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Everything posted by clyons

  1. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Jul 25, 2011 -> 09:54 AM) He can Below himself. There once was a man from Detroit whose maneuvers were very adroit 'though he could not pitch worth a son of a b**** his own junk he could really exploit.
  2. Nice to take one on a Sunday. Seems like its been awhile.
  3. This guy speaks to my earlier point: http://www.cnn.com/2011/OPINION/07/23/zick....html?hpt=hp_t2 This whole debate infuriates me. You have the president, who voted against raising the ceiling as a Senator, now deeming it crucial, and representatives who voted to do it multiple times when their party was in the White House, now refusing to do so on "principle." The hypocrisy on both sides is galling. I'm not as bright or as informed as many who post here seem to be (or believe themselves to be), but I think if a deal isn't done and all goes to s***, the GOP has more to lose politically, regardless of who may be "actually" at fault. I think a default perception in these types of White House-congressional showdowns is that to the "average" American the president (whoever he is) tends to come out looking presidential, while Congressional leadership (in this case GOP House leadership) just looks obstructionist. That's what saved Clinton in '95. I think the GOP faces almost a kind of damned either way risk on this one, because they risk alienating Average Joes on one hand, and the Tea crowd on the other. Not saying who's right or wrong, just adding my 2 cent read of the political tea leaves.
  4. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jul 22, 2011 -> 03:34 PM) The guy is the very definition of a Hall of Famer. I couldn't agree more. But there's no way he's deserving of the unprecedented honor of unanimous selection, which would distinguish him above EVERYONE else in the history of the game. Its a really a moot point because it will never happen anyway, but the implication that Jeter is literally in a class by himself is just silly, and one that would only be advanced by a New York writer.
  5. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Jul 22, 2011 -> 04:16 PM) LOL at telling the President to "get out of the way". He's the one pushing FOR this. The reason it isn't getting done is the people to his left screaming about cuts, and the people to his right screaming they refuse to do anything different on revenue. I've blamed Obama for an awful lot of bad policy so far, but on this, he's absolutely not the problem. I'd put the majority of blame on the fact that the GOP made a grand bargain to support tea party policies to the point of refusing any attempt and compromise, and then to a lesser but still significant extent, the lefties refusing to see that the government's spending is out of control. I agree with most of this, especially to the extent this entire issue is being dominated by ideological and political extremes. And I also think Obama has moved more than the House leaders have, as is evidenced by the grief he's getting from his liberal base. To me, Boehner and Cantor haven't come close to risking similar ire from the Tea crowd.
  6. QUOTE (chimpy2121 @ Jul 22, 2011 -> 06:42 PM) I love the primary logo. Very cool.
  7. If I had a Hall of Fame vote, I would withhold it merely for having had to be exposed to this article: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2011/writ...amp;hpt=hp_bn10 God, I hate New Yorkers.
  8. Sometimes you just have to tip your cap to Bruce f***ing Chen.
  9. Satan called. He wants his climate back.
  10. QUOTE (GoSox05 @ Jul 20, 2011 -> 02:20 PM) They should bring up Viciedo and send Morel to AAA. Have Quentin and Viciedo rotate between RF and DH. Dunn can play once or twice a week. I'm for this. Hell, as far as I'm concerned you can have Juan take over in Center for Rios a couple times a week, too. An outfield of Viciedo-Pierre-Quentin would be abominably atrocious, but this team is not going to win anyway unless the offense gets a jump start fast. Pretty soon its going to be time to pull the goalie.
  11. Dempster's thrown 64 pitches and given up 5 ERs in 2 innings. Good day for it, too.
  12. But, "Where would he play?"
  13. What frustrates me the most is that OG continues to pencil Dunn in against lefty starters. There's really no excuse or explanation for that at this point. I really hope he isn't, but I'll be shocked if he's not in the heart of the order against Duffy tonight.
  14. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jul 17, 2011 -> 02:27 PM) Cedric Benson was arrested in Texas on assault charges. Surely there must be some mistake. That, or its Roger Goodell's fault.
  15. Does anyone think that if the debt ceiling isn't raised and all hell breaks loose, that it will be a boost to Obama's re-election chances, almost like the Gingrich shutdown was for Bill Clinton?
  16. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Jul 14, 2011 -> 01:19 PM) Predicting Dunn to break out isn't really ground-breaking. A guy who has been consistently one thing for years, suddenly dropped off into an abyss, with no injury reason... pretty easy pick to be a likely comeback player in the 2nd half. And there's precedent for big second half rebounds from guys like that. Albert Belle in his first year with the Sox, and Big Papi in '09 and '10 come to mind. C'mon Donkey, we need you!
  17. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jul 10, 2011 -> 10:53 PM) Wait. You paid for Bill Meltons dick? I collect all sorts of White Sox memorabilia.
  18. QUOTE (sin city sox fan @ Jul 10, 2011 -> 04:31 PM) I've already done it several times. The White Sox would have to return season ticket money to thousands of fans if they made this move. You can't sell an Ozzie plan and than not deliver Ozzie to those who purchase it. It's an obvious case of "bait and switch" and the FTC frowns on it big time. You, of course, are unquestionably correct, but I'm afraid the White Sox have been pulling the same crap for years. A while back, I went to a concession stand to purchase a "Beltin' Bill Melton Bratwurst." After paying my money, all I received was a German sausage covered with sauerkraut, instead of, you know, Bill Melton's actual penis. Talk about a bait and switch.
  19. QUOTE (kitekrazy @ Jul 9, 2011 -> 01:11 PM) I find anyone's credibility that works for ESPN to be zilch, nada. Even Gammon. They are a 24 hour network so they have to create news. It's worse during the NFL season. PG is not with ESPNes anymore.
  20. It would be nice if the Sox could come back and split the series. Then again, it would be nice if Marissa Miller came to my house to profess her undying love for me. I'm not holding out too much hope for either.
  21. Javy and Rios, sure. But in fairness, although Cabrera and Swisher happened to be dicks, they've been winners just about everyplace else. Boston and NY are'nt all that easy to play in either. Also, I heard a soundbite from Kenny just yesterday. SOS about the Sox not playing up to their "talent." Yawn.
  22. tOSU has vacated its 2010 football wins http://sports.espn.go.com/ncf/news/story?id=6749330
  23. Since winning the division in 2008, the White Sox record against AL Central teams is: 2009 34 - 38 .472 2010 32 - 40 .444 2011 7 - 14 .333 That's a very negative trend.
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