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Everything posted by clyons

  1. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Mar 3, 2011 -> 08:44 AM) WINNING. No, only "bi."
  2. QUOTE (knightni @ Mar 2, 2011 -> 05:25 PM) The Cold War was an every day living event. Until 1990, you didn't know if or when you were going to die by the hands of the Soviets and their nukes. This was the ultimate underdog story. It was like a college team defeating an NHL Stanley Cup champion. It was a huge event for America in the propaganda war. Not just the cold war, although that can't be over emphasized. I suspect that's ancient history for many posters here. On top of that, we were in the midst of the Iranian hostage crisis, and the whole economic malaise that was the twilight years of the Carter administration. Forget propaganda, there wasn't a lot to feel good about America from within. We were only six years removed from Watergate, and just a few more from Vietnam. The sports aspect and the cultural/political aspect just made for an unbelievable combination. It still was a tremendous athletic accomplishment on its own, but that context took it to a whole other level.
  3. http://bleacherreport.com/articles/568574-...l-never-get-old That says it better than I ever could, regardless of whether you define a "moment" or "The Miracle" as a game, a score, a play, a call, or just the sounding of the horn.
  4. QUOTE (SoxFan1 @ Mar 2, 2011 -> 02:54 PM) 1. I'm 21. 2. Yes, I've seen it. 3. No, I've never seen any other one goal hockey games. Despite the fact that I am a hockey play-by-play guy and a Blackhawks fan. I seriously don't mean to be a dick, but if you're going to describe the closing moments of that game as the puck "being passed around the ice," you might need to liven up your play-by-play. Peace.
  5. QUOTE (SoxFan1 @ Mar 2, 2011 -> 02:19 PM) The closing moments of that event was the puck being passed around the ice. I dunno, just doesn't qualify to me. With all due respect, how old are you and have you ever actually seen it (or any other one goal hockey game)? The entire last minute of that game, the puck was being "passed around the ice" by the most formidable hockey team ever assembled up to that point, in a relentless rush to tie a 4-3 contest. The Americans finally managed to clear their zone with only about 7 seconds left. Up to that moment (actually most of the last ten minutes), the tension and pressure were unbelievable. You're going to discount all of that because the puck crossed the center red line at the end?
  6. QUOTE (SoxFan1 @ Mar 2, 2011 -> 01:58 PM) Ugh, I knew people would say the Miracle on Ice. It was a game, not a moment, thats why it doesn't count. They celebrated a huge victory, like teams do all the time. The commentary made it legendary. I'm not sure I understand the distinction, especially because multiple posters referred specifically to the closing "moments" of that event.
  7. Humber reminds me of some other Sox pitcher, but I can't quite put my finger on it. Richard Dotson, maybe?
  8. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Mar 1, 2011 -> 08:50 AM) Sheen vs. Gaddafi! http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/quiz/2011/...rlie-sheen-quiz 5/10 Good ol' Charlie. I'm going to miss him when he's dead.
  9. clyons

    2011 Oscars Thread

    QUOTE (RockRaines @ Feb 28, 2011 -> 02:04 PM) I would have banged Portman even 5 months prego She's beautiful. If you haven't seen her in "Closer," do yourself a favor.
  10. clyons

    2011 Oscars Thread

    I only saw Inception, The Social Network, Winter's Bone, and The Kids Are Alright. I enjoyed Inception the most; it was smart, well-acted, had good action, and great special effects. I would have liked to have seen it win, but never expected it to. I was sort of rooting for the Social Network and David Fincher, who I've come to forgive for Benjamin Button.
  11. QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Feb 28, 2011 -> 12:23 PM) My place of employment was CLOSED last Monday (Presidents Day), an employee came in to work (despite us being closed) and slipped in our parking lot. She is now filling workers comp. Can she do that since we were closed and there is a reasonable assumption people would not comming in to work, therefor parts of the walk ways may not have been salted. Since she was coming in to work, I'm pretty sure she'll get it. WC really doesn't account for employer "negligence," so questions of reasonableness relative to salting and shoveling wouldn't come into play.
  12. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Feb 28, 2011 -> 12:18 PM) Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe the app adheres to blackout rules. No regular season Sox games if you're in Chicagoland. I think that's right, but to watch regular season games I believe you also have to purchase MLBtv. After Spring Training, I think the app just gives you pitch-by-pitch, gameday-type imagery.
  13. I've only had an iphone for a couple of months. I'm thinking of getting the MLB at bat 2011 app for $15. I understand you can watch Spring Traning games for free. Does anyone have it or had it in previous years?
  14. QUOTE (ptatc @ Feb 25, 2011 -> 09:32 AM) The reattachment will not come apart under normal stress. It was for the lack of a better term, tacked down and healed. It may still have the tack holding it down to the bone, depending on if they used a dissolvable one or not. The injury is healed and there is no longer any concern about it coming apart. While I have never seen this in jury in a pitcher, I have seen it in other throwers such as a javelin thrower. These athletes put alot more stress on their shoulders than pitchers do. Their elbow is locked during the throw and all of the force goes through the shoulder. The repair did not come apart in these cases and it won't in Peavy's case. However, back to Peavy, he just needs to v build the strength up in the lat for throwing. This is the unknown factor. As soon as he can throw with near normal velocity he will be fine. Then it will just come down to not dropping down as much to avoid the odd stresses on his shoulder. Thank you
  15. First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin. Then shalt thou count to three, no more, no less. Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in my sight, shall snuff it.
  16. Here's a new holy grail for you: Its from the 1930's. I think I've seen it at Grandstand.
  17. QUOTE (JoeCoolMan24 @ Feb 24, 2011 -> 09:34 PM) Blackhawks and Corey Crawford just won their 3rd straight game! Shutout for Crawford! 28 or 29 saves I think. I thought I heard 31. Anyway, he was huge.
  18. QUOTE (Palehosefan @ Feb 24, 2011 -> 09:42 PM) Bosh 1 for 18, bench 1 for 8, and lose by 4 in Chicago. Heat have to feel pretty good. Yeah. Ok. Whatever.
  19. QUOTE (ptatc @ Feb 22, 2011 -> 11:12 AM) Remember the injury is healed. There is no longer a problem with the attachment of the lat. It was re-attached and probably still has an anchor there. The only thing he needs to do is build strength. He is starting at a weaker point in the muscles than the other pitchers. So there is no surprise that he is going to pitch soon. In fact to continue to build strength in the muscle they may have him pitch more. The glitch or expected problem that will happen is in strength and soreness from building the muscle not from the muscle re-attachment. Ptac-- Is there a realistic chance that the re-attachment could come apart where, for lack of a better term, it has been "welded" back to the bone. I was under the impression that nobody is absolutely certain about that because we're kind of in unchartered waters. Or are you saying its akin to when a wound is healed with new skin and scar tissue; that once its "healed" there's no real risk it will rip open and bleed again where the separation had been? Thanks
  20. clyons


    You can never have enough pitching. I'd say no to either deal; Burls or Sale.
  21. QUOTE (Rowand44 @ Feb 24, 2011 -> 10:56 AM)
  22. I feel for you, Wite, but Milkman is 100% correct.
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