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Everything posted by clyons

  1. It should remain tied to that particular season, especially in light of the story behind it (see sig), which was the only reason it was even remotely cool.
  2. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jul 4, 2009 -> 09:12 AM) As Robins biggest fan, he was a terrible defender when he came up. He worked himself into a gold glover. That's not my recollection at all. Not by a longshot.
  3. She's done: if not by choice, than by fate as the result of this choice. Her term was up in 2010, which left her two years to raise funds and campaign full-time for president, undistracted by her Alaskan duties. Fox News can spin this all they want, but America doesn't like quitters, and I don't see how she can effectively run for president with both that label and an "incomplete" on her political resume. Truman famously said: "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen." I smell smoke.
  4. Any love for Wilco (the Band), (the Album) or (the Song) here? Ever since I heard their music described as "dad rock," I've been hesitant to confess my complete adoration. I think the new album is solid, in that it rocks out more than Sky Blue Sky. Favorite tracks after a couple spins: Wilco (the Song), Bull Black Nova, You Never Know, I'll Fight. Also just picked up their new concert DVD, "Ashes of American Flags." Looking forward to watching it this weekend.
  5. Perhaps I'm hopelessly naive, but I don't think he's a juicer and I would be seriously bummed if he were ever exposed as one. Most of the top guys who have been (Bonds, Sosa, Arod, Manny, Palmeiro, Canseco, Clemens), I already thought of as douche bags to begin with. Albert, however, seems like a legitmate class act, in line with guys like Ripken, Junior, and Thome. The sport needs its heroes, and to me it would be a real shame.
  6. Huet will be fine. If it took four years to get Khabby, he can go.
  7. I voted a qualified "No," because I don't expect the return of a healthy Q. I think we'll have a chance at the division if he's back in full form by August 1. I'm conceding the Wild Card to the AL East runner up.
  8. QUOTE (Jenksy Cat @ Jun 29, 2009 -> 03:27 PM) Says he digs the song...and that the honey's would finish the verse/chorus when he stepped in the box, they would play it at bars he went to. I'm sure he owes a good amount of "action" he's gotten to The Outfield. Thanks. If he keeps winning games like Saturday, maybe I'll have to change my name to PlaySumFnOutfield.
  9. I've been away lately, and feel like I'm missing out on an inside joke. Can I assume that Beckham's walk-up music is that old song by The Outfield? If so, is there a particular story behind that, perhaps one in keeping with his "Slayer" nickname? Thanks
  10. I hate everything about them; especially their fans who act genuinely astonished when I tell them that. The team's overall ineptitude is historic and without peer. Its ballpark, though quaint, is inaccessible and reeks horribly of piss. The crowds at that park regularly trash that so-called "shrine's" field with garbage and hurl racial invective at players (most notably their own), yet consistently praise themselves as the greatest in all of sport. Honestly, I don't even like their uniforms. The team's national popularity confounds and annoys me. The team is the Paris Hilton of sport; popular despite a complete and utter lack of quality achievement. I realize everybody loves an underdog, but I especially retch when they're referred to as "America's Team." To me, the Cubs are more comparable to France (although the French have at least won something in the last 100 years).
  11. QUOTE (Rex Kicka** @ Jun 16, 2009 -> 07:47 AM) And here's why the whole thing is BS and manufactured outrage. QUOTE Gov. Palin announced over the weekend that her 17-year-old unmarried daughter is five months pregnant. And you thought John Edwards was in trouble before! Now he has really done it. Jay Leno - September 2, 2008 There was a skit on SNL in September 2008 that referred to the Palin family as being fans of incest and accused her husband of sleeping with her daughters. Where was that outrage? QUOTE Saturday night, Sarah Palin is going to drop the first puck at the Philadelphia Flyers' hockey game. Then Palin will spend the rest of the game trying to keep the hockey players out of her daughter's penalty box. Conan O'Brien - Oct 8, 2008. At the time, Palin was traveling with her 13 and 6 year old daughters. That's very interesting. Good find. I can't help but notice the dates of those virtually identical late-night TV jokes. The governor wasn't exactly in need of attention back then though, was she? Nothing like taking on the Washington/New York "media elite" to help keep one's self in the limelight while firing up the base. Again, doesn't excuse Letterman one bit. They're BOTH big doofusses. Difference is, he knows it.
  12. QUOTE (Wanne @ Jun 15, 2009 -> 05:05 PM) If he could manage to dump Zito...Brian Sabean would be like the doctor that pawned Bob Wiley off on Dr. Leo Marvin. Excellent reference.
  13. Pens Win. Marian Hossa is now officially the David Caruso of the NHL.
  14. clyons


    No, although I used to. I stopped because I was told its a waste of money unless your hair is especially long, curly, or wavy, and that the so-called combination "shampoo plus conditioners" are snake oil. My hair's short but thick, and I never noticed any difference after I stopped.
  15. QUOTE (Jenks Heat @ Jun 8, 2009 -> 01:21 PM) BTW I caught Alexi Ramirez home run yesterday. I thought it would be the omen needed to change things around....hence my Wes Whisler hate.....really put a damper on a cool White Sox moment Congratulations! Very cool.
  16. clyons

    Books Thread

    QUOTE (kyyle23 @ Jun 7, 2009 -> 02:01 PM) If Salinger wins, the book gets barred from publication right? Probably, yeah. However, I don't completely understand all the issues involved, but I think they can be defended so long as there is an acknowledgement that it is "based upon characters created by J.D. Salinger." I know a similar suit filed by the Margaret Mitchell estate against a "Gone With the Wind" sequel ended up a loser. I'm not sure if there's precedent, or if there could be distinguishing factors.
  17. QUOTE (G&T @ Jun 6, 2009 -> 10:44 PM) I had a friend with one in college and had a lot of flavors. It was nice to do after drinking all night. I had one in college, but only smoked one flavor. For the benefit of uninvited guests, we'd put a lampshade on the thing when not in use. Fooled 'em every time.
  18. QUOTE (WCSox @ Jun 5, 2009 -> 06:09 PM) Those of us who were following baseball in the late '80s remember Sammy having Alexei Ramirez's frame. The guy was a freaking toothpick with a jheri curl. I remember one scout commenting that he looked like he was malnourished when he came up with the Rangers. By the late '90s, he looked like Hulk Hogan and was hitting 550-foot home runs. That doesn't happen naturally. QUOTE (santo=dorf @ Jun 6, 2009 -> 10:59 AM) The three biggest ties Sosa has had to steroids: 1. His best friend is Manny Alexander. The same Alexander who loaned his Benz full of syringes and steroids to a bat boy in 2000. 2. "losing" $20k cash in a brown bag in Venezuela 3. His testimony on capitol hill where he was hiding behind his lawyer and supposed lack of the english language. He was smart enough to say he never did any "illegal steroids." Notice the keyword "illegal." If I go to Amsterdam to smoke pot, but I'm clean here, does that mean I've never done any illegal drugs? All this. I don't need to see flakes fall from the sky to know that its been snowing. Its enough for me to see the white ground.
  19. Robert Francis Kennedy, who was assassinated 41 years ago today.
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