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Everything posted by clyons

  1. I got the hand, the belt, and broke more wooden spoons than I care to remember. By today's standards (and maybe even by "yesterdays") some would probably say my parents went over the line. I decided way back when that I was not going to be like that "when I grew up." I don't usually spank my kids, but I have done it on a few rare occassions when they have been BAD (such as really talking back), as opposed to just being normal, kid-like "naughty." Generally, I have found that other forms of discipline (time outs, taking away TV or toys) have been just as effective. I'm lucky though, my kids are pretty good and I'm generally proud of how I see them behaving, both with adults and other kids. I don't know what the parents of some of their friends and classmates do for discipline, but with some it obviously isn't working; there seems to be more bratty, spolied kids today than I encountered as a child. However, my wife and I try to use other kids' bad behavior as a teaching point whenever possible, and reinforce our kids' good behavior in contrast. I think that can be more effective than a whack on the ass.
  2. QUOTE (SoxFan1 @ Jul 21, 2009 -> 09:25 PM) Ya, what a moron. Bringing your closer in? Horrible decision. STOP f***ING WHINING!!!!!!!!! Worthless post.
  3. Ozzie's decision making tonight has really pissed me off.
  4. I swear they have a different strike zone tonight.
  5. Sweet DP! Mads props to Clayton for really showing up tonight.
  6. I think the lasting impact of Apollo is vastly undervalued today, particularly its contributions to computer advances. People also forget that it employed 400,000 people, and was, in a sense, its own form of "economic stimulus," in the form of a unique partnership between public and private concerns. Also, I've heard some interesting theories lately about how the Apollo program indirectly effected the Cold War and helped insure peace with the Soviets; the basic theory being that it not only increased American prestige at a time we were "competing" with them for influence over developing nations, but also got the USSR thinking that if we had the technological and finanical ability to land men on the moon, we must also be developing/have developed some bad ass secret weaponry. This not only helped deter potential Soviet aggression against us, but forced them to spend more of their money on guns than butter, similar to the tactics employed by Reagan just prior to the USSR's ultimate downfall. Besides, the space program just totally kicked ass.
  7. Dwise is a god. I've said it all along.
  8. clyons

    Books Thread

    QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Jul 18, 2009 -> 06:56 PM) Just finished The Road. Yeah, not really sure I liked it. Nothing happened. There was a "The Road" discussion a few pages back; I voiced a similar opinion, as did a few others. There was some vigorous dissent.
  9. QUOTE (whitesoxfan101 @ Jul 18, 2009 -> 06:29 PM) This is probably a stupid question, but do you mean Ozzie is going to get fired? I think he meant Jerry will be fired again.
  10. QUOTE (DanksFan @ Jul 17, 2009 -> 05:28 PM) It's nice that I can post some alternative opinions and not get blasted for it here. I don't necessarily believe everything in that article I posted, I thought it would just be good to provide an alternative opinion, true or false. Thank you for being open minded, Soxtalk posters. Sorry, Dude, but I thought that article was satire (what with its references to OJ, Martha Stewart, Monica Lewinsky, etc.). I didn't mean to "blast" anyone, but I'm pretty sure the author did.
  11. Caddyshack Apocalypse Now The Exorcist Goodfellas The Godfather Scarface Jaws
  12. Minimum wage in Illinois is now $8 (for 18+ y.o.); That's about what I pay High Schoolers to watch my 6 and 5 year old. Responsible, reliable babysitters are gold. You don't want to get a reputation as cheap, and find them all "busy" when you need one.
  13. Hate crime legislation should be abolished. A crime is a crime is a crime. Piling on punishment because of a person's thoughts or beliefs is an unconstitutional punishment of that belief. Commission of a crime while under the influence of alcohol or drugs should be considered an aggravated offense, in the same way committing a crime with a weapon is.
  14. QUOTE (GoSox05 @ Jul 17, 2009 -> 09:41 AM) I still think it would have been crazy if Armstrong would have stepped on the moon and been like "OH my god, aliens everywhere. 20 feet tall, shooting lasers." Mass hysteria. In the book "Rocket Men" by Craig Nelson, Buzz Aldrin says the astronauts joked about bringing gold dust up with them and sprinkling it on the collected moon rocks. If that had happened, the moon would probably be colonized by now.
  15. QUOTE (PlaySumFnJurny @ Jul 16, 2009 -> 09:13 PM) Are there really, truly people out there that sincerely believe this was faked? Is belief that 9/11 was an "inside job" a prequisite to that opinion? CNN says polling shows that 6% of our population is most likely delusional, most of them born well after it happened. No word on these folks' specific opinions on the Holocaust, JFK, or Barack Obama's citizenship. http://www.cnn.com/2009/TECH/space/07/17/m...hoax/index.html THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE (TRUST NO ONE).
  16. Are there really, truly people out there that sincerely believe this was faked? Is belief that 9/11 was an "inside job" a prequisite to that opinion?
  17. The new schedule is out. http://blackhawks.nhl.com/team/app?service...season=20092010
  18. QUOTE (fathom @ Jul 14, 2009 -> 10:19 PM) My favorite moment of the game was McCarver saying Youkilis might be the most valuable player in baseball due to his production as related to his relatively low salary (6 million). Meanwhile, the next guy up makes a little over league minimum and has better numbers this year while playing numerous positions (Zobrist). Mine was whenever the stacked bleached-blonde in the 3rd row behind the plate stood up.
  19. QUOTE (ROC Sox Fan @ Jul 14, 2009 -> 09:11 PM) I enjoyed Mark Buehrle's 2009 All-Star performance. AAA+++++++++ would do business again. 5-Star Service. Super-quick delivery.
  20. That is awesome. I was aware of the anniversary, but did not know about this very cool site. Thanks for sharing!
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