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Everything posted by clyons

  1. They could chop his body into a million pieces and mail it out with tax refunds and there would still be nutjobs yelling "Conspiracy!"
  2. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ May 2, 2011 -> 11:13 AM) http://blogs.abcnews.com/politicalpunch/20...s-corpse-1.html Anyone else think this is a mistake if they don't release these photos? Do we really want to leave any doubt about this? I think that's a little more important than offending someone with a graphic image. Also, huge props to the US military, the administration, and everyone else involved. A sweet day for the USoA. I think it would be a mistake to release them (at least officially; maybe we should wait an appropriate time and leak them). All it would possibly accomplish is to (maybe) placate hardline doubters who are unlikely to believe anyway. There are people who still doubt the moon landings despite all of that evidence. On the other hand, releasing them might fan the flames of his martyrdom, as well as offend more moderate elements within the Islamic world, who I think are very touchy about their death rituals.
  3. QUOTE (Controlled Chaos @ May 2, 2011 -> 10:50 AM) Maybe he was feeling/looking good because he was the one who actually pulled the trigger. I like that. A lot.
  4. clyons

    2011 Music Thread

    QUOTE (MHizzle85 @ May 1, 2011 -> 11:00 PM) I disagree 100% I'll go out on a limb and guess you are more than just a casual fan? I had to restart the CD a couple times because I thought it was skipping. I'm still not sure it wasn't.
  5. QUOTE (Quinarvy @ May 1, 2011 -> 10:39 PM) So, how did Trump react? He's holding out for the death certificate.
  6. QUOTE (CrimsonWeltall @ May 1, 2011 -> 10:08 PM) Last thing I heard was he was shot. That's how they got the body - they had troops there. They should have a big ceremony and decorate the guys/gals who did it. I am sure some might not like it, but I think that would be good for the country.
  7. clyons

    2011 Music Thread

    I'm only kind of a lukewarm fan of Radiohead, but man, I have to say their new album is bad. 2011 White Sox bad.
  8. QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ May 1, 2011 -> 05:47 PM) Hitting coaches don't do a damned thing and are always the scapegoats when there is very little they can do. That being said, I want to see Walker fired this week. Just to send a mesage to this team that you guys suck and someone needs to start hitting. Makes sense to me. Unfair or whatever, I don't care and am all for it.
  9. The blonde in the pink shirt behind the Xfinity sign just put on her jacket; time for me to turn the channel.
  10. QUOTE (The Ginger Kid @ May 1, 2011 -> 02:15 PM) wonder if the twins visit will turn around their season. more intriguing, who's worse? us or them? the Sox. The Twins have more injuries.
  11. I vote for a picture of Derrick Rose in a Sox hat.
  12. QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ May 1, 2011 -> 12:34 PM) This is a semi-serious question. If May goes even remotely as April did, do the Sox pull the "All In" campaign? It really is becoming a joke. They just add a two-word tag line: All In (the s***ter).
  13. QUOTE (iamshack @ Apr 30, 2011 -> 08:13 AM) I could give a s*** about how many games back we are in the loss column. The much larger concern is that we are playing like absolute horses***, with no end in sight. I haven't the slightest clue why or how we seem to go through prolonged streaks like this every season... I can't even watch them lately...thank goodness for the NBA Playoffs. The NHL has been good, too. When the team is this bad, the best I can do is flip to see the score, or check the box score in the morning. Its too upsetting to devote/waste entire evenings to this mess with other stuff going on. All is not lost, and I'm certainly not giving up on the season, but they're going to have to claw back to at least .500 before I resume making them the focal point of my summer.
  14. QUOTE (since56 @ Apr 30, 2011 -> 07:46 AM) 10 games back has always been a cut off for me. Any team not within single digits is no threat. I agree. On Labor Day.
  15. QUOTE (knightni @ Apr 30, 2011 -> 02:45 AM) Angelo was already a buffoon. Now the other teams know it. Sadly, I don't think that came as news to anyone.
  16. How will the White Sox ever survive the two games without him? Thank God he is serving them against another struggling club.
  17. QUOTE (maggsmaggs @ Apr 28, 2011 -> 11:34 AM) Yeah I agree about the top tackles being off the board, but I don't wanna trade down. I am all on board for Austin if he is there and the tackles are gone. I think Austin could be a huge steal. Yeah he was suspended, but he has been impressive in workouts and without the suspension would have been a top-10 pick. That is value you just can't pass up, especially in a position of need for the Bears. Austin has all the earmarks of an "Angelo pick." I concur with everything you said, but think he's too risky if the top tackles are still there.
  18. One night on a road trip, three Chicago White Sox players walk into this bar . . .
  19. Any thoughts or predictions about Angelo's latest future screw-up tonight? Any O-linemen with back issues out there? I call a trade down for a D-lineman who will hurt himself in camp.
  20. I kind of understand why the White House did this, but I think it makes them look weak. They should have stayed above the fray and let the nut jobs have at it. Who was this really distracting? What was not getting done because of it? They got played by Donald Trump.
  21. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Apr 27, 2011 -> 08:07 AM) The morning after... not nearly as devastated. We got some AMAZING moments in a series that looked to be over a week ago. The Blackhawks fought and didn't go out like b****es and reminded the Canucks that we're still the Champs for another month or so. I can't be disappointed after being treated to one of the best hockey games I've ever watched. Our table launched at BWW when Tazer tied it up. That is one of the greatest moments I've ever seen in a hockey game, and I've seen a lot... complete jubilation. The game REALLY reminded me of the Gold Medal Game in the Olympics last year. Last night I was thinking the exact same thing. They went out like champions. Short of an incredibly difficult repeat, that's really all you can ask.
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