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Everything posted by clyons

  1. QUOTE (bmags @ Mar 2, 2010 -> 10:13 AM) I mean, this thread did have a heavy air of the enthusiasm and righteousness you get from stories of a successful persons fall, I agree with iamshack on that. I took that as having more to do with the fact that Cabrera is a Tiger who was nearly on the Sox. Contrast this thread with the one about Jenks
  2. QUOTE (iamshack @ Mar 2, 2010 -> 09:51 AM) Let's be honest. The clinic he went to was to rehabilitate his image. However, anytime someone DOES have an incident occur, such as a DUI, or something like Cabrera did, we all like to get on our high horses and condemn them and judge them. I don't think I've read any comments in this thread "condemning" anyone, even from those who have speculated that Cabrera is a likely alcoholic, which is certainly a reasonable presumption given his admission of an alcohol "problem" and his acknowleged stay in rehab (and I don't see that your speculation as to Cabrera's reason for that rehab is much different from anyone else's). You are right, of course, that none of us can correctly diagnose Cabrera (or anyone else) as an alcoholic from afar, or based on the one incident last September. However, imo, labelling someone an alcholic should not be regarded as a condemnation or a judgment. Those labels merely perpetuate the stigma associated with the problem and contribute to an afflicted person's difficulty in admitting their condition, which is commonly regarded as essential to recovery. That difficulty is further compounded by the fact that denial is an inherent component and symptom of addiction. The fact of the matter is, the afflicted person is typically the last person to recognize, let alone admit to, a problem. When all is said and done, however, only that person can effectively make any meaningful pronouncement.
  3. QUOTE (iamshack @ Mar 1, 2010 -> 06:57 PM) ? No one forced him to stop drinking. He did quit of his own volition. He hasn't had a drink in 4.5 months. What do you want him to do? AA is not for everyone. He quit drinking. Isn't that that end that AA is the means for? No, not really. Its not just about stopping. Its about staying stopped, and learning to live a full life without it. Good luck to Cabrera (and Jenks for that matter), but staying stopped can be difficult if you refuse to admit you even have a problem. If its not a problem, what's one or two gonna hurt? Then one or two become many, and next thing you know you end up in jail during a crucial series.
  4. QUOTE (JorgeFabregas @ Feb 26, 2010 -> 04:53 PM) A couple more pics:" http://www.gettyimages.com/Search/Search.a...ssetType=image# Those are very encouraging (especially the middle one). If his performance matches his apparent conditioning, that signing could be one of the all-time best. I know he's been linked to ped's, but his attitude and work ethic have also been ripped as supremely s***ty. Given the obvious work he's put in, the latter seems to no longer be the case.
  5. Wow. And I thought Canada's performance against Russia the other night was some kind of statement!
  6. Apparently, Carly Simon has finally revealed whom "You're So Vain" is about. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/35606113/ns/entertainment-music/
  7. clyons

    Trivia, 1 vs 100

    QUOTE (bigruss22 @ Feb 25, 2010 -> 01:51 PM) So my dad and aunt are really into the whole trivia thing and go to bars to play once a week (they play under the name Hedley, bonus points for anyone who knows the reference) and I always have a blast when I play. I recently started to play 1 vs. 100 also on Xbox 360, that is also quite fun. Anybody else do the whole bar trivia thing or play 1 vs. 100? Blazing Saddles?
  8. QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ Feb 24, 2010 -> 07:23 AM) Excited for some hockey today, especially that Russia-Canada game. Should be a hell of a battle. Anybody know if the USA game will be streaming online anywhere? Yes. http://www.nbcolympics.com/video/live-full-replays.html
  9. QUOTE (SoxAce @ Feb 23, 2010 -> 04:01 PM) I like it, but Ozzie makes me hate it. So true. With interleague play and the integration of the umpiring crews, I like that that there is still some difference between the leagues, although its weird to consider that the NL is now the only league of significance without the DH. Its used in the NCAA, the minors, and in international competitions like the WBC and the Olympics. I think it makes for a better game overall, despite the loss of strategy in a small percentage of close games. Even in those games, however, I think the strategy angle tends to be somewhat overhyped; most manager's decisions can be pretty reliably predicted, kind of like "going for two" in football.
  10. QUOTE (ChiSox_Sonix @ Feb 23, 2010 -> 08:26 AM) Um, how is it not? Canada lost to the U.S., yet they still have a chance to win the gold medal. By definition, in a "single elimination" tournament, they would have been eliminated by that single loss. http://www.nhl.com/ice/page.htm?id=60725
  11. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Feb 22, 2010 -> 11:30 PM) Ill disagree, the best player or team doesnt always win. May have been the best on a single day, but that doesnt make you the overall best. I guess you can disagree, but if China won the gold medal, I wouldnt consider them the best team. Canada had the best team coming into the Olympics, gold medal is an expectation. I know what you're saying, but "best" is subjective--gold medals are not. If China won, they would deserve to be regarded as the team that played "the best" in the Olympic tournament, regardless of whether it lasted one day or two weeks. Whether they would be the "best" as judged by other factors, or over a different period of time, is academic and for the losers to debate. Besides, its cliche that the best TEAM is not always the most talented. There are many other factors at work in team sport. I agree that Canada is by far the most talented team. But their squeaker win against the Swiss and their loss to the US suggests that the ability to overcome pressure and expectations--another hallmark of great teams--may be somewhat lacking, at least thus far.
  12. QUOTE (MattZakrowski @ Feb 23, 2010 -> 06:37 AM) Single elimination tournaments are a terrible way to determine team quality in any sport. The IOC agrees. That's not the format.
  13. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Feb 22, 2010 -> 09:33 PM) The Canadian team is the best team, thats not a sense of entitlement that is a fact. As a country, Canada may indeed have the most talented players compared to other nations, and their Olympic squad may have the most talent at these games, but whether they have the best team has yet to be decided, and is far from a matter of absolute fact. I will regard the best team at the Olympics as the one that actually wins the tournament. Gold medals are won on the ice, not on roster sheets.
  14. QUOTE (Thunderbolt @ Feb 22, 2010 -> 11:19 AM) Andruew Jones is really on top of things. "Why did Andruw Jones come to camp so early? He thought the whole team was supposed to report today. Seriously. #whitesox" http://twitter.com/ChuckGarfien/status/9448988186 Ha. "Something is happenin' here, but you don't know what it is. Do you, Mr. Jones?"
  15. QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Feb 20, 2010 -> 10:07 AM) Hopefully I did alright. Felt like it took me about a segment to get used to how it works. Much more difficult when you are via the phone compared to everyone else being in studio. And if you guys can't tell, I really want Damon....like bad. I caught a bit of it in the car between errands; not as much as I would have liked. I enjoyed what I heard from you, not so much from the chick and the host. Good job--that had to be a very cool experience.
  16. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Feb 21, 2010 -> 08:19 AM) Usually the lack of money is more of a motivator for players than actually having money... Andruw Jones = 2010 Comeback Player of the Year.
  17. QUOTE (South Side Fireworks Man @ Feb 19, 2010 -> 03:38 PM) Smart move by Kenny. He's tired of Boras trying to make the Sox bid against themselves. Apparantly the reported 2 year $14M offer from the Tigers was BS. Boras had the Sox' $6M offer in his pocket and he was trying to squeeze more out of the Tigers while at the same time hoping the Sox would up their offer. Now with KW publicly declaring his offer is off the table, Damon and the Tigers both know that there is no other offer. If Damon really wants to play for the Sox for $6M, he'll have to call KW and commit himself. If not, he's stuck playing in detroit for whatever their last offer was, which apparently he wasn't too thrilled about in the first place. I totally agree. Why else would Kenny speak on Friday (and uncharacteristically say so much about the offer) just one day after saying he wouldn't speak to Sunday?
  18. QUOTE (longshot7 @ Feb 18, 2010 -> 03:34 PM) It appears to be done. http://twitter.com/InsideTheSox/status/9301693034 Not cool.
  19. QUOTE (Sockin @ Feb 18, 2010 -> 10:06 AM) Kenny says he'll be talking about Damon....on Sunday. http://blogs.dailyherald.com/node/3472 That can't be good.
  20. clyons


    QUOTE (3E8 @ Feb 16, 2010 -> 09:30 PM) It looked like the numbers by each of their names were the same series of numbers they had to punch into the computer They were, as well as the same sequence that has showed up several other times (muttering dude in the mental hospital, Hurley's lottery ticket, a serial number someplace I can't remember, etc.). I have no idea what it means right now, but I think that will turn out to be a major revelation, and the episode will turn out to be a key one when all is said and done.
  21. QUOTE (dmbjeff @ Feb 10, 2010 -> 11:48 AM) KW must have some sort of deal in place for Gonzalez or Dunn or some other lefthanded power hitter and whatever club that is, doesnt want to deal right now and wants to wait until May or June and tell their fanbase, hey we gave it a try but now we need to move player X. We won't see this platoon past June or at least I hope so. I thought the same thing last year about CF, when we started the year with Wise and BA. Then we got stuck with them until the deadline.
  22. QUOTE (Thunderbolt @ Feb 9, 2010 -> 10:28 AM) The Twins have improved their team, we haven't. If you want to say the Twins have improved themselves more than the White Sox that's one thing, but I don't know how you can say the White Sox haven't improved their team from last year. Our bench is much deeper and our outfield defense should be significantly improved. Jake Peavy will make more than three starts. I think DH is a huge question mark, but not enough to off set these other improvements. I don't know whether they will be enough, but to say we haven't improved seems wrong.
  23. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Feb 8, 2010 -> 09:44 AM) tired of old f***s at halftime. Same as last year pretty much. Meet the new boss, same as the OLD boss.
  24. There have been rumors since his Seattle days that Freddy has problems knowing when to say when. I hear his sweat is .08.
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