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Everything posted by clyons

  1. The White Sox roller coaster is almost as extreme as the stock market. The team got owned by the two best teams in the league, and now has looked solid again against two of the worst. That just reafffirms that things are never as bright or dim as they seem at the time. What's most encouraging to me is that Rios and Beckham are looking better, and Ozzie has finally shown willingness to platoon and demote Dunn. The Sox are still in striking distance and control their own fate. If they can carry this momentum into and through the next homestand against an Indians team they've beat up on so far, it might be time to really get excited again. I'm up for it and "In."
  2. Humber has really fallen off the last month. Here's hoping he turns it around for the stretch beginning tonight. Both starters look like they've been struggling. Let's hit the half-dozen!
  3. Cop Rock Someone earlier mentioned "SportsNight," which I had completely forgotten about. I really liked that show, although it did get kind of soap opera-ish with respect to the characters' dating lives.
  4. clyons

    2011 Music Thread

    QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Aug 9, 2011 -> 04:21 PM) So after you define One hit wonder by saying they have one hit song, then you list her albums? Name more than one of her hit songs without searching Well, albums do contain more than one song, and most of the time, when whole abums reach #1 and go multi-platinum, as hers with "Nothing Compares 2 U" did, more than just one song from the album is popular. Off the top of my head, I can name "The Emperor's New Clothes" as another song from that album that got lots of airplay. There's also a song of hers with a chorus that goes "lay your hands on me" that I think is also from that album. I think a one-hit wonder is pretty commonly accepted as someone who comes out of nowhere to have just one popular "hit" song, and then fades away to obscurity forever. If we agree on that, I still don't see how you think she fits. She was a known quantity before the Prince record came out, as her first album (containing the song "Mandinka") was very well received and also went Gold. She did not "fade away" immediately after her #1 song either. She went on to make and sell lots of music after that, including the song from the movie "In the Name of the Father" (don't recall the name). A common joke about "one-hit wonders" is that their "best of" or "greatest hits" albums contain just one lone tune. I think Sine-Aid has several compilation albums (I have one) spanning several years.
  5. clyons

    2011 Music Thread

    QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Aug 9, 2011 -> 02:32 PM) unfortunately the moniker fits for her. she has had success, but lets be honest, i doubt many posters could name more than that one song without a google search Actually, it doesn't. That moniker fits an artist or band that literally had only one hit song, not someone with only one song that can be instantly recalled after more than 20 years. Her first three ALBUMS reached #36, #1, and #27 on U.S. charts, and the first two went Gold and Platinum, respectively. Debby Boone and the chick who sang "99 Luft Balloons" were one hit wonders. Singers with multiple Gold albums by definition are not.
  6. Curtis Enis SUCKED. At football and at life. Drafted #5 overall. Held out of camp. Had more lost fumbles (5) than TDs (4) for his careeer. Gained a whopping 1,497 rushing yards in 3 seasons, all while acting like a complete and utter asshole.
  7. Ironically, when I started the thread (sorry) I wondered if anyone had asked Ozzie or Kenny for their explanation. Ozzie was apparently asked this afternoon. He doesn't have one: http://www.chicagotribune.com/sports/baseb...0,6284243.story
  8. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Aug 8, 2011 -> 02:01 PM) http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-20...eved-death.html The tapes were recorded with leading historian Arthur Schlesinger Jnr within months of the assassination on November 22, 1963, and had been sealed in a vault at the Kennedy Library in Boston. I'm sure she would have felt much worse if she weren't under such heavy sedation.
  9. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Aug 8, 2011 -> 10:07 AM) We're talking about twitter here. Not much space to get overly analytical. That limitation doesn't mandate or excuse middle-school cattiness. Professionalism doesn't begin at 141 characters. He fired a zinger for attention and got it, just as he wanted. Oney only gave him more.
  10. QUOTE (since56 @ Aug 8, 2011 -> 09:57 AM) He started it! Valentine can be an ass but he has a real job to comment on mlb. Oney is just a scab. Comment, yes, but sarcastic rhetorical questions really aren't commentary. They both acted like babies. Oney's obviously skilled at it, and the much bigger turd.
  11. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Aug 8, 2011 -> 09:24 AM) Wasn't the same thing true last year as well? Nope
  12. I realize that it may have been even further skewed by having hosted the league's top two teams on the last home stand (teams that we handled fine on the road), but can anyone explain why the team's home and away records are so different and the opposite of what one would normally expect? I don't think it can be rightly labeled "pressure" to please the home crowd, since this is a veteran team and the crowds aren't even that big. I personally think its just "one of those things," and that the simple law of averages almost bodes well for the team, in that you'd expect the home record to come close to at least evening out over the course of the season, which would mean substantial improvement going forward. Has anyone heard Ozzie or Kenny asked for their thoughts?
  13. I just realized that the Sox did not draw a single walk in the entire four game series against NYY. Sometimes you just gotta tip your big, floppy clown cap.
  14. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Aug 4, 2011 -> 11:22 AM) Well theres a million legal reasons why getting into libel/slander makes no sense, but the more practical reason is that truth is a defense. First comment: It gets scary. Opinion, cant be libel or defamation. Second Comment: death threats Fact, Im sure that if you go through all of the posts youll find some one (sarcastically or not) saying that they would like to kill XYZ. Even if its just another poster, it would still be true. Third Comment: Get out of here you Mexican.'This would be the most likely statement you could prove false, but even then Im not so sure that I cant believe in 1 game thread it wasnt said. Everything that is said on this board is part of history, as a collective you may think that those statements are not representative of this site, but it does not mean that there arent 1 or 2 posters who may say something like above. I cant imagine there will be a retraction, I cant imagine he will edit the piece, as there is simply no reason to. If I write an article that says "CC Sabathia isnt a good hitter" doesCC get to write me and say "im a good pitcher I want a retraction"? The third comment is defamatory against Soxtalk (if false) and probably actionable, but against Oz, Jr. (who said it), not the writer who just wrote what Jr said. However, an additional reason why a claim wouldn't make sense is a likely lack of quantifiable damages. An entity like Soxtalk doesn't have "feelings" and can't suffer pain and humliation, etc. There likely would have to be a demonstrable loss of ad revenue or other economic harm that could be attributed directly to the statement.
  15. Even in a bad season, this has been one weird week: the team teases right before the deadline; Rios gets "benched" without any loss of playing time; an opposing runner scores from first on a single for the third time this year; the Guillen boys again display their astonishing media savvy; we hit the 13 run pool by the third inning. In the immortal words of noted Assistant Greenskeeper Carl Spackler, "I have to laugh." Edit: I tried to make this a poll but apparently screwed it up: Choices were going to be: "Yes, this has become theater of the absurd" or "No, losing is never amusing." Weigh in if you feel like it.
  16. I am not sure its fair to compare his suckitude with Monica Lewinsky's. Hers at least provided the recipient with pleasure.
  17. QUOTE (Felix @ Aug 2, 2011 -> 08:27 AM) His potential playoff eligibility might. [Play Jim Mora soundbite here].
  18. Today's Rosenbloom: http://www.chicagotribune.com/sports/rosen...,6776133.column
  19. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Jul 31, 2011 -> 09:18 AM) The 3B coach for the Red Sox definitely had the stop sign up before he saw how casually Rios was returning the ball back in....then the off-target throw that Beckham fumbled, causing the reversal of his "stop" sign and then finally a "go" sign to home. Watch the video closely. It would have been insane to send him all the way without the base coach watching the play as it was developing. That's the 3rd time that has happened this year against us. I dunno, you might be right, but I watched the Red Sox crew's video a couple times and never saw a stop sign. I didn't mean to imply earlier that he was waving as of the crack of the bat, but it seemed at the time like he was already waving before Rios even got to the ball or eased it back it. Alice loafed to it, then took about two lazy steps before lollypopping it in. I think he was waving based on the initial loaf, then "really waving" based on the lazy throw. Doesn't really matter, but the fact is it does keep happening, and smart teams like the Red Sox know that and watch for/anticipate it.
  20. I had good seats last night and saw the whole play develop. Reddick was off with 2 outs and a full count, but the Red Sox sent him all the way, gambling that Rios would lollygag. With the apparent exception of Ozzie Guillen, everyone in baseball is wise to Alex Rios.
  21. QUOTE (since56 @ Jul 30, 2011 -> 07:44 AM) The White Sox have some big names and are currently in the thick of the chase in the A.L. Central. The weather has been great for night games and the team has been playing well. The northsiders suck and are not a factor. A beautiful Friday night in late July against the Red Sox the house should have been packed. I know we have been down this road before, but why not better attendance? The park is beautiful and the experience is a positive one. I have been to more than a few stadiums around the country and the cell is above average. I don't get it. Ok. I'll bite. 1. The team got off to another horrible start and has significantly underachieved relative to most expectations. 2. The ecomony remains poor. 3. You are talking about the Chicago White Sox.
  22. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jul 29, 2011 -> 01:31 PM) It's either a hard rule and thus terrible policy or you neuter it such that it's essentially meaningless. Especially given the perpetual state of war we find ourselves in. Agreed. Plus, I've always thought the whole concept is based on a cop-out: "Oh we can't balance the budget now, its just too hard (but we would if the Constitution said we had to)."
  23. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Jul 29, 2011 -> 09:05 AM) Isnt the part that gets these cases thrown out usually proving that the "male" was less qualified? That's a big part of it, but there also has to be at least some evidence (which can be circumstantial) that her sex was a motivating factor in being passed over. Courts don't like to second-guess an employer's business judgment.
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