 6. But yeah, its been a roller coaster,
  17. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Aug 11, 2011 -> 10:31 AM) Perry can just repeat his mantra about how Texas created more jobs than any other state, regardless of whether they're all minimum wage or stimulus funded, and no one will call him on it. Sadly, this guy agrees: http://www.cnn.com/2011/OPINION/08/11/moor....html?hpt=hp_t2
  18. QUOTE (whitesoxfan101 @ Aug 11, 2011 -> 02:34 PM) There are so many people who get upset at this statement, but I think Tiger is done winning majors. He might have one last swan song a la Jack in 1986, but that's about it. I say that partly due to the off the course stuff, but more due to all of his injuries catching up with him. I don't know about "done," only because his game has always been particuarly suited to Augusta, so he stands a good chance to pick up a couple more there, just because of that. Generally, though, I agree. At one point, he seemed a vitual lock to surpass The Bear's record. Now its looking much more safe.
  19. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Aug 11, 2011 -> 09:47 AM) When there's an incumbent, I don't really think that the general election is about the opponent as much as it is about the incumbent. I get your point, but its more than just a parliamentary-like referendum on the incumbent, and for many still ultimately comes down to can X do a better job in the future than Y is doing now. This general is once again going to be dominated by the economy, where many feel that O has failed to fix (or worsened) an economic mess that he inherited from W. It can't be that great a thing for Perry to remind people of or come across as W 2.0, who many still blame for creating this mess in the first place. Its got to be a bit of a handicap in selling folks on a positive future if you vividly remind them of a negative past.
  20. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Aug 11, 2011 -> 09:34 AM) Almost more amazing than the HR comparison is this one RBI- Dunn 39, Pierre 30 Wow, that is so freaking sad.
  21. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Aug 11, 2011 -> 09:34 AM) Almost more amazing than the HR comparison is this one RBI- Dunn 39, Pierre 30
  22. I finally saw a clip of this guy on the news this morning, as he is apparently ready to declare this weekend. In the brief soundbite they showed, he really sounded like and reminded me of a young W (not just the Texas drawl, but his rhythm, cadence and prose). I understand that he is currently one of the GOP favorites, but I can't see those similarities being the greatest of assets in a general election.
  23. The horrible sequel debate begins and ends with Caddyshack II.
  24. QUOTE (JoeCoolMan24 @ Aug 10, 2011 -> 03:35 PM) I don't get it..... Its either a reference to her bad movies or her boobs.
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