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Everything posted by clyons

  1. We need to draft more "can't miss" prospects like Hee Chop Soi, Gary Scott, Kevin Orie, Felix Pie, and Corey Patterson. Lots of people have told me they are going to be superstars.
  2. I have a hard time accepting that its a purely mental thing: too many different professional hitters have been befuddled too long by too many different pitchers, regardless of skill, style or stuff. It has to be poor scouting and/or pre-game preparation; i.e., sending hitters up there without an idea as to what to expect, or a plan to attack it.
  3. clyons

    Books Thread

    QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Jun 4, 2009 -> 07:57 PM) Did anyone see some idiot was trying to write a sequel to A Cather in the Rye? He should be burned at the stake. Yeah, and Salinger's lawyers are all over the hack, which is how I learned about it. Ironically, a suit like that almost does the guy a favor, since it only gets him more publicity.
  4. clyons

    Books Thread

    QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Jun 4, 2009 -> 10:56 AM) Anyone read The Road? I was...disappointed. It had such promise, but nothing happened. I felt like it was a good first 5 chapters of a 20 chapter book. I felt the same way. I was looking forward to reading it, but really didn't think it was very good at all. Well written, yes. But repetitive and kind of boring.
  5. QUOTE (JPN366 @ Jun 4, 2009 -> 11:01 AM) So, Charley Lau was that important that his number has had a moratorium on it indefinitely? Reinsdorf loved the guy. I don't think anyone will wear it while he owns the team.
  6. QUOTE (WSoxMatt @ Jun 4, 2009 -> 09:38 AM) Who was the last Sox player to wear #6? Coach Charlie Lau?
  7. QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ Jun 4, 2009 -> 08:32 AM) I've just noticed this thread, so I'm not going to read through the whole thing. Let me just say, I think we might be rushing him. Me too, but I hope we're wrong. I hate to rush guys, but some players are special, and I do think that if Big Frank had been called up sooner in 1990, we could have held off the A's. I also can't help thinking that with Marquez hurt, Lillibridge sent down, and Betemit DFA'd, Kenny is doing this in part to create excitement and deflect attention away from his God-awful off season. Again, I hope I'm wrong. This could be a fun Summer once Q comes back.
  8. Anybody see these yet? http://www.chicagobusiness.com/cgi-bin/art...id&seenIt=1 Seems like another cool idea from Brooks Boyer and crew.
  9. Apart from the scoreboard, I don't like the new Kauffman outfield. Looks weird.
  10. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ May 29, 2009 -> 08:37 AM) Wasn't it BP who constantly had laughably low % chances of us winning the division in 2005, and that after they had CLINCHED, it was still well under 100%? Yeah, it was still slightly
  11. An articulate, thoughtful view on the Sotomayor nomination and pending confirmation hearings from a leading Republican strategist; a breath of fresh air given the vitriol being spewed by the likes of Rush, Newt and Ann: http://www.cnn.com/2009/POLITICS/05/28/rol...ayor/index.html
  12. QUOTE (lostfan @ May 27, 2009 -> 01:00 PM) 300 and something. There were, what, 6 of her cases that went before the Supreme Court? To say that any appellate court case is one particular judge's is a bit of a misnomer. Appellate court judges hear and decide cases in panels, so even if one judge writes the opinion, at least one other judge has to endorse it for it to comprise the opinion of the court. Technically, its "their" case; not "his" or "hers."
  13. QUOTE (RockRaines @ May 27, 2009 -> 09:51 AM) SO you are saying you think DT is going to be fired after taking the Hawks to the conference finals after probably the largest franchise turnaround in sports history? Unless he can maneuver out from the horrible cap position he has put the team in, he will deserve it. IMO, he's way over his head as a GM. Besides the Campbell-Huet cap dilemma, he left the team in horrible shape to compete after the post-strike rule changes. I can't give him too much credit for Kane or Toewes, those were pretty-much Rod Thorn/Larry Himes-ish no brainers thanks to lousy seasons and lucky ping-pong balls. And its no coincidence that his teams only really began improving once the Bowmans influence rose. If they can s***can Savard just four games in, they can s***can Dale after reaching the conference finals, if that's what they feel they need to do to win. See the Chicago Bulls and Doug Collins.
  14. She's nowhere near the top, but Cindy Brunson (ESPN weekend mornings) has really transformed since she cut her hair a few months ago. May have had a makeover too. Not too shabby!!!!
  15. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ May 26, 2009 -> 10:48 AM) We are 5.5 games out with 3/4 of the season to go. We are still "in" it. Teams have come back from way further back against better teams. Absolutely. Its over a month and a half to the All-Star break. We just need to win series and work our way up the standings one team at a time. I'm not especially thrilled with this team, but that's certainly not beyond the realm of possibility, even as presently assembled.
  16. QUOTE (kapkomet @ May 26, 2009 -> 08:58 AM) This is exactly what I was trying to say in another argument, I mean thread. The pick's political idealogy should have NOTHING to do with it. But of course, it does. I'm not sure this was always the case, but it certainly is today--thanks largely to the current Vice-President of the United States. FWIW, I've always heard Judge Sotomayer spoken very highly of, although before this morning, I had no idea whether she was "liberal" or "conservative." She was previously nominated to the bench by both Clinton and Bush I.
  17. QUOTE (GREEDY @ May 25, 2009 -> 07:48 PM) Making outs here with Fields Bartolo will fight you for your meals Crede's back will make you livid Don't cry... The exodous is here.... . . . Its only White Sox Wasteland . . .
  18. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ May 21, 2009 -> 08:33 AM) This just reminds me of the Soriano rumor in 2006. Probably not as much to it as has been reported. My thoughts exactly. Kenny's big moves usually come in under the radar.
  19. clyons

    Books Thread

    I'm about a third of the way into Columbine by Salon.com's Dave Cullen. Its very interesting, but sad and depressing as hell.
  20. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ May 20, 2009 -> 02:27 PM) It's a generally accepted fact that this kid will die without chemo. Probably. But is it a fact that the chemo would save him? I don't know, but don't think so. Incomprehensibly stupid? Perhaps. "Mentally incompetent" as a legal matter? Not necessarily.
  21. My feelings and opinions on this issue kind of surprised me. Six years ago, before I had kids, I'm sure I would have supported the court-mandated chemo. Now, I can't fathom the state stepping in to override any judgment I would make with respect to my children's welfare. This has to be the parents' call to make. The analogies to the state stepping in when parents physically abuse their kids or willfully neglect them through malnutrition, etc. are not apt. It is a generally accepted FACT that a child who is beaten or starved will suffer harm. That's why those things are crimes. On the other hand, chemo is a roll of the dice--it might help the child, but it might not. I realize that without it, the odds of the kid dying are certainly much greater, but there is no guarantee that the chemo (which can be a bit of an ordeal itself) will even work. Its a judgment call; not a crime. Personally, I'd go to the ends of the earth to help get my kids the best, most advanced medical treatment available. I don't agree with these parents' decision at all, but I respect their right to make it. I could only support a judicial override if the parents were proven to be mentally incompetent. I think their decision is crazy, but they themselves probably aren't.
  22. clyons


    QUOTE (Balta1701 @ May 19, 2009 -> 04:30 PM) Tom Hanks in "A League of their own"? More like Austin Powers, post-thawing.
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