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Everything posted by clyons

  1. http://www.chicagotribune.com/sports/chi-2...29.storygallery Pretty easy choices for me (and I'm a big Illini fan).
  2. First game at the UC this year last night. Hawks fired 21 shots in the 1st period. Only a couple of tough ones for Huet in the shutout. Wish tix weren't so expensive ($60 a pop in Section 332), but I guess success has its price.
  3. Andy Gonzalez is my "winner." Honorable mention goes to Jaime Navarro, because even though he last pitched for the Sox in 1999, he stunk so bad it lingered.
  4. QUOTE (Sox72 @ Dec 15, 2009 -> 11:57 PM) I've only been to one sporting event here and it was to a Cardinals game when they were playing the Cubs so I wasn't really rooting for anyone and couldn't judge their hostility. You think people will pour beers on us cause we're Hawks fans? I.E. is it a Dodgers crown or a Phillies crowd? The only time I have ever had beer dumped on me, fought, and been thrown out of a sporting event was at a Hawks/Blues game at the old Arena in St. Louis. The weird thing is, the asshole who started things was a Hawks fan too. The locals had a good laugh over that.
  5. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Dec 16, 2009 -> 09:24 AM) He is giving himself leverage in negotiations. It is vintage Kenny. Yes it is. After he whined about attendance and cried poor last year, weeks before acquiring Peavy and Rios, I'll never believe a thing he says for public consumption again. That's what good GMs do.
  6. QUOTE (kwolf68 @ Dec 8, 2009 -> 03:24 PM) Isn't that what was said about the 1984 Sox staff, when we added an aging but still talented Tom Seaver to the rotation of Hoyt, Dotson, Bannister? You might be thinking about when an aging but still talented Greg Maddux was added to the rotation of Zambrano, Wood, Prior, and Clement. That rotation was unquestionably the "best ever." I know because I read it in the Tribune and heard it on WGN. From what I also remember hearing, that 2004 Chicago Cubs team won the World Series that year in February.
  7. That was one thoroughly entertaining, kickass hockey game. Lots of banging and great goaltending. Glad we got the two.
  8. (Read in Hawk voice) "Where will he play?" Edit: Oh, the link says 3rd.
  9. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Dec 1, 2009 -> 07:09 AM) --Yes, we all played more f***ing Journey on our iPods for 2 years than should ever have been the case You say that like it's a bad thing. Joe absolutely rocked in the Fall of '05 and for about a month in early '08, but bad backs don't get better.
  10. Hawks debuting the new 3rd sweater tonight. Basically its the "Winter Classic" uni without the Wrigleyish patch and with a more retro-looking criss-crossed tomahawks over the "C" on the shoulders. http://blackhawks.nhl.com/club/page.htm?id...vid=DL|CHI|home Of course, I won't be able to watch the game thanks to the continued DirecTv/Comcast pissing match overs Versus. A blacked-out home game, talk about "retro."
  11. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Nov 28, 2009 -> 01:25 PM) I think Illinois could have made it much closer and had a chance to win if they werent completely buried by the refs. Agreed. And if I'm the Irish, I stay the hell away from Brian Kelly. I haven't watched Cincy at all this year before yesterday, but I know ND needs to significantly improve on Defense, and based on what the Illini did, that ain't his thing. I respect the turnarounds Kelly has accomplished in his career and with that program specifically, but he reminds me of this year's Rich Rodriguez (who's team a bad Illinois squad also lit up this year)-- a guy who puts up gaudy offensive numbers with a high-powered, spread offense in a weak-ass Big East.
  12. Holy s***! That's a helluva PK! 3-0 Hawks. Three shorties.
  13. QUOTE (SoxAce @ Nov 24, 2009 -> 10:32 PM) Either way you slice it, it was still "not a bright" comment IMO for that one incident to not want a guy like that on your team, (unless you don't like him personally like Quinarvy, which I can respect) especially with Ozzie's relationship with him. Hell if it wasn't for Ozzie getting in his face about his weight the prior offseason, Miggy probably wouldn't have been as good of shape as he was in the Tigers ST camp. (though I'm sure he would still hit at a stud level) It may have been just "one incident," but its outrageously inappropriate timing is strongly indicative of a potential alcohol problem. I have no idea whether Cabrera in fact has such a problem or not, but my "not bright" comment was merely meant to suggest that the incident raised an additional red flag to consider in light of the huge contract. This isn't Cedric Benson who's problems occurred offseason and could be picked up for a song. Furthermore, and maybe I'm being too defensive here, but IMO a post that compares somebody's drunken spousal abuse to their weight issues and suggests that the former could be cured by a manager "getting in his face" shouldn't be labelling other's comments as "not bright."
  14. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Nov 24, 2009 -> 08:16 PM) Giving up talent and taking on this contract: 2010: $20 million 2011: $20 million 2012: $21 million 2013: $21 million 2014: $22 million 2015: $22 million YUCK. And let's not forget that the dude got himself s***faced and jailed the last weekend of the season while his team was fighting for its playoff life; not that that's any kind of red flag or anything. DOUBLE YUCK
  15. Now if we can get Charles Nagy, Matt Williams, Carlos Baerga and Manny, our Indian collection will be complete.
  16. From the "Its a Small World" file, I have had two stories about me at the ballpark told back to me by people who didn't realize they were talking about me. I'll explain: I used to be pretty loud. In one of the last years of the Old Ballpark, my buddies and I sat in the last row of the Centerfield bleachers back against the scoreboard, and chatted up Daryl Boston in center the whole game. Everytime he came to bat or made a play, we chanted "Dar-yl, Dar-yl, . . ." like everyone used to do for Har-old. Daryl caught a lazy fly for the third out in the 8th, then turned around and threw a perfect toss to me and my buddies in the last row. A couple years later, I'm at the park having a conversation similar to this thread, and some people near by told me that story. Then, a few years ago I'm at a convention in Arizona. I meet a fellow Sox fan and we start having the typical "how Sox fans differ from Cub fans" discussion. The guy tells me about a hilarious sign he saw at a Monday night Sox - A's game back in the early 90's, when Jose Canseco and Bo Jackson were both playing: "Bo Knows Esther" (Canseco's wife at the time). That was my sign.
  17. I'm pretty anti-chain when it comes to restaurants; not because I'm any kind of a food snob, but because I rarely get out to eat anymore and when I do, I like to discover something "new." I also like to support small, independent businesses whenever possible. Nevertheless, I do enjoy the Lettuce Entertain You restaurants, all of which kind of started as very different, fairly reasonably-priced, local spots. The "Mia Francesca" family of restaurants are similar, in that they are an extension of a small, Chicago original. I've never had a bad experience at any of those. I think most mall-based, chain restaurants will be packed on Black Friday. I'd look for a place a little off the beaten path on Metromix where you can be sure to get a reservation that has a better chance of being honored on time.
  18. I would have no problem bringing Big Jim back short-term and for cheap, as long as we pick up an athletic right fielder to bat between him and Paulie. I'm hoping that addition goes a long way towards remedying our "base-clogger" problem.
  19. QUOTE (Cknolls @ Nov 12, 2009 -> 08:12 AM) Brian Dugan, your syringe and gurnee are waiting, dirtbag. He likely will have a very long wait, given that there's an indefinite moratorium on executions in Illinois. The reality is, the impact of his "death sentence" probably just means a change in cells. He'll die an old man in jail; same as he would have anyway. Everything, and I mean everything, about that entire case is disgustingly vile and unbelievably sad. If multiple DuPage County States' Attorneys were more concerned about justice than with becoming governor, that poor family might have attained some measure of peace a long time ago.
  20. Astronaut, Fireman, Cop, Hockey Player, Baseball Player, President, Actor, Sportscaster, Lawyer. Only the last one took.
  21. I don't know for certain, but wouldn't a free showing of a properly purchased DVD at school ostensibly for educational purposes fall within the statutory "fair use" doctrine? Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phonorecords or by any other means specified by that section, for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright. In determining whether the use made of a work in any particular case is a fair use the factors to be considered shall include— (1) the purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes; (2) the nature of the copyrighted work; (3) the amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole; and (4) the effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work. The fact that a work is unpublished shall not itself bar a finding of fair use if such finding is made upon consideration of all the above factors. 29 U.S.C. Sec. 107 Edit: Ah, I see Jason nailed it more specifically above me.
  22. QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Nov 9, 2009 -> 03:17 PM) I haven't seen a gay person yet start shooting into a crowd of straight people shouting "Gucci is great!". Didn't Andrew Cunanan shout that right before he shot Versace?
  23. QUOTE (chw42 @ Nov 5, 2009 -> 10:55 AM) For once, I'm actually glad that the Yankees won the damn thing. It's been too long. Yes, nine year-old Yankee fans finally have a championship. http://www.midwestsportsfans.com/2009/11/9...r-championship/ Kinda funny.
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