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Everything posted by clyons

  1. clyons


    I remember blowing off studying for finals during the broadcast of the original mini-series in college. That first one was unrivaled. I forgot this new one it was on, tuned in about 10 mins late, and then my kids were rambunctious so I couldn't really watch it like I would have wanted. All of that said, it didn't seem like too much of anything really happened until the last 5 minutes, although the coming attractions seemed cool. I wish I had recorded it; maybe I'll catch it online. Also, I guess this means somebody didn't survive the season finale of "Lost?" I hate it when one show tips off another like that, although the actor could probably come back for brief flashes.
  2. clyons

    Halloween Thread

    The kids and I got to shake hand with Big Jim Thome at his house, first time in several years we'd actually seen him out while trick-or treating. They handed out autographed candy bars once again. The man is truly a class act. I'm glad he played for my team.
  3. QUOTE (Disco72 @ Oct 30, 2009 -> 07:20 PM) It's not really a horror flick, but I always watch The Lost Boys as a guilty pleasure this time of year. This is on right now on Telemundo. Muy bien! Put me down for The Exorcist.
  4. I think even if that story is true--and I believe I've read about similar comments by Governor Connelly in the limo to the effect that "they're going to get us all"--I don't think it really establishes anything. Its just a guy (albeit a powerful one) freaking out in the immediate aftermath of a situation that would freak out just about anyone. It doesn't necessarily reveal or disclose any special insight. Plus, if I recall, phone communications in DC were severely interrupted that afternoon, a fact that initially fueled wide-spread paranoia about a possible coup. That might have contributed to his use of the "C" word more than specific knowledge of any plot.
  5. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Oct 30, 2009 -> 09:00 AM) Bears, Cubs, Bulls, White Sox, Blackhawks. That's the order of interest of this city. I agree with this, especially the first two. For the longest time, the last was also definitely true by a mile. These days, however, I get the sense that the popularity of the last three is a little bit more in flux, depending on the fortunes of the team at any particular time. I don't go to sportsbars much anymore, but from what I remember, the ratio of sets tuned to a particular game can vary alot by establishment and location, so a 5 to 1 ratio at one bar on one evening (NBA opening night, no less) may not be as telling as it seems.
  6. clyons


    QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Oct 28, 2009 -> 06:31 AM) they can try "drunk and consentual" all they want. A portion of these guys were 18+, and she was 15, so it is automatically statutory rape, even if she did say it was ok(which she probably didnt). And contributing to the delinquency of a minor isnt gonna help either. Heck, I dont even think kids over 18 are allowed on a high school campus, and these guys were at a high school dance. The "drunk and consensual" defense worked out pretty well for wealthy Adrian Missbrenner and his other scumbag Burr Ridge buddies who actually videotaped their gang bang of a Naperville girl at his home in 2002. At one point, Missbrenner fled the country ala Roman Polanksi to escape prosecution. After he surrendered and returned, his smart lawyer played the video frame by frame at his trial, and created reasonable doubt by pointing out shots where she was supposedly "smiling" (this was the case where at one point Judge Kerry Kennedy threatened to jail the woman if she did not watch the tape of her alleged assault during cross examination). Missbrenner was found not guilty. If defendants have money, never underestimate the possiblity of acquittal.
  7. QUOTE (Rex Hudler @ Oct 27, 2009 -> 11:06 PM) Anyone know why Notre Dame is playing Washington St. in San Antonio??? $$$$$$$$ ?
  8. I think the woman's appearance is a valid topic of discussion, simply because most average guys, not being serial philanderers or extreme egotists as Steve Phillips undoubtedly is, genuinely cannot comprehend how a relatively good looking, successful guy with a wife and kids could willingly risk everything he has to be with a woman who is decidedly less attractive than his wife. Morally, ethically and in every other respect relative to his behavior, her looks are irrelevant; but on a simple risk-reward scale, it doesn't make sense to most of us. I mean, I know if was going to risk going to jail for armed robbery, I'd try and stick up an armored car instead of a Good Humor truck. If posters choose to refer to her with less charitable adjectives or analogies, I'm not going to get too worked up over it. She's not exactly innocent, and I've read a lot worse on the Internet, and here specifically.
  9. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Oct 23, 2009 -> 12:16 PM) If UCF lied to him during recruiting, it still doesnt matter, and I still dont side with Jordan. You wear the apparel the school provides I couldn't disagree more. But for the "lie" (assuming so for argument), he could have said "no thank you" to their scholarship and presumably gone somewhere with a Nike contract. Besides, fraudulent inducement to a contract is both legally actionable and morally wrong, especially if the school knowingly "lied" to get Jordan, Jr. in order to profit from the attendant publicity. I do agree with you on the larger point of "one set of rules for all," but if they lied to him, all bets are way off. The honorable thing for the school to have done would have been to just say we can't make an exception, no matter how "special" the case.
  10. I read somewhere that young Jordan has agreed to wear everything else Adidas, but claims that the issue of shoes was discussed during his recruiting, and he was assured by the school that he could wear his father's Nike's. If that's true, than I side with Jordan; the school is probably gettting more out of having Jordan in terms of publicity than the other way around, since he obviously doesn't need the scholarship financially. I'd hate to think the school lied and pulled a "bait and switch."
  11. Yesterday, McNeil and Spiegel were debating the wisdom of Versteeg getting sent off after "retaliating" for the big (but clean) hit on Toewes. Today, Rosenblum chimes in and (with the full benefit of hindsight) is all against it. http://blogs.chicagosports.chicagotribune....ing-a-game.html I'm really not adamant for or against fighting, but I had absolutely no problem with what Versteeg did, even the way things turned out. I like the (mostly internal) message it sent. This early in the season, I think you can afford to lose a few battles if it helps win the war in the end. Any thoughts?
  12. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Oct 23, 2009 -> 10:06 AM) Look at the site I posted a few posts above this one, there are plenty of extremely dumb quotes from him just like that. That is no exxaggeration at all I guess to bring this thread full circle we should also rip McCarver's taste in women.
  13. QUOTE (iamshack @ Oct 22, 2009 -> 06:46 PM) Oh give me a break. Tim McCarver is an awesome broadcaster. I learn more about how the game is played and why players do what they do on the field while watching games McCarver does than probably every other broadcaster on television other than maybe Steve Stone. The guy has a very solid knowledge of the game, makes very intelligent commentary, and has a very good voice on air. I think he and Buck work very well together. I want to hear some honest criticisms, not this bs crap about him not being able to "piece together a coherent sentence." Seems to me that liking or disliking broadcasters is a pretty subjective thing and can't be influenced by argument. That said, I'd say that you're opinion of McCarver (though valid as anyone's) is a minority one. While his sentences are coherent, I personally don't think they add too much and mostly just state the obvious. Plus, especially compared to Steve Stone, his observations as to what will (and sometimes what just did) happen in a given situation are often just flat wrong. His "I don't think that taste is there" comment regarding Brad Lidge in WS G2 is one famous example and might seem like an unfair cherry-pick, but to me it seemed fairly typical. As I sit here, however, I can't specifically recall any others.
  14. QUOTE (Capn12 @ Oct 22, 2009 -> 03:21 PM) Our conference refs are an absolute joke. Need more evidence? Don't forget this wonderful 'neutral officiating' bit. I had never seen that. That looks exactly like that old Bud Lite commercial.
  15. clyons

    30 in a 25

    FWIW, driving "too fast for conditions" can encompass more "conditions" than just weather i.e., the amount and speed of other traffic, whether the street is in a residential or commercial area, time of day, etc.
  16. I guess some guys just have problems turning down an obvious sure thing, looks and consequences be damned. She sounds like a total psycho, so she probably stalked him for nookie before going on to stalk his family. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt that he didn't go after her, but just couldn't say no when she threw herself at him. He seems like a dude who's ego is a lot bigger than his johnson. I always thought he was an idiot, but he usually spoke well of the White Sox.
  17. The Bruins' Marc Savard out 4-6 weeks with a broken foot. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2009/hock...y.ap/index.html
  18. This whole post-season has been weirdly bad. Awful baserunning, tons of stranded runners, horrible defense, bullpen meltdowns, brutal umpiring.
  19. Scoscia should ask for a sample of A-Rod's pee.
  20. Did anyone else catch Wilco the last few nights at the Pavilion? Very impressive.
  21. QUOTE (knightni @ Oct 17, 2009 -> 05:38 AM) Yeah. One thing about Notre Dame athletes, in my experience, you very rarely meet a bad person. I'd say that's true, but there have been a couple of notable rare ones who have dragged down the average all by themselves (See, Watters, Ricky; See also, Laimbeer, Bill), or so I've heard. Unfortunately, with big-time athletes in general, that will happen anywhere (some places much more than others--I'm looking at you, illiterate FSU Seminoles).
  22. QUOTE (DBAHO @ Oct 16, 2009 -> 07:59 PM) That's a damn good trade by Angelo, especially with Rod Marinelli as the defensive line coach. I think that may be key.
  23. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Oct 15, 2009 -> 03:20 PM) Ha! Guilty as charged!
  24. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Oct 15, 2009 -> 02:47 PM) No, you were suggesting that we are jumping the gun on huet and it could be like getting on Toews for his slow starts. Then I laughed because Huet will never be close to the player that Toews is. Huet is terrible, his weaknesses are well known in the league and i see nothing but a drop in production as he stays the way he is going forward. He has shown no ability to adjust to the way teams attack him, which is death between the pipes in the NHL. Yes, that's exactly what I suggested because its absolutely true. Look, I've read the thread. You hate Huet and think he's terrible. He's not, although I certainly agree that he's played terribly so far this year over the whopping span of 3 games. Over his career, he has proven to be a league average to slightly better than average goal-tender, which given this team's speed and firepower, is all they need. He is vastly overpaid and I wish his skill matched his salary, but it doesn't and that sucks. But that's not his fault, its Tallon's. Ripping on Huet is already getting old and accomplishes nothing. Furthermore, as I've cited, career-wise, Huet's body of work is much more extensive than Toews' and statistically equal to Khabibulin's, so if you're going to ignore all that and condemn him as terrible based on his slow start, than the comparison to Toews is absolutely valid. I don't dispute that Huet will never come close to being the elite player we all hope Toews will be, but that's wasn't even close to my point. The team is kicking ass with Toews not scoring and Hossa not skating. Can we at least wait until a losing streak until we get our undies all in bundle over Huet? This is like reading a "Fire Greg Walker" thread when the Sox are on a roll.
  25. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Oct 15, 2009 -> 02:49 PM) Trying to publicize their hairbrained idea of a helium air balloon. Nice publicity stunt hilbillies. Now go have another kid and give it a ridiculous name. Snowman?
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