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Everything posted by clyons

  1. QUOTE (YASNY @ Apr 23, 2009 -> 08:15 AM) If I remember correctly, Robin came up blazing with a 0 for 41 start. I think it may even have been 0 for 43.
  2. As I'm about to type "NO," you can put Josh's 2-runner on the board, "Yes!"
  3. Q: What do the New York Yankees and the Chicago Cubs have in common? A: Neither team has won a World Series since moving into its new ball park.
  4. Its close, but I guess I'll go with Kaplan for his unabashed Cubbie-love.
  5. I miss the old divisional playoffs. Bad blood that had percolated between intense rivals during the season often boiled over with the Cup on the line. Some of those Norris division series were epic.
  6. QUOTE (smalls2598 @ Apr 17, 2009 -> 09:40 AM) Correct me if I'm wrong, as I've only really started following hockey the past few years, but don't they restructure the seeds after each round? So the only way the Hawks would play the St. Louis/Vancouver winner would be if Anaheim or Columbus upset? That's right. See note under the "bracket." http://www.cbssports.com/nhl/postseason/bracket
  7. Sharpie to play. http://blogs.chicagosports.chicagotribune....blackhawks.html Let's Go Hawks!
  8. clyons


    QUOTE (daa84 @ Apr 15, 2009 -> 09:05 PM) Who were teh people in the van that tell Miles not to go to the island? Obviously they are against Widmore, so does that mean they are working for/with Ben? Are they some sort of third party? Also they ask the same question Ilana asks to Lupidus "what lies in the shadow of the statue." wtf im so confused The guy in the van who asked that question looked like the same guy who put that question to Lapidus last week. One thing's for sure, there were other passengers on his plane besides the Oceanic Six looking to get to the Island.
  9. QUOTE (CanOfCorn @ Apr 14, 2009 -> 01:15 PM) And to say Edmonds is better is irrelevant. Remember people, HE DIDN'T WANT TO COME HERE! So, he's out. Who's left? Lofton? Gonzalez? Are they better? I would say no. I recall Edmonds not approving a trade here several years ago when he thought he would be better off elsewhere, but I don't see how that rules him "out" for 2009 when he is still unemployed. Things change, e.g., Bartolo Colon.
  10. QUOTE (T R U @ Apr 10, 2009 -> 01:22 AM) I will not. I am an excellent drunk driver, and when you see stories like this there is always a main cause (I.E. blowing through a red light) that is totally unnecessary. Sorry, but I see no harm in driving 2 miles to my house from the bar at 2:30 in the morning when there is rarely a car in sight aside from people leaving the bar and cops, a lot of them, and I have never been pulled over. Why? Because I drive the speed limit, I stay in my lane, I don't run red lights or roll through stop signs. There has only been one time in my life when I was too f***ed up and couldn't drive home and that was after getting hammered at the bar and then taking some colossal rips off the bong and even THEN I was smart enough to tell myself, while extremely f***ed up, that I was too gone to drive and I didn't. Other than that, I am a very coherent drunk.. Your point regarding overreaction to the commonplace on account of celebrity is well taken. With all due respect, your rationalization of your drunk driving is not. I'll venture to guess that the majority of drunk driving accidents involve drivers with attitudes similar to yours. I don't know you, and apologize for sounding so judgmental, but I highly doubt you're as different from the rest of us as you seem to imply. If I'm wrong, I apologize and congratulate you, but even if your conduct has and remains "victimless," your behavior is still unrepentently criminal. Please reconsider, if not for your sake, then for your family's (and, in case we ever attend the same ballgame, my own). Peace.
  11. QUOTE (Flash Tizzle @ Apr 9, 2009 -> 04:27 PM) Every person that tells me not to boo I'll boo even louder. You people are only making it worse! I haven't told anyone not to boo, I just said how I felt about it. The right to boo comes free with the price of a ticket. If it feels good, do it.
  12. The Sox are giving him the video tribute thing. http://blogs.chicagosports.chicagotribune....-white-sox.html That's classy. Imho, booing him would not be.
  13. Horrible, sad story, but there are three postive things we all can do in response to such a tragedy: pray for or just hold a good thought for his family; tell our family members we love them; don't ever let your friends (or yourself) drive drunk.
  14. Thanks for the input and good wishes. I ended up filing the dispute and then talking to the Seller by phone. Supposedly, they just arrived and "the check's in the mail." We'll see by midweek next week.
  15. An international medical journal has called out the Pope for his "condoms help spread AIDS" remark. http://uk.reuters.com/article/homepageCris...10752._CH_.2420
  16. Back on February 13th, I bought and paid for a set of 4 lower box tickets on ebay that the Seller (who sells tickets for lots of teams and events and has positive ratings and feedback) claims that he has still not received from the Sox. I understand that tickets sometimes get shipped out in waves, but I know some people who got theirs back in early March. I sent the Seller a message the other day asking him to call the Sox and check with his rep. He emailed me right away saying he would do that, but I haven't heard from him since. I have four days left to file a dispute with ebay and will probably do that tomorrow, just to protect myself. I smell a rat. Anybody else still waiting on their season tix?
  17. Like the song says: "I've seen lots of things, but I have not seen a lot of other things." Been there/done that: 1. Birth of Healthy kids 2. Attended White Sox World Series Clincher 3. Hawaii 4. London 5. Illini v. AZ Want to: 1. NASA Launch 2. Augusta National 3. Paris 4. Cooperstown while conscious (was there as a toddler and have no recollection) 5. Don't want to say on a family website
  18. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Mar 24, 2009 -> 11:09 AM) I think people are entitled to their opinions. I have a lot of friends who are Blackhawks fans... big time Hawks fans. We're talking we go to the games, we know the players, we grew up playing the game, etc etc. We are annoyed with the Wrigley crowd that boos a top 10 scoring defenseman... you know, a guy who has completely changed our offensive approach. What's different between the offense last year and this year? Brian Campbell. (ok, and a healthy Havlat and natural progression of youngsters, but still, same players pretty much). You may be in the minority, you may not. I don't think it's laughable either way, but I certainly have not seen a poll given to "knowledgeable Hawks fans" to lay basis to anyone's claims. However, of the group of friends I know who live and breath Blackhawks hockey, you would definitely fall in the vast minority. A lot of the newbie fans who expect Campbell to score a goal every game and lay someone out expect more, but stats don't lie... Campbell is doing just fine. Brian Campbell is right in line with his point totals from last year. He's the exact same player he was last year. I look to a knowledgeable Hawk fan who said the following when we signed Campbell. This pundit liked the signing, but understood that Campbell ain't exactly a defensive defenseman. What has changed from then and now? The Hawks have a little rough patch and people start booing a productive player? Puh-leeze! He wasn't signed to do that. Though he's not racking up PP points (though not far off from last year's numbers), our Power Play is better, and it's largely because of Brian Campbell. He's doing exactly what he was signed to do (see point totals). Just because he signed a big contract that won't make him a better player. As another knowledgable Hawks fan, I have no issue with Campbell. He's one of the top offensive D-Men in the game. The Hawks are going to start rolling here soon with Sharp back, and I'll be happy I didn't turn on a player for doing exactly what he was signed to do. This is a good post. Campbell had a horrible game a few weeks ago against Boston, and he looked really bad when he was beaten on a game winner a couple games back at the end of a shift, and the fact that those incidents coincided with the team hitting a rough patch (due primarily, I think, to the loss of Sharp), kind of helped make him a popular whipping-boy for frustrated Hawks fans (both knowledgeable and not). I'm neither a newbie nor a hockey savant, but I think he is what he is, and you have to take his good with his bad. But there's really no denying the fact that he has significantly contributed to this team's improvement, if only on the power play alone.
  19. I've hated that jagoff with a passion ever since the bulls*** he pulled in the '93 Series, putting the towel over his head for the cameras and refusing to even watch let alone root for his teammates. Imo, he's a border line case who will ultimately get in, and despite my hatred, I won't have a cow when he does. I do think he's more deserving than Bly, Morris, Wells, and Mussina and I'd want him over them if I needed a sure win. Sorry, though, there's no way he's one of the all time greats. No way.
  20. QUOTE (Texsox @ Mar 25, 2009 -> 02:49 PM) Scouting buddy of mine from up near Austin A toast to your buddy! (I'll buy at Heidi's).
  21. QUOTE (Kid Gleason @ Mar 25, 2009 -> 07:54 AM) Listening to the new one from The Answer, Everyday Demons. Easily the best damn band out there doing the "Classic Rock" schtick. It never sounds like a gimmick with them and sounds just so damn natural. The vocalist, Cormac, has one hell of an impressive voice making it all complete. If you aren't familiar with them yet, and like just great ROCK, check them out for sure. I saw those guys open for AC/DC in October and was impressed.
  22. We don't have anybody on this team who remotely resembles a prototypical leadoff man. With the roster as presently constructed, ANYBODY we put there will be somewhat of a reach. I'd like to see Getz there, but I haven't seen enough of Spring Training to base that on anything more than wishful thinking, and how bad I think everybody else would be. One saving grace about BA up top is that he'd likely see more fastballs, which he has shown a much greater ability to handle. If he can learn to sit dead red (big if, I know), he might be able to hit up there and even take a few walks before a a starter gets locked in. BA can bring the leather. For that reason alone, I want him in CF over the puss arm and the journeyman minor leaguer. Ideally, he'd hit 9th, but I won't get any more worked up over him at the top than I would almost anyone else at this point.
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