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Everything posted by clyons

  1. clyons

    Films Thread

    QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ Oct 27, 2010 -> 11:26 AM) Eh, the ending was pretty good.
  2. clyons

    Films Thread

    QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ Oct 26, 2010 -> 08:38 AM) Saw Hereafter last night, though. It was pretty good. I can't say it was great, but maybe I just expect too much from Eastwood anymore. For a two-hour movie, it really flew by. I thought it was decent too. Definitely not great. Matt Damon was very good, as was the beautiful French actress. I didn't much care for the ending.
  3. The epic, 14-inning Game 3 was 5 years ago tonight (10/25/05). All four WS games were close and intense, but this one may be my favorite. I feel that its kind of the "red-headed step child" of the 2005 Series, especially next to Games 2 and 4, but the comeback against Oswalt was fantastic, the nervous excitement of extras was immense, and the Blum homer was almost, if not more, surprising than Scotty Pod's. MB out of the pen for the save rocked too. After the win, I was so full of adreneline I could barely get to sleep, as I was flying down to Houston the next morning. http://www.baseball-reference.com/boxes/HO...200510250.shtml
  4. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Oct 25, 2010 -> 09:37 AM) We'd probably have two more d-linemen instead, or maybe a reach on a mediocre WR or RB. That's probably right.
  5. I still say Cutler > Orton, and I still think its a trade that you make at that time, but to me there's no almost no arguing that the Bears would be better now and in the likely near future with Orton at QB and the two lost No. 1s used on wideouts or the O-line, even with the Bears s***ty draft record. Cutler is much more talented, but both QBs have a penchant for lousy decisions, and that just gets hugely amplified behind a piss poor line and receivers that can't seem to learn to run routes. He may be maddingly brain dead, but Cutler is the most skilled QB the Bears have had in 20 years. Leave it to the Bears to finally get a talented passer, and then waste him by surrounding him with utter s***. And I'm not saying this to make excuses for the guy, because Cutler completely crapped the bed against the 'Skins. Like at San Fran last year, this loss was almost totally on him, even with idiot Lovie's refusal to challenge.
  6. QUOTE (lostfan @ Oct 23, 2010 -> 11:22 AM) Granted, it was a different time and standards were different, but Stephen Douglas was openly a white supremacist. That was more or less all 19th century Democrats though (up to Woodrow Wilson) Point taken. Everett Dirksen then.
  7. I may end up using the stylus to just poke my eyes out, but I'll probably use it for Brady/Kirk. Four years ago I wrote in Abraham Lincoln for governor. I'm tempted to do it again and add Stephen Douglas for Senator.
  8. Crede owned in that Game 1. Go ahead HR. Crazy, Brooks Robinson-like leather.
  9. Imo, there is no clear cut rule with respect to a friend's ex. Things vary depending upon how tight you are with the bud, how long you've known the girl, how much time has passed since their break-up, and whether you're a lead guitarist for a major English rock band.
  10. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Oct 22, 2010 -> 12:20 PM) I listened to it online a few days ago. Like the last album, decent background music but just meh overall. After my first listen, I agree. Although the last record had a few more songs with better hooks.
  11. http://scores.espn.go.com/mlb/boxscore?gameId=251022104
  12. I just read that Teixeira is out for the year. http://www.cbssports.com/mcc/blogs/entry/22297882/25355678
  13. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Oct 20, 2010 -> 09:27 AM) And that is embarrassing too. Agreed, but for better of for worse, you have to remember that playoff crowds these days are atypical and not necessarily representative of everyday fans. Lots of corporate types, network sponsors, etc.
  14. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Oct 20, 2010 -> 08:31 AM) It tells me that Yankees fans are spoiled brats. Seriously, unless you are ill or have an emergency or something... who walks out of a playoff game? In fairness, I asked myself the same thing in Game 1 of the 2000 ALDS in the top of the 10th. Some follks fled the Cell like it was on fire.
  15. QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Oct 19, 2010 -> 01:35 PM) He's not turning into Ryan Freel, is he?
  16. Probably a good hire. Even though his interim record has to be somewhat discounted because the pressure was off them and most of their competition, it was still impressive. He knows their system, and if that team is going to get better, help is going to have to come from within. Ryno obviously knows it too, but I'll never be convinced that he's not dumber than dirt. Hiring him would have been a PR move ala Baylor, Baker, Pinella, the drafting of the football player, and some of their ridiculous FA signings, and I think they've learned their lessons there. Besides, at only 2 years, its not a big risk either.
  17. This site claims the payroll disparity between the Rangers and Yankees is the largest in playoff history: http://gossipsports.com/?p=684 At $152 million, the disparity alone is supposedly equal to the total payroll for baseball's third highest paid team (Cubbies). That's whacked.
  18. "Ron Gardenhire is one of the most important figures in one of the most successful franchises in sports." I stopped reading that article right there. I don't care how broadly you define success, that's freakin' delusional.
  19. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Oct 5, 2010 -> 04:49 PM) OK the second guy from the right can't be serious. Apparently, cigar guy is now some kind of phenomenon. http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/offbeat/2....guy.cnn?hpt=C2
  20. I'll add a couple insights of my own: 1) They're the Yankees' b****es. 2) They're fun to watch (in the 1st week of October).
  21. In case anybody cares, we lost it by 1/2 a point. A helluva comeback after an abomination on Day 2 came up just short.
  22. QUOTE (knightni @ Oct 3, 2010 -> 01:17 AM) Really. Only 15? Yes. Just movies...also only movies that were in theaters. Otherwise, I'd include Lathe of Heaven. Also, Superhero movies are not fantasy unless they are fantasy genre like Spawn or Hellboy. Does "Jaws" count as "Horror?" I consider it an adventure movie with some intense/scary scenes, but I've seen it classified as "Horror." Also, can I assume "The Silence of The Lambs" is Horror?
  23. USA hasn't won it in Europe since 1993. Our best guys (Tiger and Phil) historically suck at this, and Europe is favored to win it back. I read its rained so bad over there today that the matches will likely be extended until Monday and very likely shortened. I also read that the USA's rain-gear was so piss-poor they had to purchase replacement gear at the course. That's embarassing.
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