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Everything posted by clyons

  1. Boston put up 14 runs again today.
  2. Ex-Buckeye Small says "everyone" sold stuff: http://www.cbssports.com/#!/collegefoo...-rings-for-cash
  3. My expectations for Dunn were large, but essentally consistent with his career numbers. I agree he looks to have added some pounds, but I am not ready to attribute his suckitude to being "fat and happy" with his contract. If anything, I suspect it might be the opposite, with him putting too much pressure on himself to justifty the contract, something the missed time due to injury may have only compounded. I keep thinking back to Albert Belle, who was the last huge bat the Sox acquired in free agency. He sucked relentlessly in his first half-season here, although so far Dunn has been even worse. Of course, Belle turned it around in the second half, and he went on to have one of the best offensive seasons in franchise history the next year. Dunn will hit here. I don't know whether he will hit enough or turn it around in time to help this team do anything this year, but I'm pretty confident that he will come close to his career averages once he finally relaxes and adjusts to a new team, new league, new position, etc. Granted, he's shown absolutely nothing to warrant this faith and I don't really know how his bat speed compares to before, but I have a hard time believing that his physical skills substantially deteriorated over the winter, or because of a few added pounds.
  4. QUOTE (elrockinMT @ May 23, 2011 -> 08:40 PM) Cy Ugando has a three run lead Some times you just gotta tip your cap. (Pukes).
  5. Great to come back and take it after Friday night. I'm stating to feel a lot better about this team. Big trip coming up.
  6. QUOTE (ChiSox_Sonix @ May 20, 2011 -> 01:35 PM) I'm thinking he means during the speech. I'm definitely going to have a few beforehand. My family isn't the issue, but I don't know hers almost at all and they are pretty conservative from what I understand (my family and our friends are not) so that's what has me a little on edge. Anyways, thanks all for the advice. No more than a few, especially if there's a videographer. You've got all night to party, and slurred, rambling incoherence is something you don't want preserved for posterity. Keep to "the script," and keep it short. Good luck, relax, and have fun! Having set the all time bar extremely low, I'm sure you'll do fine (at least by my comparison).
  7. QUOTE (farmteam @ May 20, 2011 -> 12:08 AM) Other note: Don't drink so much the night before the wedding that you black out, faceplant in the hallway outside your hotel room, scuff up your face in a few places, and then have to wear makeup to cover it up for the wedding pictures. Don't drink until your done with the toast either. Trust me on this.
  8. 'Xcept its a modified ambulance, not a station wagon. But yes.
  9. Venkman travels nationally; he gets mileage plus a per diem.
  10. My congrats and admiration to Jake and all involved in his surgery and recovery to this point. I saw Bo hit homers with an artificial hip, but what happened last night was even more amazing.
  11. QUOTE (SoxFan562004 @ May 18, 2011 -> 02:37 PM) sounds like his PR machine is starting some spin already, if they lose, well LBJ was sick, if they win and he plays well it was a triumphant performance. Absolutely.
  12. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ May 17, 2011 -> 05:16 PM) And Bill Clinton has stepped up to now support marriage equality in NY. You don't find there to be any disconnect between "protecting traditional marriage" or whatever excuse was given and having a child out of wedlock? I certainly do, but that wasn't my point. The point I was trying to make was that you can just about match every philandering Dem. with a philandering Rep., liberal with conservative, etc. so trotting out the "party of family values line" is just too easy and holds no sway with me. And Bubba's behavior "now" is totally irrelevant. He was unzipping with regularity while "defending" marriage in 1996.
  13. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ May 17, 2011 -> 04:46 PM) He did veto marriage equality legislation in California. Twice. Which Elliot Spitzer sponsored in New York. But which Bill Clinton similarly opposed by signing the Defense of Marriage Act as president. None of that makes the broad, party pot shot any more fair. Philandering is personal, not political. Plenty of examples on both sides of the aisle.
  14. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ May 17, 2011 -> 07:13 AM) The party of family values. Not fair. Ah-nold never held himself out as a moral majority suck-up or "family values" Republican, and John Edwards put that partisan claim to bed (pun intended).
  15. Since Wilma Liebman became NLRB chairman, no even marginally "anti-business" action or decision at any level by the Board should come as a surprise to anyone. Remember, the NLRB essentially gets to issue and rule upon its own complaints, with recourse to the U.S. Court of Appeals only allowed very far downstream. When it comes to reversing existing precedent and establishing more labor-friendly new ones, Liebman's Board has absolutely no qualms about pushing the envelope past the bounds of seeming logic.
  16. QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ May 13, 2011 -> 12:25 PM) Exclusive: Pornography found in bin Laden hideout: officials I assume it wasn't decadent Western porn, but good, clean Islamic fundamentalist porn.
  17. QUOTE (maggsmaggs @ May 12, 2011 -> 03:19 PM) Omer f***ing Asik is dating Ms. Ohio. http://www.terezowens.com/chicago-bulls-ba...ting-miss-ohio/ FML. Omer probably smells awful, too. Big feet, big . . .
  18. We all knew he was an idiot and a d-bag, but this latest news truly suggests he is seriously disturbed. Confronting and assaulting his victim on the very day that the order compelling him to stay away from her is entered? That's psychotic. Don't drop the soap, Jay.
  19. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ May 12, 2011 -> 12:58 PM) http://www.chicagobreakingnews.com/news/lo...0,1024051.story Wonder what happened. I don't watch NBC, but I've seen the guy a few times flipping through channels. RIP That's especially weird considering Darrien Chapman's death at a similarly young age a few years ago.
  20. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ May 12, 2011 -> 08:54 AM) I'm gonna be on my way to Atlanta, but today Mitt Romney is trying to salvage his campaign by putting out a Health Care speech. The Journal really ripped him a new one today: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB1000142405...ections_opinion Ouch.
  21. QUOTE (fathom @ May 12, 2011 -> 10:22 AM) Absolutely, it's not even close. At least Soriano has a strong arm that doesn't turn routine singles into doubles. I dunno. They both drop way too many, but I think Soriano drops more. Soriano does have a MUCH better arm, but it also seems like he flat-out falls down once a week. Defensively, I think our midget is slightly taller, though I really wish he would just go away.
  22. clyons

    2011 Films Thread

    QUOTE (Steve9347 @ May 10, 2011 -> 10:19 AM) I don't think anyone who rents that movie is doing it for that scene. A quick google search yields it anyway. Yeah, I know. But given the amount of hype it received, I was sort of surprised that it didn't do more for me. Then again, I was into the film, and the scene fit in well with the plot. I didn't think it was gratuitous or put there for mere "shock value" at all.
  23. QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ May 10, 2011 -> 10:13 AM) I don't consider the Red Wings historically epic chokers.... Let's not jump the gun, the other epic chokers still have a good chance to epically choke once again Excellent point. Don't know what I was thinking re SJ.
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