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Everything posted by clyons

  1. QUOTE (Jenks Heat @ Feb 4, 2010 -> 08:57 AM) I really beleive the playoff run will be a short one if Huet is the guy. If they face Detroit in the first round it will be one and done. Given how he's played against them so far, especially that crazy Sunday game at the Joe when most of them were back, right now I think it more likely that Niemi would go against the Wings than almost any other opponent.
  2. QUOTE (iamshack @ Jan 31, 2010 -> 12:27 PM) Federal laws supercede State laws, and even when the two don't directly contradict one another, in areas where the laws occupy the same "field," I believe the Federal law always applies. That being said, the State of California could simply choose not to enforce state legislation regarding marijuana and force the Federal agencies such as the DEA to police the issue. My guess is the DEA would throw a fit at first and make some arrests, but then eventually cool off and realize the resources are simply no longer available to fully enforce the federal laws regarding marijuana in California. Federal laws do trump state laws, of course, but the federal govt. generally lacks authority under the Constitution to regulate a state's internal affairs, including but not limited to, its criminal code and matters of intrastate commerce. Its only where interstate commerce or some other federal interest is involved that the feds can intervene. That's the only reason Congress could prohibit discrimination at Southern lunch counters; i.e., by exercising (some said stretching) its powers under the "Commerce Clause." Again, I believe that's why a Constitutional amendment was necessarry for the prohibition of alcohol on a federal level, even if the sale and manufacture was confined within a state. If California "legalized" marijuana, I don't believe the DEA would have any jurisdiction to make arrests for MJ that was grown and sold wholly within state borders, unless, again, the seeds or equipment used to grow it moved across the state lines in interstate commerce. Its like kidnapping; the FBI only gets involved when an abducted person is moved across state lines. Otherwise, its just a state crime investigated by local police and tried in a state criminal court. Another example is murder; its only outlawed as a federal offense where the federal government has Constitutional authority to criminalize it; i.e., assasination of a president, in the context of a hijacking, on federal propery, etc. Without that connection, its solely a matter of local law and jursidiction.
  3. QUOTE (CrimsonWeltall @ Jan 29, 2010 -> 04:44 PM) Won't federal drugs laws still be an issue for Californians? Just a guess, but maybe the federal laws wouldn't apply unless the stuff moved across state lines? After all, it took a constitutional amendment for the prohibition of alcohol to apply to the nation as a matter of federal law.
  4. QUOTE (bmags @ Jan 30, 2010 -> 08:32 AM) 2003 hit the hardest for me. 1994 I was just confused as hell being 8 years old. But that year I got one of those fake autographed balls signed by the whole team, I looked at it so much i rubbed off all the signatures in like a month. I love those memories. Also...there was a mascot then, that I loved...it was a dog? Waldo the White Sox Wolf.
  5. I'm not too familiar with Downs. Can someone please summarize his stuff beyond just his stat line? Damon fits in far too well with what Ozzie and Kenny have talked about re a "flexible DH" for the Sox to ever actually sign him, but I've been hoping they do.
  6. The Cubs were one win away from the Series with three games to play twice in 20 years, and choked in catastrophic fashion both times. Their 1969 giveaway was also historic, rivaling only the 1964 Philllies for epic collapses. They haven't won a series in 101 years, and haven't been to one in 65. Their status as one of the all time piss poor franchises is probably unrivalved in major sport. Imo, their fans have had it much worse than we have. And except for maybe a few, true blue old-timers, I don't pity those idiots one bit.
  7. QUOTE (daa84 @ Jan 27, 2010 -> 11:12 AM) and it was off of guy who was in the midst of saving 70 something in a row Yeah, 7 years ago. Last year he hit .234, had an OBP of .277 and K'd 108 times in 462 at bats. I guess that means he'd platoon well at DH with Jones.
  8. Not that I'd trade '05 for anything, but if there has been any drawback to winning the World Series, it's that it has allowed Ozzie to believe that he is smarter than he actually is. Call it "Jerry Krause" syndrome--you certainly can't diminish the guy's role in getting us a championship, but it takes a certain level of arrogance to run off a Phil Jackson for a Tim Floyd, just as it does to convince oneself that a Dwayne Wise can bat leadoff for a championship caliber club. From Wise to Mackowiak to Erstad to this "rotating DH" concept, Ozzie's personnel assessments have flat out sucked for the last four years. I still have faith in Kenny, but Ozzie has squandered most of what I had in him. I hope like hell this sucky Kotsay/Jones/Vizquel platoon works, but I just don't trust Ozzie on this, and I think we just got our collective chains yanked for the last four days solely so he could avoid a bigger s***storm at Soxfest.
  9. Friday, before the Lakers faced the Knicks, ESPNos was doing its usual hype job on Kobe, highlighting how he was in position with a high scoring game to surpass MJ's alltime career scoring average at MSG. Like that's a fair comparison--MJ's numbers at the Garden came against Eastern Conference powers; Kobe's have come against lottery teams. With PR like that (fueled by a network to sell its own telecasts), I have no doubt that we'll see several players portrayed as equal to or even better than Jordan. You can define "better" in a lot of meaningless ways.
  10. QUOTE (Tex @ Jan 24, 2010 -> 10:11 AM) Where have you seen the commercial? I guess I need to see it. I'll predict none of us see it, at least not during the Super Bowl. CBS wouldn't even be considering this if the economy was more robust and the typical Super Bowl sponsors had bought their usual share of ads, and it will likely back down eventually. The family group probably knows this, but for the cost of the ad's production, will have already received invaluable free publicity once the cost of its Super Bowl ad gets refunded, and it then can go on to run the ad more widely on traditionally "neutral" programming for the same cost, but with the pre-packaged buzz of having people already talking about it. There's just too much precedent against airing issues ads during the Super Bowl, regardess of content, and CBS is usually pretty wimpy. If it does air it, it will likely be a calculated decision to help counter its reputation as perhaps the most leftward-leaning network. Either way, the marketing people behind this ad are pretty savvy.
  11. Who was that all in the band? Thought I saw Ben Harper, Billy Gibbons, Beck, and Elvis Costello (?), fronted by Will Ferrerll/Ronnie Van Zandt/Gene "More Cowbell" Frenkel. Looked like Coco could pick it a bit.
  12. Whoever is going, please do me the favor of booing and/or hissing loudly whenever the subject of a DH rotation comprised of players that can't hit (including, but not limited to, Oldman Vizquel) is discussed. If given any grief, you can say I asked you to. Thanks, PSFnJ
  13. Soto lost 37 in the pounds in the offseason, and the Cubs are supposedly "ecstatic." http://www.chicagotribune.com/sports/baseb...,0,124387.story I mean, why wouldn't they be? When a guy whose minor league power numbers suddenly spike and then dramatically plummet loses tons of weight, it can only be a good thing, right?
  14. QUOTE (SockMe @ Jan 14, 2010 -> 09:58 PM) NHL leading 8th shut out! In the two games I've been to this year, I have yet to see a goal against.
  15. QUOTE (zenryan @ Jan 15, 2010 -> 07:17 PM) I have a feeling Leach is telling the truth about this. Even if he is, most of this has nothing to do with the reason why he was fired. Its just part of a textbook, blame the "victim" litigation strategy.
  16. Donny was a good bowler. And a good man.
  17. Khabby out 12 weeks for back surgery: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2010/hock...tml?eref=sircrc
  18. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Jan 11, 2010 -> 04:04 PM) If anything a spitball is worse. You can scientifically see the difference between a doctored ball and a nondoctored ball. Conversely there is no absolute correlation between steroids and being a better player. This is a crimson herring, counsellor, even if it may be technically true. Steroids may not make someone a better ballplayer overall, but I don't think anyone other than the most hard core apologist could rationally deny a correlation between steroids and being a better home run hitter. No, steroids probably don't improve things like hand-eye coordination, timing, reflexes, or the ability to guess which pitch is coming. But of the many reasons why baseball's Jim Thomes and Frank Thomases have hit more home runs than its Freddy Pateks and Harry Chappases, comparative size and stength is one obvious and undeniable factor. Steroids build muscles that make you big and strong; big and strong guys may still need instrinsic talent to make solid contact, but big strong muscles, whether obtained in a gym or a lab, help them hit the ball harder and farther when they do. That's a matter of simple physics, not chemistry or biology. McGwire is delusional when he says the drugs don't diminish his totals (if he truly believes it, which I seriously doubt). Yeah, I'm sure he hit many upper deck shots that still would have cleared the fences by plenty, but we'll never know how many warning track fly balls went over the wall because of an extra measure of artificial oomph. The steroids users cheated, and broke the law in order to attain their unfair competitive edge. You make some good points, especially about MLB being tactily complicit and hypocritical, but imo, saying that the spitballers were worse is really stretching things.
  19. There are two episodes featuring people I went to High School with: The girl Jerry is dating who had previously been dumped by Newman, and the guy who gives Jerry the tickets to the hockey game that Puddy goes to in body-paint ("Gotta support the team!).
  20. I'm hoping for a Thome/Jones (and sometimes CQ) platoon.
  21. This is one you just hope becomes a lesson learned--gotta play hard (and smart) for all 60.
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