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Everything posted by clyons

  1. 487. They better all be doing their part to uphold the standard of awesomeness that my name suggests.
  2. QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Sep 18, 2009 -> 05:15 AM) do you remember how the Sox got their early lead in games 3 and 4? nothing wrong with how game 5 worked out...just an honest to God curious question (becaaaaaaaause I rememberrrrrrrrrrrr) PKHRs
  3. QUOTE (aprec32 @ Sep 15, 2009 -> 11:14 PM) You ever think that AJ is the only one who cares? Sometimes. Way to go PK!
  4. QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Sep 15, 2009 -> 01:28 PM) To me the thing people aren't talking about is Armando Allen being out. Hughes isn't going to get you that first down and the way the Defense had been playing I agree with the concept you play to win. I would have liked to see some more high percentage passes on those plays though. Fine, then you pass on third and long. But you certainly run on second down and burn an extra 40 seconds or a Mich. timeout, even without your starting back (hell, he called two passes down a starting WR). Hughes' career avg. of almost 4 yards a carry isn't exactly chopped liver, so you certainly can't assume that he'd be stuffed two or even three more times. The argument here seems to be that a hand off to Hughes would have been the same as taking a knee, or that running would have been tantamount to conceding defeat. There's just no way I can buy that. Playing smart IS playing to win. Playing aggressively can be, but it wasn't there. At that point of the game, Michigan and the clock are co-opponents, and you have to take account of both.
  5. QUOTE (bmags @ Sep 15, 2009 -> 12:21 PM) WERE TRYING TO HONOR YOU NOW THAT WE KILLED YOU DONT GET OFFENDED Black Hawk wasn't killed. He just died. Also, if the team ever has to rid itself of its logo, does the state have to blow up his Rock River statute? That's his image, too.
  6. On NCAA 2003 for Nintendo Gamecube, virtual Lee Corso ridicules the piss out of you if you pass with the lead and the clock winding down in a close game. My 5 year old son (who worships Golden Tate) has learned never to do that, having been made fun of by "the Coach" and beaten in a last second come back by his old man. We actually talked about that as it was happening. I was astonished Mr. "Decided Schematic Advantage" hadn't learned that lesson before. In that situation, being stuffed at the line twice is infinitely better than throwing two incompletes or risking picks. Imo, its an absolute no-brainer, and Weis, who seems to want badly to be lauded as a genius, really out-thought himself there.
  7. As someone who is 6'5", I have always been put off by the insensitivity of the New York football and San Francisco baseball teams. My "friend" who suffers from premature ejaculation is constantly humiliated when confronted with a reference to the UMass "Minutemen." I have a pacifist Irish brother-in-law who is offended both by the Boston NBA franchise and the University of Notre Dame. Today, everything is offensive to somebody. That said, and as someone who defended Chief Illiniwek and thinks the Blackhawks logo is the absolute best in sports, I'll agree that "Redskins" and Cleveland's Chief Wahoo are too extreme and should go.
  8. QUOTE (Tony82087 @ Sep 15, 2009 -> 01:55 AM) Two parties have to agree to a contract. The Tigers chose to put in the option. Are you really asking why any team can't just go to court and try and undo a contract they offered to a player at one time? It would be happening weekly. Not to put words in Greg's mouth, but I think he may be asking why the Tigers couldn't effectively argue: "Judge, the parties mutually agreed to an option that vested at X number of at-bats. However, the team, in the exercise of its good-faith, baseball judgment, legitmately believed that giving Magglio X number of at-bats was not in the team's competitive best interests in 2009. Furthermore, we believe that triggering the option would not be in its competitive best interests for 2010." I think that's a legitimate, legal argument. Magglio is hitting .296, but has only 7 HRs and 40 RBIs. I think the Tigers could at least try and make a case that he was benched in an attempt to obtain better power production from his positon, not to intentionally screw with the option (depending upon who the team gave his at-bats to). That's a team's prerogative, regardless of the particulars of any specific player's contract. The test would be whether or not the benching was done in "good faith." Boras and company would argue like hell that it wasn't.
  9. Jim Carroll now among "People Who Died."
  10. I overslept that day and awoke to a report on 'XRT that a plane had crashed into one of the towers. I'm sure like a lot of people, I assumed that some small, private plane had hit it, like would later happen with pitcher Corey Lidle. I turned on the tube with my mind predisposed to believing that's what happened, and my first thought upon seeing the damage was a naive, "they can fix it." A few moments later, I watched the second jet crash into the other tower live on TV. I still can't believe I actually saw that happen and often wish I hadn't.
  11. clyons

    Beatles Poll

    Rubber Soul/John Paul's a wanker. A musical genius, sure. But still a wanker.
  12. I am Catholic and a product of Catholic schools. As a young child, I liked both the Cubs and Notre Dame. As an adult, I despise both. Dr. Freud might have something to say about that, but the truth is that as I grew older, different elements of each fan base definitely began to turn me off. With the Cubs it came easy; I realized there was nothing loveable about losing. But I was once awestruck by Joe Montana in the Cotton Bowl. In High School, I specifically remember listening to a radio broadcast of an ND football game that the Irish won on a last second field goal because--according to the announcer--the Blessed Virgin suddenly stilled the strong winds that had been blowing in from that end zone all day. After that, I started to really resent seeing "God made the Irish No. 1" bumper stickers, "Catholics v. Convicts" T-Shirts and such, even though I realize that they are meant "somewhat" tounge-in-cheek. It hasn't helped matters that both my boss and my in-laws are hard-core alums of the "shrine to the Dome in their basements" variety, and that I'm inundanted constantly with all things Irish. I never really had anything against their coaches until Charlie. Ol' Jabba makes hatin' on the Irish pretty easy.
  13. QUOTE (SoxFanForever @ Sep 2, 2009 -> 11:36 AM) My mom's father was the Cubs' radio announcer on WGN in the 1960's. She met a ton of Cubs players like Ernie Banks as well as other popular Chicago figures such as Stan Mikita. After that they set up a charity golf tournament that used to be held at Medinah and I had a chance as a kid to meet a lot of the same people. I met Minnie Minoso, Stan Mikita, Kevin Butler, Johnny Red Kerr and Tom Dore and got the autographs of a ton of others. Jack Quinlan?
  14. http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/articl...uXhpvwD9AFDG6G1 nar·cis·sism (när'sĭ-sĭz'əm) n. Excessive love or admiration of oneself. See Synonyms at conceit. A psychological condition characterized by self-preoccupation. The attribute of the human psyche charactized by admiration of oneself but within normal limits. douche bag  (doosh bag) n. A small syringe having detachable nozzles for fluid injections, used chiefly for vaginal lavage and for enemas.
  15. QUOTE (jphat007 @ Sep 2, 2009 -> 02:21 PM) Well. It's only iftting we get walked off in our last game. This is on purpose.
  16. I was told there would be no math in this game thread.
  17. clyons

    Films Thread

    QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Aug 27, 2009 -> 08:25 AM) I'm going out on a limb and saying "Inglorious Basterds" is Quentin Tarantino's best film. It avoided the cliches and annoyances of his past flicks (don't get me wrong, I enjoy most, such as RD, PF, KB, etc). I think Basterds will go down as his best film, and will stand the test of time for obvious reasons. The dramatic elements were actually quite believable in this one, and the cinematography was top-notch. I can see this film being studied for years. What an impressive, enjoyable film. I am a big Tarantino fan and enjoyed I.B. a lot, but I'd still rate it a fairly distant second to P.F., mainly because I think P.F. is just an absolute classic. I kind of like how QT always winkingly reminds you that you're watching a "Tarantino Film," from the voices of the unseen characters, to the anachronistic soundtrack tunes, to his use of cartoon-ish on screen titles. You didn't identify the "cliches or annoyances" you thought this film avoided, but in those ways, and, of course, with the dialogue and violence (especially the ever-present QT "Mexican standoff"), I thought it definitely played to all of his strengths. And in terms of the Landa character ond the outdoor cinematography, he definitely hit new highs.
  18. Now Milton has dropped the "R" word. http://www.chicagotribune.com/sports/baseb...0,5478912.story
  19. QUOTE (TitoMB345 @ Aug 24, 2009 -> 08:22 PM) What channel is this game on? 26 (WCIU) in Chicago
  20. QUOTE (Tex @ Aug 24, 2009 -> 05:42 PM) If there is any hypocrisy, it is the NCAA trying to find anyway for teams to keep their mascot instead of just unilaterally banning all tribal mascots. Totally agree, but that's kind of what I've been saying since my first post in the thread.
  21. clyons

    What is your job?

    I'm a dancer. I can dance. Really, I'm a labor and employment lawyer; at least until I win the lottery (see, above).
  22. I just assumed it was a lefty versus righty thing.
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